Early History of Yellowstone National Park and Its Relation to National Park Policies
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(Arranged chronologically from its establishment in 1871 to the close of the Fifty-fourth Congress, March 3, 1897)


December 18, 1871 (159). Introduction of S. 392 to create Yellowstone National Park, Senator Pomeroy, Kansas. Introduction similar bill, H. R. 764, Delegate Clagett, Montana (199).

January 22, 1872 (484). S. 392 reported in Senate by Pomeroy.

January 23, 1872 (520). Attempt to pass S. 392 in Senate.

January 30, 1872 (697). S. 392 passed by Senate.

February 27, 1872 (1243-1244). S. 392 passed by House.

February 28, 1872. H. R. 764 reported by Dunnell, of Minnesota. (H. Rept. 26.)


February 22, 1873. Secretary of the Interior approves and transmits Superintendent Langford's request for money for roads. (H. Ex. Doc. 241.)


February 24, 1874. H. R. 2177, to amend, proposed by Secretary, introduced by Maginnis, of Montana. (H. Ex. Doc. 147.)

March 31, 1874. H. R. 2781 reported from Public Lands Committee of House by Dunnell, of Minnesota, as substitute for H. R. 2177, and recommitted.

March 6, 1874. S. 581, to amend, proposed by Secretary, introduced by Windom, of Minnesota.

March 27, 1874. S. 581 reported with amendment by Oglesby, of Illinois. (S. Rept. 216.)


December 8, 1874. Letters of Secretary and Langford ask $100,000 for roads. (H. Ex. Doc. 20.)

December 15, 1874. H. R. 2854, military road Green River to Fort Ellis, favorable report by Secretary of War.

March 1, 1875 (2017). Dunnell amendment for road appropriation defeated.


June 1, 1876. H. R. 180 by Steele, of Wyoming, for military road from Green River City to Yellowstone Park and Fort Ellis reported by House Military Affairs Committee. (H. Rept. 616.)

July 12, 1876. H. R. 2118 by Maginnis for appropriation to build Army posts on Yellowstone and Muscleshell passed by House.

July 13, 1876 (4546). H. R. 2118 passed by Senate.


February 4, 1878. H. R. 3026, to fix northern boundary of Yellowstone Park, introduced by Corlett, of Wyoming, and referred to Appropriations Committee.

April 29, 1878. Similar bill by Corlett introduced and referred to Public Lands Committee.

March 6, 1878. Secretary Schurz urges appropriations and legislation and transmits letters of Norris, Hayden, Comstock, et al. (H. Ex. Doc. 75.)

March 11, 1878. H. R. 3785 for appropriation protection and improvement of Yellowstone Park introduced by Williams of Michigan, and referred to Appropriations Committee.

June 13, 1878 (4557 and 4580). Amendment in House by Williams to sundry civil bill for money to preserve and improve Yellowstone Park.


February 24, 1879. Sundry civil bill for 1880 passed by House under suspension carrying $10,000 for Yellowstone Park as reported by committee.


March 15, 1880. H. R. 5207 introduced by Downey, of Wyoming, for appropriation for protection of Yellowstone Park.

May 10, 1880, H. R. 6132 introduced by Downey, of Wyoming, concerning Yellowstone Park leases.

May 10, 1880. H. R. 6133 introduced by Downey, of Wyoming, to amend boundary of Yellowstone Park.


December, 1881. Estimate Norris back pay claim. (H. Ex. Doc. 85.)

January 16, 1882. H. R. 3174 introduced by Post, of Wyoming, to construct military road from Fort Washakie to Yellowstone Park. Adversely reported later by Military Affairs Committee. (H. Rept. 1006.)

January 30, 1882. H. R. 3751 introduced by Cox, of New York, to protect Yellowstone Park; referred to Public Lands Committee. Would transfer park to War Department, permit railroad, and provide penalties. Wyoming jurisdiction.

January 30, 1882. H. R. 3812 introduced by Post, of Wyoming, to permit service of process in Yellowstone Park. Referred to Judiciary Committee.

August 8, 1882. Sundry civil act carries pay for Norris claim.


December 7, 1882. Vest resolution adopted calling on Secretary of the Interior for information as to leases.

January 9, 1883. Secretary of the Interior reports on leases. (S. Ex. Docs. 10-48.)

December 12, 1882 (193). Vest resolution adopted by Senate directing Committee on Territories to inquire as to what legislation was necessary to protect public property and enforce laws in Yellowstone Park, etc.

