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Field Division of Education
Preliminary Report on the Ethnography of the Southwest
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This paper is one of several prepared for the Field Division of Education of the National Park Service by a group of research workers employed during the CWA period of 1933-34. Its purpose was to provide an outline of the ethnology of the Southwest which would serve as a background study for use in the planning of museum exhibits in the National Parks and Monuments of the Southwest, and also to act as a preliminary paper for the preparation of a general guide to the region.

The form and content of the paper naturally reflect the purpose for which it was intended. It makes no pretence of being an important piece of original research nor a complete statement of the ethnology of the region, being primarily a compilation made from the published materials. An important part of the paper is the lengthy bibliography on the subject which is appended to the paper.

Owing to the short length of time available for this outline, which was undertaken toward the close of the CWA period, certain portions are incomplete. In these sections the author has simply listed the more pertinent references to the subject treated. Despite this, the demand for copies of the paper has been sufficient that it is believed that a real purpose will be served by making it available to libraries and serious students of the subject in this mimeographed form.

The paper departs from the usual standards of scholarly form in order to save time and expense in mimeographing. References have been included in the text in parentheses. Owing to the large amount of analysis and synthesis of material, authorities are cited only for each section of the paper and every statement is not definitely cross-referenced. No statement is made, however, which is not based on study and analysis of well-recognized sources.

Credit is due the State Emergency Relief Administration for supplying the workers who have made the mimeographing of this paper possible.


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Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb 21 2006 10:00:00 am PDT