William Howard Taft
An Administrative History
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1. Much of this summary is drawn from Edwin C. Bearss, Historical Data--Home, William Howard Taft National Historic Site (Denver Service Center, National Park Service, October, 1972).

2. Ibid., p. 126.

3. Ibid., pp. 135-136.


1. Articles of Incorporation, William Howard Taft Memorial Association, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, at Columbus, Ohio, July 7, 1937, Vol. 439, Page 537, Records of the William Howard Taft Memorial Association (WHTMA).

2. "Hope to Preserve Taft Birthplace as Memorial," The Cincinnati Times Star, March 9, 1938, Records of the WHTMA.

3. "Taft Birthplace is Sold," Cincinnati Enquirer, April 23, 1940, Records of the WHTMA.

4. Ibid.

5. Memorandum, George F. Schesventer, conversation with Mr. Taft on January 28, 1970, re: William Howard Taft Memorial Association, Records at the William Howard Taft National Historic Site (WIHO) L-58.

6. Nelson L. Burbank, Principal, Win. H. Taft Public School, to Waldo G. Leland, Chairman, Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments, 22 July 1948, Office of the Director, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. (WASO)-Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park File.

7. A. E. Demaray, Acting Director, National Park Service, to Nelson L. Burbank, Principal, William H. Taft Public School, 6 August 1948, WASO-Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park File.

8. Charles Cellarius to Mrs. Benjamin Hoyer, Secretary of the WHTMA, 11 October 1949, Records of the WHTMA.

9. Roy E. Appleman, Staff Historian, to John Littleton, 25 August 1959, WASO-Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park File.

10. Biographical information on Charles P. Taft is available in "Mr. Cincinnati Dead at 85," Cincinnati Enquirer, June 25, 1983, clipping in WIHO K-34 and "Charlie," The Enquirer Magazine, November 30, 1980, clipping in WIHO K-34.

11. Charles P. Taft to Brooke Alloway, 24 May 1965, Records of the WHTMA.

12. "Old Trees Sentinels at Taft Birthplace," Cincinnati Enquirer, 13 September 1958, Records of the WHTMA.

13. Ibid.

14. "Proposal for the Taft Memorial House at 2254 [sic] Auburn Avenue," n.d., Records of the WHTMA.

15. Frederick H. Kock to Charles P. Taft, 4 November 1960, Records of the WHTMA.

16. Resume for Willa Busch Beall, Records of the WHTMA.

17. Willa Beall to Charles P. Taft, 2 January 1962, Records of the WHTMA.

18. Report of the President to the Special Board Meeting, March 31, 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

19. Robert Taft, Jr. to Charles P. Taft, 28 January 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

20. William Howard Taft Home, National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, August 20, 1963.

21. A. Clark Stratton to Charles P. Taft, 29 January 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

22. Charles P. Taft to Herbert E. Kahler, Chief, Division of History and Archeology, 9 March 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

23. Ronald F. Lee to Charles P. Taft, 16 April 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

24. Remarks by Charles A. Taft on Dedication of Alphonso Taft Home as Registered National Historic Landmark, 15 September 1964, WASO-Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park File.

25. "Ceremony Designates Taft Birthplace Here as National Landmark," Cincinnati Enquirer, September 16, 1964, Records of the WHTMA.

26. Charles P. Taft to James A. Rhodes, Governor of Ohio, 24 May 1965, Records of the WHTMA.

27. W. Marvin Watson, Special Assistant to the President, to Charles P. Taft, 11 June 1965, Records of the WHTMA.

28. Charles P. Taft to James A. Rhodes, Governor of Ohio, 19 July 1965, Records of the WHTMA.

29. Charles P. Taft to Daniel R Porter, Director of the Ohio Historical Society, 24 August 1965, Records of the WHTMA.

30. Charles P. Taft to Frank J. Lausche, 2 February 1966, Records of the WHTMA.

31. Fred Schwengel to Charles P. Taft, 8 February 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

32. Fred Schwengel to Charles P. Taft, 22 February 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

33. Fred Schwengel to Charles P. Taft, 14 October 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

34. George B. Hartzog, Jr. to Charles P. Taft, 28 February 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

35. Charles P. Taft to Mrs Lyndon B. Johnson, 1 March 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

36. Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson to Charles P. Taft, 7 April 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

37. Senator Frank J. Lausche, "Establishment of William Howard Taft National Historic Site," Congressional Record, Senate, S. 2626, February 28, 1967.

