Animal Life in the Yosemite
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a. Ridge directly east of Half Dome; altitude 7500 feet, in the Canadian Zone. The trees are chiefly Jeffrey pine and in them are to be found the Sierra Grouse, Audubon Warbler, Short-tailed Mountain Chickadee, Sierra Creeper and Red-breasted Nuthatch. The low brush is huckleberry oak and this affords shelter to the Allen Chipmunk and Mountain Alligator Lizard. Photo by Ansel F. Hall (left).

b. Forest association in Canadian Zone one mile east of Chinquapin; altitude 7000 feet. The trees are lodgepole pine, white fir, and red fir. Birds noted here were Calliope Hummingbird, Hammond Flycatcher, Blue-fronted Jay, Cassia Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, Audubon Warbler, Short-tailed Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglets. Mammals included the Tahoe Chipmunk, Sierra Flying Squirrel and Sierra Chiekaree (right).


a. Vogelsang Lake (altitude 10,300 feet) and Pass (10,700 feet), Hudsonian Zone; photographed August 31, 1915. Rock talus at left and beyond, inhabited by Sierra Pine Marten, Alpine Chipmunk, Gray Bushy-tailed Wood Rat, and Yosemite Cony; meadow inhabited by Yosemite Meadow-Mouse; willow thicket frequented by Hudsonian White-crowned Sparrow. Stunted white-bark pines on distant slopes (top).

b. Looking eastward across Tuolumne Meadows; photographed July 13, 1915. Meadows and forest are in Hudsonian Zone, distant bare ridges in Alpine-Arctic Zone; forest chiefly lodgepole pine. On the meadows were recorded the Yosemite Meadow Mouse, Southern Sierra Marmot, Belding Ground Squirrel, Pacific Nighthawk, Spotted Sandpiper, Killdeer, Hudsonian White-crowned Sparrow, and Mountain Bluebird; at the forest margin were the Mountain Weasel, California Badger, Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel, Southern Sierra Marmot, Alpine Chipmunk, Sierra White-tailed Jack Rabbit, and Western Chipping Sparrow; in the main forest were the Tahoe Chipmunk, Sierra Chickaree, Yellow-haired Porcupine, Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker, and Sierra Hermit Thrush (bottom) (bottom).


a. Looking westward to Mounts Dana and Gibbs from meadow at Farrington Ranch, southwest of Mono Lake; photographed June 22, 1916. Meadow in foreground is in Transition Zone; low hills beyond, interruptedly clothed with Jeffrey pine, are in Canadian Zone; the forests, chiefly of lodgepole pine, on the slopes of the peaks represent the Hudsonian Zone, and the upper bare portions of the two mountains are in the Alpine-Arctic Zone. (This figure is reversed, left to right; top.)

b. Side of Williams Butte facing northeast toward Mono Lake; Transition Zone. Trees on the Butte are piñon pines, while in the foreground are bushes of Kunzia and sagebrush, with a strip of willows in the middle distance. Some birds characteristic of the piño covered hill in September were Black-billed Magpie, Woodhouse Jay, Piñon Jay, and Short-tailed Mountain Chickadee, while in the sagebrush were Nevada Sage Sparrow, Brewer Sparrow, Green-tailed Towhee, and Sage Thrasher. (bottom)

For discussion of the life zones in this vicinity, see text, pp. 8-10.


Common Shrews of the Yosemite region; 6/7 natural size. (left to right)

a. Navigator Shrew, east fork of Indian Cañon, June 23, 1915.
b. Yosemite Shrew, Yosemite Valley, December 29, 1914.
c. Dusky Shrew, same data as a.

The slender nose, inconspicuous eyes and ears, and plush-like pelage all indicate relationship with the moles. The expanded, fringed hind toes of the Navigator Shrew show correlation with its aquatic habits. For discussion of species, see text, pp. 47, 50.


Animal Life in the Yosemite
©1924, University of California Press
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

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