January 5, 1883 (870). Senator Vest from Territories reports S. 2317 to amend Yellowstone Park act as result of Vest resolution and quotes Secretary of the Interior, Governor Crosby, General Sacket and General Sheridan.

January 29, 1883, Representative Deuster, of Wisconsin, introduced H. R. 7439 of same title as S. 2317. Referred to Public Lands Committee.

February 1, 1883 (1874). Senator Vest presents petition of Kent County, (Mich.), Sportsman's Club for enlargement of Yellowstone Park.

February 1, 1883 (1942). Representative George R. Davis, of Chicago, presented resolutions of Legislature of Illinois thanking General Sheridan and Senator Vest.

February 7, 1883 (2182-3). Governor of Montana sends memorial asking care in leasing in Yellowstone Park.

February 14, 1883 (2678). Representative Bayne, of Allegheny, Pa., presented resolution from Sportsmen's Association of Western Pennsylvania indorsing report of General Sheridan.

February 17 and 19, 1883 (2835, 2836, 2890). Debate on Vest resolution for special committee to investigate Yellowstone conditions and authorizing Secretary of the Interior to ask aid of Secretary of War.

February 24, 1883 (3214). Same.

February 26, 1883 (326-3270). Same.

February 23, 1883 (3193-3195). House debate on Yellowstone item in sundry civil bill.

March 1, 1883 (3482-3488). Senate debate on Yellowstone item in sundry civil bill.


December 4, 1883. Senate adopts Vest resolution asking Secretary of the Interior for Yellowstone Park data.

December 4, 1883. Memorial received from Legislature of Montana asking mining district be excluded from park. (S. Misc. Doc. 9.)

December 4, 1883. Senator Vest introduces S. 221 to revise Yellowstone Park act.

December 20, 1883 (199). Senator Fair presented memorial of Legislature of Nevada protesting long leases in Yellowstone Park and against park passing from control of the Government.

January 29, 1884. H. R. 4363 introduced by Maginnis, of Montana, and referred to Committee on Pacific Railroads—Cinnabar & Clarks Fork Railroad.

February 4, 1884. S. 1373 introduced by McMillan, of St. Paul, to grant right of way in Yellowstone Park to Cinnabar & Clarks Fork Railroad Co.

February 4, 1884. S. 221 reported by Senator Vest from Territories.

February 14, 1884. Representative Burns, of St. Joseph, Mo., presented joint resolution from the Legislature of Missouri instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives of that State to protect Yellowstone Park and thanking Senator Vest.

February 27, 1884. S. 1373 reported favorably in Senate with amendment. (S. Rept. 239.)

February 27, 1884. S. 1666 introduced by Lapham, of New York, Yellowstone Park Railroad.

March 4-5, 1884 (1580-1582, 1609-1612). S. 221 by Vest to add 2,000 square miles to Yellowstone Park and regulate park debated and passed by Senate.

March 10, 1884. H. R. 5715 introduced by Rosecrans, of California, bill to incorporate the Yellowstone Park Railroad.

March 18, 1884. H. R. 6083 reported by Representative Haubach as substitute for H. R. 4363. (H. Rept. 832.)

January to July, 1884. Reports House Executive Document 139, Senate Executive 47-207, by Secretary of the Interior on Yellowstone leases.

May 27, 1884 (4547-4553). 8. 1373 debated—Conger, Logan, Harrison, Vest.

May 28, 1884. Senate adopts resolution of Wilson, of Iowa, calling on Secretary of the Interior for Yellowstone Park papers.


December 19, 1884. Estimate $40,000 for Yellowstone. (H. Ex. Doc. 50.)

January 24, 1885. House Committee on Territories by Post reports S. 221. (H. Rept. 2383.)

February 13, 1885 (1640-1641). House debates, amends, and passes S. 221 on park boundaries.

February 13, 1885. At request of Conger, Senate appoints conference—Vest, Harrison, Manderson.

February 13, 1885. House appoints Pryor, Hill, Kiefer as conferees.

February 13, 1885 (1703-1703). House approves and debates provision in legislative, executive, and judiciary appropriation bills for investigation of Indian education and Yellowstone Park by special committee.

March 3, 1885. Speaker appoints as Special Committee on Indian Education and Yellowstone Park, Representatives Holman, of Indiana; W. H. Hatch, of Missouri; Peel, of Arkansas; Cannon, of Illinois; and Ryan, of Kansas.


December 8, 1885. S. 101 introduced by Vest to revise the Yellowstone Park act.

January 7, 1886. H. R. 2881 introduced by Toole, of Montana, and referred to Public Lands Committee. Cinnabar & Clarks Fork Railroad Co.

