The Marquis de Mores from an etching by Edward
Chinot. Courtesy State Historical Society, North
The Stockmen's Associations
For some time a number of Little Missouri ranchers
had recognized a need for a stockmen's organization to enforce range
rules. Early in 1884, Howard Eaton and several others had initiated such
a movement. The Bad Lands Cow Boy supported their efforts and
We are glad to see that Mr. Howard Eaton has taken
the initiative in the one thing that is now most important to our cattle
men. We refer to the subject of a cattle organization. . . . This is a
matter of vital interest to every stock man of the Bad Lands. Subjects
continually come up that should be settled by a vote of the majority of
our cattle men. At present there is no organization and each man must
decide all questions for himself. . . .

Howard Eaton.
In February the stockmen had held a meeting in Little
Missouri and appointed a committee to draw up bylaws for a formal organization.
However, in the next meeting, the ranchers decided to defer the
matter. But Roosevelt lent his support to the movement and took the
initiative in bringing together the scattered stockmen along the Little
Missouri for that purpose. He visited the ranchers along the river and
convinced them of the desirability of organizing. Roosevelt issued calls
in the Cow Boy for a meeting of the stockmen in Medora on
December 19, 1884.
The proceedings of this meeting reflect Roosevelt's
leadership. Representatives of the 11 cattle companies attending elected
him chairman of the organization, which called itself the Little
Missouri Stockmen's Association, and they drew up resolutions and rules
for a permanent organization. Roosevelt was authorized to draw up the
constitution and bylaws. The following week the Cow Boy
The stockmen's meeting last Friday morning bids fair
to be the beginning of a very efficient organization. The utmost harmony
and unanimity prevailed, and under the able chairmanship of Theodore
Roosevelt, a large amount of business was transacted in a short time. .
. .
Roosevelt was reelected chairman in 1885 and
president of the association in 1886. The Cow Boy again
complimented him for his work as chairman:
The association can congratulate itself on again
electing Theodore Roosevelt as president. Under his administration,
everything moves quickly forward and there is none of that
time-consuming, fruitless talk that so invariably characterizes a
deliberative assembly without a good presiding officer.
Roosevelt was also an active member in the Montana
Stockgrowers Association, with which the Little Missouri group was
affiliated. He was admitted to membership in the Montana Stockgrowers
Association in April 1885 on the recommendation of De Mores; but he did
not attend its annual meeting that year. In 1886 the Little Missouri
association sent Roosevelt as a delegate to one of the Montana meetings.
He was placed on a committee of 16 prominent stockmen of the 2
territories to investigate the feasibility of establishing stockyards
and a market in St. Paul. In another act of recognition he and Henry
S. Boice were named captains of the Little Missouri
Roundup. Roosevelt was also selected as one of the three members of the
executive committee from the Dakota Territory.
Roosevelt's role in the 1887 annual meeting was even
more conspicuous. Again he was named to the executive committee. To
discourage horse stealing, he introduced a resolution to require the
members of the association to keep a record of all suspicious persons
visiting their ranches and the brand of such person's horses. He also
preferred charges before the Board of Commissioners against livestock
inspector Fred Willard and succeeded in getting him discharged. This
was the last meeting of the Montana Stockgrowers Association which
Roosevelt attended.