Below is simply a small selection of issues (mostly special issues).
1934 |
 Vol. XIII No. 3 March 1934 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Around the Year in Yosemite (Harold E. Perry)
Annual Yosemite Bird Census (M.E. Beatty)
Yosemite School of Field Natural History 1934 Session Announced (C.A. Harwell)
Yosemite's Past: Pioneer Shrines in Yosemite (Grace Nichols)
1937 |
 Vol. XVI No. 10 October 1937 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Children's Number
The Diary of a Robin Family (Elizabeth H. Godfrey)
Bears Vocabulary (Lon Garrison)
Destinctive Behavior of Many Yosemite Birds
1938 |
 Vol. XVII No. 1 January 1938, 5th edition September 1948 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Birds of Yosemite (M.E. Beatty and C.A. Harwell)
 Vol. XVII No. 3 March 1938 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Report on the Corpse-wax in the Mountain Sheep Found in the Ice of the Lyell Glacier (Erich Wasmund)
Some Problems of Glacier Measuring (C.A. Harwell)
Further Observation on the Mummified Mountain Sheep (Carl Sharsmith)
 Vol. XVII No. 6 June 1938, reprint June 1948 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
101 Wildflowers of Yosemite (M.E. Beaty, C.A. Harwell and J.E. Cole)
 Vol. XVII No. 6 June 1938, reprint January 1951 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Common Wildflowers of Yosemite (M.E. Beaty, C.A. Harwell and J.E. Cole)
1939 |
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
The Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park (James E. Cole)
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park (James E. Cole)
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park (James E. Cole)
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park (James E. Cole)
1940 |
 Vol. XXIX No. 9 September 1940 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Centenary of the Glacier Theory (Carl W. Sharsmith)
Biledo Meadow Flower Garden (Arthur Carthew)
The Voyage of a Dry-Land Submarine (A. Lee Haines)
Yosemite Animals: Fawn Observed Above Treeline (George A. Petrides)
Yosemite Animals: Observations on a Pair of Fawns (Vincent Mowbray)
Yosemite Animals: Sierra Marmot (Russel L. Lewis)
Yosemite Animals: Mountain Lion in Yosemite Valley (Robert Fitzgerald)
Yosemite Animals: My Friend the Mariposa Chipmunk (Charles W. Michael)
Yosemite Animals: Ground Squirrel Kills Chipmunk (Russel S. Miller)
1941 |
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941\ |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Yosemite Indians: Yesterday and Today (Elizabeth H. Godfrey)
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, reprint 1947 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Yosemite Indians: Yesterday and Today (Elizabeth H. Godfrey)
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, reprint 1973 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Yosemite Indians (Elizabeth Godfrey)
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, revised 1977 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Yosemite Indians (Elizabeth Godfrey)
1942 |
 Vol. XXI No. 1 January 1942, reprint 1950 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Self-Guiding Auto Tour of Yosemite Valley (M.E. Beatty and C.A. Harwell)
1943 |
 Vol. XXII No. 1 January 1943 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Bears of Yosemite (M.E. Beatty)
 Vol. XXII No. 1 January 1943, reprint 1946 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Bears of Yosemite (M.E. Beatty)
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, reprint 1947 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley (M.E. Beatty)
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, reprint 1948 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley (M.E. Beatty)
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, revised May 1953 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley (M.E. Beatty)
1944 |
 Vol. XXIII No. 1 January 1944, 2nd printing 1946 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Fishes of Yosemite National Park (Willis A. Evans and Orthello L. Wallis)
 Vol. XXIII No. 1 January 1944, 2nd edition, 2nd printing 1951 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Fishes of Yosemite National Park (Willis A. Evans and Orthello L. Wallis)
1945 |
 Vol. XXIV No. 1 January 1945, reprint 1946 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Principal Waterfalls of the World And Their Relation to Those in Yosemite National Park Principal Waterfalls of the World (C. Frank Brockman)
 Vol. XXIV No. 1 January 1945, reprint 1953 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Famous Waterfalls of the World and their relation to those in Yosemite National Park The Falls of Yosemite and Famous Waterfalls of the World (C. Frank Brockman)
1946 |
 Vol. XXV No. 1 January 1946 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Reptiles and Amphibians of Yosemite National Park (M.V. Walker)
 XXV No. 11 November 1946 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Water Ouzel (Elizabeth H. Godfrey)
A Visit with Ta-bu-ce (Carl W. Sharsmith)
Yosemite Animals: Playful Tuolumne Weasel (Robert W. Prudhomme)
Book Notes
1947 |
 Vol. XXVI No. 1 January 1947 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Broadleaved Trees of Yosemite National Park (C. Frank Brockman)
1948 |
 Vol. XXVII No. 1 January 1948 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
A Guide to the Mother Lode Country (C. Frank Brockman)
1949 |
 Vol. XXVIII No. 6 June 1949 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
A Guide to the Giant Sequoias of Yosemite National Park A Guide to the Yosemite Sequoias (James W. McFarland)
1952 |
 Vol. XXXI No. 6 June 1952 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Mammals of Yosemite National Park Mammals of Yosemite (Harry C. Parker)
 Vol. XXXI No. 6 June 1952, reprint c1970 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number
Mammals of Yosemite National Park (Harry C. Parker)
 Vol. XXXI No. 8 August 1952 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Roster of the 1952 Yosemite Field School
An Era Gone (Raymond W. Kleinknecht)
The Fall of a Famous Tree (Woodrow W. Smith)
Let's Get Down to FundamentalsThe Soil (Donald E. Hoffmaster)
A Badger Secures His Meal (David C. Ochsner)
Rediscovery of the Leidig Well (Harold A. Stanley)
Fishing Experiences of the 1952 Field School (Richard R. Jackson)
 Vol. XXXI No. 12 December 1952 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Yesteryear's Stagecoaching Into Yosemite (C.M. Goethe)
Birdland's Happiest Marriage (Henry G. Weston, Jr.)
