Early History of Yellowstone National Park and Its Relation to National Park Policies
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Letter of transmittal

Early explorations

Folsom-Cook expedition of 1869

Washburn-Doane expedition of 1870

Montana in 1870 and 1871

Hayden expedition of 1871

Passage of the Yellowstone National Park act

Who secured the creation of the Yellowstone National Park?

Later Yellowstone expeditions

Administration, legislation, appropriations

Yellowstone Park claims

Points of order

Congressional friends of Yellowstone

Chronological legislative history


Appendix A—Act of March 1, 1872, creating Yellowstone National Park

Appendix B—Act of May 7, 1894, to give protection

Appendix C—Act of August 3, 1894, concerning leases

Appendix D—"The Valley of the Upper Yellowstone, by C. W. Cook," Western Monthly, July, 1870

Appendix E—"The Yellowstone Expedition," from notes of N. P. Langford, Helena Daily Herald, September 26, 1870

Appendix F—"The Yellowstone Expedition," from the notes of H. D. Washburn, Helena Daily Herald, September 30, 1870

Appendix G—"Mount Everts," Cornelius Hedges, Helena Daily Herald, October 8, 1870

Appendix H—"The Great Falls of the Yellowstone," Cornelius Hedges, Helena Daily Herald, October 15, 1870

Appendix I—"Hell-Broth Springs," Cornelius Hedges, Helena Daily Herald, October 19, 1870

Appendix J—"Sulphur Mountain and Mud Volcano," Cornelius Hedges, Helena Daily Herald, October 24, 1870

Appendix K—"Yellowstone Lake," Cornelius Hedges, Helena Daily Herald, November 9, 1870

Appendix L—Editorial, New York Times, October 14, 1870

Appendix M—Report of Lieut. G. C. Doane

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Last Updated: 09-Dec-2011