William Howard Taft
An Administrative History
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Public Law 91-132
91st Congress, H. R. 7066
December 2, 1969

An Act

To provide for the establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site.

83 STAT. 273

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,, That, in order to preserve in public ownership historically significant properties associated with the life of William Howard Taft, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire, by donation or purchase with donated funds, such land and interests in land, together with buildings and improvements thereon and including scenic easements, at or in the vicinity of Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, as are depicted on the drawing entitled "William Howard Taft National Historic Site Boundary Map," numbered TAHO-20009, and dated August 1969. The drawing shall be on file and available for public inspection in the offices of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. When acquired such site shall be known as the William Howard Taft National Historic Site.

William Howard
Taft National
Historic Site,

SEC. 2. The administration, development, preservation, and maintenance of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site shall be exercised by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes", approved August 25, 1916, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), and the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the preservation of historic American sites, buildings, objects, and antiquities of national significance, and for other purposes", approved August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.).


39 Stat. 535.

49 Stat. 666.

SEC. 3. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $318,000 to provide for the restoration and development of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site.

Approved December 2, 1969.



HOUSE REPORT No. 91-478 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
SENATE REPORT No. 91-396 accompanying S. 560 (Comm. on Interior & Insular Affairs).
     Sept. 15: Considered and passed House.
     Sept. 24: Considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 560.
     Nov. 18: House concurred in Senate amendment, with amendment.
     Nov. 19: Senate concurred in House amendment.

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Last Updated: 27-Feb-2001