38. Charles P. Taft to Family, 28 December 1967, Records of the WHTMA.


1. John M. Brigle, Acting Chief, Division of New Area Studies and Master Planning, to Charles P. Taft, 19 January 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

2. Raymond L. Freeman to Charles P. Taft, 5 March 1968, WIHO L-58.

3. Charles P. Taft to Raymond L. Freeman, 4 April 1968, WIHO L-58.

4. Theodor R. Swem to Charles P. Taft, 30 April 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

5. Charles P. Taft to Everett McKinley Dirksen, 20 May 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

6. Stewart Udall to Fred Schwengel, 22 May 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

7. Charles P. Taft to Fred Schwengel, 27 May 1968, Records of the WHTMA.

8. Memorandum, Ernest Allen Connally to Associate Director, Planning and Development, 10 February 1969, Records at the Midwest Regional Office (MWRO) D-18.

9. Charles P. Taft to Fred Schwengel, 13 February 1969, Records of the WHTMA.

10. J. U. Allen, Director of Urban Development, to Charles P. Taft, 10 March 1969, MWRO D-18.

11. Ronald Smith, Family Relocation Planner, to George Hartzog, Director, National Park Service, 21 May 1969, MWRO D-18.

12. Memorandum, Stanley P. Joseph to Regional Director, Northeast Region, 13 May 1969, WIHO L-58.

13. John Dunn, President, Mt. Auburn Community Council, to Charles P. Taft 6 June 1969, WIHO D-18.

14. Memorandum, George B. Hartzog to Legislative Counsel, 9 July 1969, WIHO L-58.

15. Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior to Henry M. Jackson, Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, U.S. Senate, 18 July 1969, WIHO L-58.

16. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Providing for the Establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site. 91st Cong., 1st sess., 1969. H. Rept. 473, p. 2.

17. Ibid., p. 3.

18. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site. 91st Cong., 1st sess., 1969. S. Rept. 396, p. 2.

19. Gerald R. Ford, "Providing for the Establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site." Congressional Record, September 15, 1969, H. 7847.

20. Fred Schwengel, "Providing for the Establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site." Congressional Record, September 15, 1969, H. 7849.

21. An Act to Provide for the Establishment of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site, P.L. 91-132, 91st Congress, H.R. 7068, December 2, 1969, 83 Stat. 273.

22. George F. Schesventer, "Statement for Management and Planning (Management Objectives): William Howard Taft National Historic Site," January 24, 1970.

23. Ibid.


1. Position description, n.d., WIHO-chron.

2. "William Howard Taft National Historic Site," synopsis given by OHGR to MRW, March 1974, n.p.

3. "She'll Make Taft History Live," Cincinnati Enquirer, May 15, 1972, Records of the WHTMA.

4. "William Howard Taft National Historic Site," June 25, 1971.

5. J. Troy Lissimore to Dr. Major Charles Ross McCollough, 28 August 1972, WIHO-chron files.

6. "Restoration of Taft Home is Proving to be a Big Job," Cincinnati Post, June 28, 1972.

7. Memorandum, J. Troy Lissimore to General Superintendent, Ohio Group, July 17, 1972, WIHO A-3821 and H-18.

8. Charles P. Taft to Rogers C. B. Morton, 8 March 1973, MWRO D-18.

9. George A. Palmer, Acting Director, Northeast Region, to Charles P. Taft, 29 March 1973, MWRO D-18.

10. Charles P. Taft to Robert Taft, Jr., 29 May 1973, Records of the WHTMA.

11. John Troy Lissimore to General Superintendent, 10 September 1973, WIHO-chron files.

12. "William Howard Taft National Historic Site," synopsis given by OHGR to MWR, March 1974, n.p.

