
Historic Roads in the National Park System
Raynold Expedition
Barlow Expedition
Jones Expedition
Ludlow Reconnaissance
Dan C. Kingman
Hiram M. Chittenden
1. Quoted in Freeman Tilden, The
National Parks (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951), p. 117.
2. Quoted in Hiram Martin Chittenden,
The Yellowstone National Park: Historical and Descriptive, 2d
rev. ed. (Cincinnati: Stewart & Kidd Company, 1915), p. 42.
3. For the early history of
Yellowstone Park, see in addition to Chittenden and Tilden: Louis C.
Cramton, Early History of Yellowstone National Park and Its Relation
to National Park Policy (Washington: Government Printing Office,
1932); H. Duane Hampton, How the U. S. Cavalry Saved Our National
Parks (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1971); W. Turrentine
Jackson, "The Creation of Yellowstone National Park," Mississippi
Valley Historical Review, XXIX (September 1942), 187-206; Nathaniel
P. Langford, The Discovery of Yellowstone Park (Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1972); Merrill J. Mattes, "Behind the
Legend of Colter's Hell: The Early Exploration of Yellowstone National
Park," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXXVI (September
1949), 251-282.
4. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great
Gatsby (New York: Scribner's, 1925, rpt. 1953), p. 182.
5. Joshua C. Taylor, "Introduction,"
National Parks and the American Landscape (Washington:
Smithsonian Institution, 1972), p. 7.
6. William H. Goetzmann,
Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning
of the American West (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967), pp. 329,
330, by permission of Alfred A. Knopf. Copyright © 1966 by William
H. Goetzmann.
7. Tilden, The National Parks,
p. 123.
8. Chittenden, Yellowstone
National Park, pp. 87-88; Hampton, U. S. Cavalry, p. 56; and
Philip H. Sheridan, Report of an Exploration of Parts of Wyoming,
Idaho, and Montana in August and September 1882, with the Itinerary of
James F. Gregory (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882).
9. Engineer officers in charge of
improvements at Yellowstone were: Capt. Dan C. Kingman, 1883-1887; Capt.
Clinton B. Sears, 1887-1888; Maj. Charles D. Allen, 1888-1890; Maj.
William A. Jones, 1890-1894; Capt. Hiram M. Chittenden, 1899-1906; 1st
Lt. Ernest D. Peek, 1906-1908; 1st Lt. Wildurr Willing, 1909-1910; Capt.
Clarence H. Knight, 1911-1917; Capt. John W. N. Schulz, July-November
1917; and Maj. George E. Verrill, November 1917-June 1918.
10. William F. Raynolds, "Report on
the Exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, in 1859-'60."
S. Exec. Doc. 77, 40th Cong., 1st sess. (1868).
11. Annual Report of the Chief of
Engineers, U.S. Army, 1876 (Washington: 1876). Part 3, pp. 595-596.
Cited hereinafter as ARCE.
12. ARCE, 1887, Part 4, p.
13. Raynolds, op. cit., p.
14. From 1838 to 1863 the Corps of
Topographical Engineers was a separate branch of the Army.
15. Chittenden, Yellowstone
National Park, pp. 51 and 53.
16. Chittenden, Yellowstone
National Park, pp. 70-71.
17. 17 Stat. 32.
18. Ltr, Ludlow to Brig. Gen. A. A.
Humphreys, 1 Mar 1876. In ARCE, 1876, III, p. 570.