Lee's fortifications east of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
From a contemporary sketch.
Lee Takes Command
Lee immediately began to reorganize the demoralized
Southern forces and put them to work digging the elaborate system of
entrenchments that would eventually encircle Richmond completely. For
this the troops derisively named him the "King of Spades." But Lee was
planning more than a static defense. When the time came these
fortifications could be held by a relatively small number of troops,
while he massed the bulk of his forces for a counteroffensive. He was
familiar with and believed in Napoleon's maxim: "* * * to manoeuver
incessantly, without submitting to be driven back on the capital which
it is meant to defend * * * "
On June 12 Lee sent his cavalry commander, Gen. J. E.
B. ("Jeb") Stuart, with 1,200 men, to reconnoiter McClellan's right
flank north of the Chickahominy, and to learn the strength of his line
of communication and supply to White House. Stuart obtained the
information, but instead of retiring from White House the way he had
gone, he rode around the Union army and returned to Richmond on June 15
by way of the James River, losing only one man in the process.

Gen. Robert E. Lee. Courtesy, National Archives.
It was a bold feat, and Stuart assured his chief that
there was nothing to prevent his turning the Federal right flank. But
the daring ride probably helped McClellan more than Lee. Alerted to the
exposed position of his right flank and base of supply, McClellan
withdrew his whole army south of the Chickahominy, with the exception of
Gen. Fitz-John Porter's corps, which stretched from Grapevine Bridge to
the Meadow Bridge west of Mechanicsville. On June 18 he started the
transfer of his enormous accumulation of supplies with the shipment of
800,000 rations from White House to Harrison's Landing on the James
River. After Jackson's success in the Shenandoah Valley at Cross Keys
and Port Republic, it was becoming apparent even to McClellan that
McDowell probably never would join him, in which case he wanted his base
of operations to be the James rather than the York River.
Meanwhile, pressure from Washington for an offensive
movement against Richmond was mounting. But because of the wettest June
in anyone's memory, McClellan was having trouble bringing up his heavy
siege guns, corduroying roads, and throwing bridges across the flooded
Chickahominy swamps. As one bedraggled soldier wrote: "It would have
pleased us much to have seen those 'On-to-Richmond' people put over a 5
mile course in the Virginia mud, loaded with a 40-pound knapsack, 60
rounds of cartridges, and haversacks filled with 4 days rations."
Also, McClellan believed erroneously that the
Confederates had twice as many available troops as he had. Consequently,
his plan of action, as he wrote his wife, was to "make the first battle
mainly an artillery combat. As soon as I gain possession of the 'Old
Tavern' I will push them in upon Richmond and behind their works; then I
will bring up my heavy guns, shell the city, and carry it by

Chickahominy swamps. Courtesy, National Archives.