January 11, 1886. H. R. 3756, Toole, same title.

January 11, 1886. S. 980 for Cinnabar & Clarks Fork Railroad, introduced by McMillan.

January 7, 1886. H. R. 2879 introduced by Toole, of Montana, and referred to Judiciary, service of process in military and Indian reservation and Yellowstone Park. Reported by Mr. Bennett March 30, 1886. (H. Rept. 1390.)

February 1, 1886. Senate receives report of Special Agent W. Hallett Phillips on Yellowstone Park requested by Manderson resolution. (S. Ex. Doc. 51.)

February 23, 1886. H. R. 5880 reported by Public Lands Committee as substitute for H. R. 2881 and H. R. 3756. (H. Rept. 672.)

March 9, 1886. S. 980 reported by Sabin, of Minnesota, from Railroad Committee with substitute. (S. Rept. 204.)

March 16, 1886. Holman Select Committee reported to House. (H. Rept. 1076.)

March 20, 1886. Senate received petition from citizens of Cooke for wagon road between Cooke and Cinnabar.

March 22, 1886. Resolutions of Representatives Lawler, of Illinois, and Green, of New York, not reported, ask the Secretary to transmit papers concerning Yellowstone Park leases especially Northern Pacific. (H. Misc. Docs. 174, 176.)

March 23, 1886 (2646). S. 980 referred to Senate Committee on Territories.

May 5, 1886. S. 980 reported with amendment by Butler, of South Carolina. (S. Rept. 938.) Minority by Senator Manderson, of Nebraska.

May 17, 1886. Senate committee reports S. 2436 as substitute for S. 101.

June 8, 1886. Senator Allison, of Iowa, objects to consideration of S. 980 (5409).

June 21, 1886 (5943-5950). S. 980 debated in Senate. Three later attempts to call up bill failed. (See pp. 6208, 6440, 6680.)

July 12, 1886 (0758). S. 2436 discussed in Senate.

July 20, 1886 (7220, 7221). Item in sundry civil bill for 1887 for Yellowstone Park discussed and amended in Senate.

August 2, 1886 (7841-7846). Debate on above.

August 2, 1886 (7863-7867). Debate on above.

August 3. 1886 (7915-7918). Debate on above.

January 28, 1887 (1126-1127). Senate discussed S. 2436.

January 29, 1887 (1143-1154). Senate discussed and passed S. 2436.

February 25, 1887 (2231). Senate receives memorial from Legislature of Montana in behalf of settlers in Yellowstone.


December 12, 1887. S. 283 to revise Yellowstone Park act introduced by Vest, eliminating Montana and Idaho strips.

January 10, 1888. H. R. 4452 for government of park introduced by Carey, of Wyoming. Referred to Public Lands Committee.

February 20, 1888. S. 283 reported with amendments by Manderson, from Territories Committee. (S. Rept. 315.)

March 29, 1888. (2474-2476). S. 283 discussed and passed. (816 of Index.) Avalanche of petitions for protection of Yellowstone Park.

July 24, 1888. S. 283, consideration in House objected to (6768).

July 26, 1888. 5. 283 reported by Wheeler. House Report 3071 with amendments for Cinnabar-Cooke City Railroad.

October 8, 1888. (9301-9302, 9304-9306). S. 288 debated in House.


March 1, 1889. 5. 283 returned to Senate at request of Vest.

March 2, 1889 (2587). S. 283 amended and passed by Senate.

March 2, 1889. S. 283, consideration objected to in House.


December 4, 1889. S. 491 to revise Yellowstone Park act introduced by Vest. Same as S. 283 above.

December 16, 1889. S. 1275 to revise Yellowstone Park act introduced by Vest.

December 18, 1889. H. R. 987, introduced by Carey, of Wyoming; to revise Yellowstone Park act.

January 20, 1890. S. 491 reported by Manderson. (S. Rept. 128.)

February 14, 1890. Estimate by Secretary of War, $50,000 for buildings for troops in park. (H. Ex. Doc. 188.)

February 21, 1890 (1584). S. 491 amended and passed by Senate.

April 15, 1890. S. 491 reported in House, authorized railroad, with amendment, by Payson. (H. Rept. 1454.)

April 17, 1890. Estimate by Secretary of the Interior, $27,221 if pending legislation enacted.

September 29, 1890 (10696-10697). S. 491 discussed and objected to in House.


January 15, 1891. Senate passed Sanders resolution directing the Secretary to investigate what settlers were in Yellowstone March 1, 1872.

