Animal Life in the Yosemite
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a. Margin of San Joaquin Valley near Snelling, showing associations in Lower Sonoran Life Zone. View taken in winter from earth bluffs northeast of town looking south across cultivated and pastured river-bottom lands; a slough scatteringly bordered with willows in middle distance, and Fremont cottonwoods bordering Merced River in far distance (top).

b. The blue oak marks a conspicuous association several miles in width along the foothills bordering the San Joaquin Valley. The view here shown was taken in February in the Upper Sonoran Zone near Pleasant Valley. In winter the mistletoe clumps in these trees are patronized for berries by the Audubon Warbler, Western Robin and Western Bluebird; throughout the year these trees are inhabited by such birds as the California Woodpecker, Interior California Jay, Phainopepla, Plain Titmouse, and Slender-billed Nuthatch (bottom).


a. Scene near Pleasant Valley in May showing mixed brush and open forest associations in the Upper Sonoran Zone. The principal tree is the digger pine. Here on the ground were caught the Streator Wood Rat, Common and Boyle white-footed mice, and Digger Pine Pocket Gopher; the trees were inhabited by such birds as the Interior California Jay, Pacific Black-headed Grosbeak, and Western Gnatcatcher; and in the greasewood brush (Adenostoma) topping the ridge were the Bell Sparrow, Northern Brown Towhee, California Thrasher, and Pallid Wren-tit (top).

b. View near the McCarthy ranch, three miles east of Coulterville; altitude 3200 feet, at the lower edge of the Transition Zone. Trees shown are yellow pines, and the brush plants are sticky manzanita (Arctostaphylos mariposa) Photographed in June, 1915 (bottom).


a. Detailed view near Rocky Point on base of talus slope on north side of Yosemite Valley; golden oak association, Transition Zone. Inhabited by the California Wildcat, Boyle White-footed Mouse, Streator Wood Rat, California Ground Squirrel, Mariposa Chipmunk, California Gray Squirrel, Band-tailed Pigeon, California Woodpecker, Western Skink and Coral King Snake; and, in summer, by the Cassin Vireo and Black-throated Gray Warbler (top).

b. Shaded south margin of Merced River near El Portal, as photographed in December; lower margin of Transition Zone. The habitat of the Adorned Shrew and Sierra Cantankerous Meadow Mouse, and in winter, of the American Dipper (bottom).


a. General view of lower part of Yosemite Valley as taken looking east from the Big Oak Flat Road in winter. At the left a talus slope clothed with golden oak; below, the forest on the Valley floor, comprising yellow pine, sugar pine, and black oak, and, in streamside tracts, black cottonwood. These areas constitute markedly differing associations in the Transition Zone (top).

b. Meadow on floor of Yosemite Valley near Rocky Point, as seen in June; Transition Zone. Here were trapped the Yosemite Mole, Yosemite Shrew, Yosemite Meadow Mouse, and Yosemite Pocket Gopher. The trees at the right, black cottonwoods harbored such birds as the Willow Woodpecker, Modoc Woodpecker, California Yellow Warbler, and Western Warbling Vireo (bottom).


Animal Life in the Yosemite
©1924, University of California Press
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

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