13. Charles P. Taft to William C. Birdsell, 24 September 1973, Records of the WHTMA.

14. Superintendents's Annual Report, 1973, Ohio Group.

15. William C. Birdsell to Charles P. Taft, 1 April 1974, Records of the WHTMA.

16. William C. Birdsell to Regional Director, Midwest Regional Office, 30 August 1974, WIHO D-18.

17. Annual Report, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 1974, p. 6.

18. Charles P. Taft to Willis D. Gradison, Congressman from Ohio, 17 July 1978, Records of the WHTMA.

19. Fahy C. Whitaker to Charles P. Taft, 12 March 1980, Records of the WHTMA.

20. David Scherer and Renzo Riddo to Assistant Manager, Midwest/Rocky Mountain Team, DSC, 27 October 1980, MWRO H-3015.

21. Mary Maxine Boyd to Mary Lou Grier, Acting Director, National Park Service, 22 March 1985, WIHO A-64.

22. "Welcome Superintendent," Taft Times, August 1985, p. 1.


1. "A Study of Alternatives for the Proposed William Howard Taft Home National Historic Site," National Park Service, March 1968, p. 3.

2. Master Plan for the William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 1970, p. 3.

3. Ibid., p. 14.

4. Ibid., p. 15.

5. Ibid.

6. Edwin C. Bearss to Supervisory Historian, 10 January 1972, WASO Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park File.

7. Hugh C. Miller to Director, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 14 December 1971, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

8. Robert M. Utley to Director, Northeast Region, 29 January 1973, WASO Cultural Resources Management Repository File.

9. General Superintendent, Ohio Group to Park Manager, William Howard Taft, 3 April 1974, WIHO D-18.

10. Senator Robert A. Taft, Jr. to Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior, 27 June 1973, MWRO D-18.

11. Chester L. Brooks, Regional Director, Northeast Regional Office, to Senator Robert A. Taft, Jr., 20 July 1978, Records of the WHTMA.

12. Glenn O. Hendrix, Manager, Denver Service Center to Team Managers, North Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Midwest and Rocky Mountain, Southwest, Western, Pacific Northwest, National Capital, and Historic Preservation Teams, DSC, 14 June 1974, MWRO D-18.

13. "Minutes of Meeting, May 29, 1975, Midwest Regional Office, on the environmental assessment of the master plan, William Howard Taft," MWRO D 18.

14. Robert M. Utley, Assistant Director, Park Historic Preservation to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 23 June 1975, MWRO D-18.

15. Draft Environmental Assessment, Master lan, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, February 1976. p. 104.

16. Randall R. Pope to Associate Director, Management and Operations, WASO, 6 December 1979, WIHO H-3015.

17. Hugh C. Miller to Team Captain, Taft Environmental Assessment, Denver Service Center, 2 January 1976, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

18. Jerry L. Licari to Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, 10 January 1977, WIHO D-18.

19. Marcella Sherfy to Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resources Preservation, Midwest Region, 23 March 1977, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

20. Henry A. Judd to Assistant Director, Planning & Development, 5 April 1977, WIHO D-18.

21. Ibid.

22. F. A. Ketterson, Jr. to Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resource Preservation, Midwest Regional Office, 29 June 1977, MWRO D-18.

23. Hugh C. Miller to Acting Chief, Cultural Resources Management Division, 12 July 1977, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

24. F. A. Ketterson, Jr. to Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resource Preservation, Midwest Regional Office, 8 June 1978, MWRO H-3015.

25. James W. Schaack to Associate Regional Director, Operations, Midwest Region, 23 May 1978, MWRO D-18.

26. John Kawamoto to Superintendent, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 25 June 1980, MWRO D-18.

27. Roger Daniels, Professor & Head, Department of History, University of Cincinnati to Fahy C. Whitaker, 1 April 1980, WIHO D-18.

