Wilmot Dow, Roosevelt, and Bill Sewall at Elkhorn
Roosevelt and the Marquis de Mores
Much has been written about Roosevelt's relations
with the Marquis de Mores. A few writers have claimed that the two men
were generally unfriendly and at one time were on the verge of fighting
a duel.
Several months before Roosevelt first came to the
Badlands, the life of De Mores reportedly was threatened by a trio of
hunters, including a man named Riley Luffsey. The Marquis and several
of his men were involved in a gunfight in which Luffsey was killed. In
a trial held July 1883 the Marquis and other defendants were acquitted.
But in 1885 another indictment was brought against them for the murder
of Luffsey.
At the time of the second trial several men who were
testifying against De Mores obtained money from Ferris who served as
banker for a few of the local cowboys. Because Ferris was regarded as
Roosevelt's man, it appeared to the Marquis that Roosevelt must be
behind the opposition to him. At this time several newspapers published
accounts of an alleged quarrel between Roosevelt and De Mores. One paper
stated that the main reason for their antagonism was that they were like
"two very big toads in a very small puddle." While the Marquis was in
jail in connection with this second trial (he was again acquitted), and
under a serious mental strain, he wrote the following letter to
Roosevelt, which has been interpreted by some as a challenge to a
Bismark, Dak., Sept 3 1885
My dear Roosevelt
My principle is to take the bull by the horns. Joe
Ferris is very active against me and has been instrumental in getting me
indicted by furnishing money to witnesses and hunting them up. The
papers also publish very stupid accounts of our quarellingI sent
you the paper to N. Y. Is this done by your orders. I thought you
my friend. If you are my enemy I want to know it. I am always on hand as
you know, and between gentlemen it is easy to settle matters of that
sort directly.
Yours very truly, Mores.
I hear the people want to organize the county. I am
opposed to it for one year more at least.
An undated draft of Roosevelt's reply follows:
Most emphatically I am not your enemy; if I were you
would know it, for I would be an open one, and would not have asked you
to my house nor gone to yours. As your final words however seem to imply
a threat it is due to myself to say that the statement is not made
through any fear of possible consequences to me; I too, as you know, am
always on hand, and ever ready to hold myself accountable in any way for
anything I have said or done.
Yours very truly, Theodore Roosevelt.
This exchange of correspondence apparently ended the
incident. Except for this incident, Roosevelt's relations with
De Mores, so far as is known, were amicable. On several occasions he
visited the Marquis and Marquise at their "chateau" overlooking
the Little Missouri.

Roosevelt's rough draft of his reply.