February 12, 1891 (2533-2540). Senate debated and passed S. 3894 by Turple for Montana & Wyoming Railroad near Yellowstone Park.

February 19, 1891. Senate receives memorial Montana Legislature on right of way for Montana Mineral as provided in House Committee amendment to S. 491. (S. Misc. Doc. 75.)


December 10, 1891. S. 428 to revise Yellowstone Park act.

December 14, 1891. Sanders, of Montana; introduced S. 667 to change boundaries of Yellowstone Park.

January 25, 1892 (517). H. R. 4545 introduced by Stockdale, of Mississippi. Referred to Public Lands Committee. (Montana Mineral Railroad.)

January 25, 1892. Carey introduced S. 1843 to provide for punishment of offenses in Yellowstone Park.

February 1, 1892. Washburn, of Minnesota; introduced 5. 1963 to incorporate the Yellowstone Park Co.

February 9, 1892. Dixon, of Montana; introduced H. R. 5674 to revise the Yellowstone Park act.

February 18, 1892. S. 2286 to grant right of way through Yellowstone Park to Montana Mineral Railroad Co., introduced by Carlisle, of Kentucky.


February 26, 1892. S. 2373, to establish boundaries of Yellowstone Park, introduced by Warren.

February 29, 1892. Secretary reported on settlers. (S. Ex. Doc. 47.)

March 7, 1892. S. 1843 reported from Territories by Senator Carey. (S. Rept. 322.)

March 25, 1892 and April 5, 1892. (See hearings.) H. R. 7556 reported by Tucker, of Virginia, as substitute for H. R. 4545. (H. Rept. 854.) Minority report by De Armond, of Missouri.

March 25, 1892. S. 2373 reported with amendment report by Platt.

March 29, 1892. Stockdale, of Mississippi, introduced H. R. 7693 to repeal Yellowstone Park act.

April 8, 1892 (3096). On motion of McRae, of Arkansas, the Committee on Public Lands directed an investigation of Yellowstone Park matters.

April 8, 1892. Carey introduced 5. 2874 to authorize leases in Yellowstone Park.

April 23, 1892. Taylor, of Illinois, introduced H. R. 8355 to confirm Yellowstone Park leases.

May 10, 1892 (4119-4127). S. 2373 debated and passed by Senate.

June 3, 1892. Stout reports S. 2373. (H. Rept. 1574.)

June 22, 1892 (5434-5436). Senate debates S. 1843.

July 9, 1892 (5932-5933). Amendment to sundry civil appropriation bill for roads in Yellowstone Park and beyond.

July 20, 1892 (6458 and special committee reports). H. R. 9597 introduced by Public Lands Committee through McRae, of Arkansas, to provide for punishment of offenses and regulation of leases in Yellowstone Park. (H. Rept. 1956.)

July 28, 1892. Warren introduces S. 3485 for road from Snake River to Du Noir Creek.


January 30, 1893. H. R. 9597 reported by McRae, with minority report (H. Rept. 2380.)


August 8, 1893. S. 43 to revise Yellowstone Park act introduced by Vest.

August 8, 1893. S. 159 to authorize leases in Yellowstone Park introduced by Carey.

August 24, 1893. S. 692 introduced by Power, relief for C. McCartney.

September 9, 1893. S. 884, to authorize electric railroad in Yellowstone Park, introduced by Shoup, of Idaho (by request).

September 6, 1893. R. R. 59, to authorize electric railroad in Yellowstone Park by David B. May, introduced by Doolittle, of Washington, by request.

September 1, 1893 (1138). H. R. 7, to define boundaries of Yellowstone Park, introduced by Hartman, of Montana. Referred to Public Lands Committee.

September 20, 1893. S. 957, for relief C. J. Baronett, introduced by Senator Power.


December 18, 1893. S. 1302, to establish the boundaries of Yellowstone Park, introduced by Carey.

January 4, 1894. S. 1380, introduced by Senator White, for relief Martin McQuirk.

January 8, 1894. H. R. 5066, to encourage and establish better facilities for travel to and from, into and through Yellowstone Park, introduced by Coffeen, of Wyoming (Grand Island-Wyoming Central as extension of Burlington).

January 16, 1894. H. R. 5293, concerning leases in Yellowstone Park, introduced by Hayes, of Iowa, as proposed by Secretary Holn Smith and Captain Anderson.

February 8, 1894. H. R. 5293 reported by Gresham. (H. Rept. 380.)

March 9. 1894. S. 1753 to define boundaries of Yellowstone Park, introduced by Carey.

March 26, 1894. H. R. 6442 to protect birds and animals and punish crime in Yellowstone Park, introduced by Lacey of Iowa.