28. Alexander Harmon, Executive Director, The Christ Hospital, to Fahy C. Whitaker, 18 April 1980, WIHO D-18.

29. Fahy C. Whitaker to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 30 April 1980, WIHO D-18.


1. Charles P. Taft to family, 28 December 1967, Records of the WHTMA.

2. "A Study of Alternatives for the Proposed William Howard Taft National Historic Site," National Park Service, March 1968, p. 20.

3. Ibid., p. 22.

4. William Howard Taft National Historic Site Master Plan, 1970, p. 13.

5. Charles R. Rinaldi, Acting Chief, Office of Land Acquisition and Water Resources to Charles P. Taft, 9 July 1971, Records of the WHTMA.

6. Record of Telephone Conversation, W. C. Birdsell, 30 November 1971, WIHO L-1425.

7. Hugh C. Miller to Director, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 14 December 1971, WIHO-Historic Sites & Structures, Management & Preservation.

8. Edwin C. Bearss to Supervisory Historian, 10 January 1972, WASO-Office of the Chief Historian-Park File.

9. Ernest Allen Connally to Director, Northeast Region, 20 December 1971, WIHO-Historic Sites & Structures, Management & Preservation.

10. Chester L. Brooks, Director, Northeast Region, to Ernest Allen Connally, 3 February 1972, WASO-Cultural Resources Management Repository-Park Files.

11. Troy Lissimore to Charles P. Taft, 4 January 1972, Records of the WHTMA.

12. Major Charles Ross McCollough, "William Howard Taft National Historic Site: Historic Grounds Report," Ohio Historical Society, October 1, 1971.

13. Major Charles Ross McCollough, "William Howard Taft National Historic Site: Archeological Investigation of Grounds," Ohio Historical Society, June 1, 1972.

14. Deborah K. Bauxar, "William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Archeological Investigation of Foundation and Cistern," Historic Preservation Division, Denver Service Center, December 1975.

15. Jan H. House, "Artifacts from William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Archeological Investigation: Foundation and Cistern," Southland Historical Sites, Inc., Williamsburg, Va., September 1976.

16. R. A. Andregg, County Administrator, to Jerry L. Licari, 19 January 1977, WIHO L-1425.

17. Carl B. Westmoreland, President, Mt. Auburn Good Housing Foundation, to Jerry L. Licari, 29 December 1976, WIHO L-1425.

18. Regional Director to Jerry L. Licari, 5 January 1977, WIHO L-1425.


1. The sequence of alterations to the original house is derived from Edwin C. Bearss, "Historical Data--Home, William Howard Taft National Historic Site," Denver Service Center, National Park Service, October 1972.

2. Ibid., p. 152.

3. "A Study of Alternatives for the Proposed William Howard Taft National Historic Site," National Park Service, March 1968, pp. 7-8.

4. Hugh C. Miller to Director, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 14 December 1971, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

5. Norman M. Souder, "Historic Structures Report, Architectural Data Section on the Taft House," Denver Service Center, National Park Service, 1973.

6. Anthony Crosby, "Historic Structures Report, Architectural Data Section," National Park Service, 1979.

7. Ibid., p. 39.

8. Ibid., p. 69.

9. Memorandum of telephone call, R. Neil Thorne, Program Coordinator to Art Eck, Office of Legislation WASO, 14 June 1978, MWRO D-18.

10. Robert Taft, Jr. to Fahy C. Whitaker, 1 August 1978, Records of the WHTMA.

11. Robert J. Shelley, Assistant Manager, Midwest/Rocky Mountain Team, Denver Service Center to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 31 October 1980, MWRO H-3015.

12. Memorandum of telephone call, Bob Whissen, Structural Engineer, Denver Service Center to John Kawamoto and F. A. Ketterson, Jr., Chief, Cultural Resources Management, 26 November 1980, WIHO H-3015.