April 3, 1894. S. 166 to punish offenses reported with amendment by Carey from Territories. (S. Rept. 295.)

April 4, 1894. H. R. 6442 reported by Lacey. (H. Rept. 658.)

April 6, 1894 (3503). H. R. 6442, consideration objected to.

April 7, 1894. S. 166, request for consideration objected to.

April 10, 1894 (3631). H. R. 6442 amended and passed House without debate.

April 14, 1894 (3751). H. R. 6442 reported by Senator Carey with substitute and consideration objected to.

April 18, 1894. Senate ordered printed certain letters concerning Yellowstone Park. (S. Misc. Doc. 156.)

April 19, 1894. Protests received by House from citizens of Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah against H. R. 5066.

April 21, 1894 (3939-3941). H. R. 6442 debated, amended, and passed Senate.

April 24, 1894 (3961). H. R. 6442, Senate appoints conferees—Senators Carey, White, and Vest.

April 25, 1894. H. R. 6442, House appoints conferees—Representatives McRae, Hare, and Lacey.

May 1, 1894 (4296-4297). H. R. 6442, conference report agreed to in House.

May 2, 1894 (4315). H. R. 6442, conference report agreed to in Senate.

May 7, 1894. H. R. 6442, approved by President.

April 6, 1894 (3500-3503). H. R. 5293 passes House.

July 18, 1894. H. R. 5293 reported by Senator Faulkner. (S. Rept. 548.)

July 26, 1894. H. R. 5293 passed Senate without debate.

August 3, 1894. H. R. 5293 approved by President.

August 7, 1894. H. R. 5066, transportation in Yellowstone Park, adverse report by Representative Hare, of Ohio. (H. Rept. 1385, carrying reports of Secretary Lamar, Captain Anderson. and quoting General Sheridan.)

August 7, 1894. H. R. 59 for electric railroad reported adversely by Representative Lacey, of Iowa. (H. Rept. 1387, including reports of Secretary Hoke Smith and Captain Anderson.)


February 5, 1895. H. R. 7, to establish the boundaries of Yellowstone Park, adversely reported by Representative McRae. (H. Rept. 1763.)

February 13, 1895. S. 957 reported by Senator White. (S. Rept. 925.)

February 19, 1895. S. 642 reported by Senator Faulkner.

March 2, 1895. S. 1380 reported by Senator White carrying map showing effect of various bills.


December 4, 1895. S. 320 introduced by Senator Shoup, of Idaho, to authorize an electric railroad in Yellowstone Park.

December 6, 1895. H. R. 345 for electric railroad in Yellowstone Park, introduced by Representative Doolittle.

January 21, 1896. 5. 1654 to amend Lacey Act, introduced by Senator Carter, of Montana.

January 22, 1896. H. R. 4587 to amend Lacey Act, introduced by Representative Hartman, of Montana.

January 30, 1896. H. R. 5170 to open Yellowstone Park timber reserve to location mining claims, introduced by Representative Mondell, of Wyoming.

February 3, 1896. H. R. 5373 to establish Yellowstone Park boundaries, introduced by Representative Hartman, of Montana.

February 18, 1896. H. R. 6260 introduced by Representative Hartman, similar to S. 2540.

February 26, 1896. Senate resolution of Senator Allen asking information from the Secretary of the Interior as to poaching, adopted by Senate.

March 16, 1896. Senate receives report from Secretary of the Interior on game in Yellowstone Park. (S. Ex. Doc. 170.)

March 16, 1896. S. 2540 introduced by Senator White, of California, to pay for Baronett's bridge and for McCartney's and McGuirk's buildings at Mammoth Hot Springs.

April 10, 1896. S. 320 adversely reported by Senator Davis.

April 28, 1896. S. 2540 reported with amendment by Senator White. (S. Rept. 810.)

May 15, 1896. S. 2540 passed Senate without debate.

May 15, 1896. H. R. 6260 reported in House by Representative Allen, of Utah. (H. Rept. 1846.)


February 17, 1897. Resolution of Senator Vest adopted by Senate as to elevator or other appliances to convey persons up and down in Yellowstone Canyon.

February 25, 1897. Senate receives report of the Secretary of the Interior as to elevator in Yellowstone Canyon proposed by David May. (S. Doc. 151.)

February 2, 1897 (1423). S. 1654 reported by Senator Teller from Judiciary Committee, and some discussion.

February 28, 1897. S. 1654 rereferred to Judiciary Committee at request of Senator Hoar.

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Last Updated: 09-Dec-2011