13. Warren H. Hill, Acting Regional Director, Midwest Region to Dellas H. Harder, State Historic Preservation Officer, 30 December 1980, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

14. John Kawamoto, Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resource Preservation, Midwest Regional Office, interview with author, Omaha, Nebraska, 23 October 1985. In interviews with Mr. Kawamoto and others, several names were suggested as the person responsible for the statement about the significance and integrity of the Taft home. In the absence of unassailable documentation, however, the author chooses not to speculate on the source of the statement.

15. Russell E. Dickenson, Director, National Park Service to Regional Directors, 10 March 1981, MWRO H-3015.

16. "William Howard Taft National Historic Site," report accompanying memorandum from Regional Director, Midwest Region to Director, National Park Service, 20 March 1981, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

17. Russell E. Dickenson, Director, National Park Service to Robert Taft, Jr., 17 November 1982, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

18. Annual Report 1981, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, WIHO A 2621.

19. Regional Director, Midwest Region to Director, National Park Service 7 December 1981, WIHO D-18.

20. Forrest McCain, Budget Division, WASO to Leslie Cain, Programs & Budget, Midwest Region, 11 March 1985, MWRO H-3015.

21. Maxine Boyd to Acting Regional Director, Midwest Region, 2 December 1983, WIHO D-22.

22. Forrest McCain, Budget Division, WASO to Leslie Cain, Programs & Budget, Midwest Region, 11 March 1985, MWRO H-3015.


1. "Taft Data Sought," New York Times, n.d., Records of the WHTMA.

2. Master Plan for William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 1970, p. 15.

3. Memorandum, Jerome L. Licari, 19 September 1974, WIHO-chron file.

4. Ellsworth R. Swift, Acting Manager, Harpers Ferry Center to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 5 May 1975, WIHO D-18.

5. Sarah Olson, "Furnishing Study, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Phase I," 1975, p. l.

6. Edwin C. Bearss to Dan Wenk, Team Captain, William Howard Taft Master Plan Team, Denver Service Center, 28 October 1975, MWRO D-18.

7. Hugh C. Miller to Team Captain, Taft Environmental Assessment, Denver Service Center, 2 January 1976, MWRO H-3015.

>8. Sarah M. Olson, "Sections C & D, Historic Furnishings Plan, William Howard Taft Home, William Howard Taft National Historic Site," April 1979.

9. Edwin C. Bearss to Manager, Harpers Ferry Center, 18 October 1979, WASO-Central Files-Park File.

10. Randall R. Pope to Associate Director, Management and Operations, 6 December 1979, WIHO H-3015.

11. Daniel J. Tobin, Jr., Associate Director, Management and Operations, to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 3 January 1980, MWRO H-3015.

12. Daniel H. Wallace to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 17 March 1980, MWRO H-3015.

13. Fahy C. Whitaker to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 21 March 1980, MWRO H-3015.

14. Fahy C. Whitaker to Regional Director, Midwest Region, 27 October 1980, WIHO H-3015.

15. Randall R. Pope to Superintendent, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, WIHO H-3015.

16. Sarah M. Olson, "Historic Furnishings Report, William Howard Taft Home, William Howard Taft National Historic Site," Harpers Ferry Center, [985, p. 156.

17. "William Howard Taft National Historic Site: Scope of Collection Statement," 30 August 1985, WIHO-chron file.

18. An Invitation to Reclaim a Legacy, The William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Gifts Catalog, p. 11.


1. "A Study of Alternatives for the Proposed William Howard Taft Home National Historic Site," National Park Service, March 1968.

2. Master Plan, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, 1970, p. 3.

3. "Interpretive Prospectus, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Ohio," July 1976, p. 4.

4. Master Plan, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, April 1981, p. 1.

5. Ibid., p. 24.

6. Ibid.

7. Interpretive Prospectus for the William Howard Taft National Historic Site, National Park Service, 1982, p. 3.

8. Ibid., p. 6.


1. Master Plan, William Howard Taft National Historic Site, April 1981, p. 20.

2. Memorandum, George F. Schesventer, Conversation with Mr. Taft on January 28, 1970, re: William Howard Taft Memorial Association, WIHO L-58.

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