Mineral Curiosities on Ragged Peak (William L. Neely)
"Puddling"In Yosemite and Elsewhere (Alice E. Snow)
1954 |
 Vol. XXXIII No. 2 February 1954 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
The Drama of the National Parks (Carl P. Russell)
The Folsom Bridge (Homer W. Robinson)
The Formation of a Glacier (Richard E. Shurbert)
Unscheduled Campfire Event (Sol A. Karlin)
An Outpost in the Wilderness (Mary K. Ronsheim)
 Vol. XXXIII No. 7 July 1954 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
The Great American Park of the Yo Semite (Frederick Law Olmsted)
Additional Facts on the Giant Sequoias (Gayle S. Alden)
Hiking in Tuolumne's Wonderland (Merrie Jo Warne)
Late-Blooming Snowplants (Richard J. Hartesveldt)
 Vol. XXXIII No. 8 August 1954 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Birds of Yosemite National Park (Birds of Yosemite) Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins
 Vol. XXXIII No. 11 November 1954 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Herzog's Painting of the Cosmopolitan Saloon (Laurence V. Degnan)
Who's That? (Charles G. Danforth)
Lyell Glacier's Mysterious "Ice Worms" (Fran Hubbard)
1955 |
 Vol. XXXIV No. 1 January 1955, 2nd printing July 1957 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Yosemite Valley Place Names Place Names of Yosemite Valley Richard J. Hartesveldt)
1956 |
 Vol. XXXV No. 6 1956, reprint 1959 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Self-Guiding Auto Tour of Yosemite National Park (Richard P. Ditton and Donald E. McHenry)
 Vol. XXXV No. 6 1956, reprint 1965 |
Self-guiding Auto Tours in Yosemite National Park (Richard P. Ditton and Donald E. McHenry)
1957 |
 Vol. XXXVI No. 9 September 1957 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Some Aspects of Mission 66: Part I (Roland Steinmetz)
Music Hath Charms (Carl Sharsmith)
Last Trip of John Muir to Yosemite (1912) (William E. Colby)
Drama at Dusk (David O. Ochsner)
1958 |
 Vol. XXXVII No. 2 February 1958 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
The Discovery of Yosemite and the Mariposa Indian War, 1850-1851: The Diaries of Robert Eccleston (C. Gregory Crampton)
A Visit to the Center of the Park (Robert W. Carpenter, Jr.)
For Our Younger Readers (Ralph Frazier)
Poems From The Mountains: The Great Horned Owl (Allan Shields)
Classmate of the Sequoia (David Essel)
Out of Yosemite's Past: A One Picture Story (J.T. Boysen)
 Vol. 37 No. 6 1958 |
Yosemite Nature Notes
Wild Flowers of the Sierra (Douglass Hubbard)
1959 |
 Vol. XXVIII No. 1 January 1959 |
Dwarfs of the Plant World (Ralph Frazier)
The Jumping Mouse of Lyell Fork (Lorraine Miles)
Some Impressions of a Mount Lyell Climb (Lloyd Brubaker)
Babe Out of the Woods (Charles Vollmer)
Protective Instinct (Vick Williams)
 Vol. XXVIII No. 2 February 1959 |
Presidential Visits to Yosemite (Part I) (Marvin R. Koller)
ManzanitaA Native Californian (Robert W. Crippin)
Mountain and Forests Speak (Alfred E. Brighton)
1958 Christmas Bird Count in Yosemite (W.J. and Erma Fitzpatrick)
Yosemite's King Snakes (John D. Cunningham)
Remember When?>
 Vol. XXVIII No. 3 March 1959 |
Presidential Visits to Yosemite (Part II) (Marvin R. Koller)
Lightning at Glacier Point and Half Dome (Lawrence P. Richards)
A Little Bit of Home in Yosemite (John D. Cunningham)
Repose (Alfred E. Brighton)
 Vol. XXVIII No. 4 April 1959 |
To Tueeulala and Wapama (Howard H. Cofer)
Presidential Visits to Yosemite (Conclusion) (Marvin R. Koller)
Recent Observations of the Pine Marten in Yosemite (John D. Cunningham)
A New Series of Historical Comparison Pictures: Yosemite's First Bridge
Trees Change Slowly at High Altitudes (Neva Snell and Frances Carter)
 Vol. XXVIII No. 5 1959, reprint 1975 |
Guide to the Pioneer Cemetery (Lloyd W. Brubaker, Laurence V. Degnan and Richard R. Jackson)
 Vol. XXVIII No. 9 September 1959 |
Children's Day (Gerald Reckin)
A Nature Walk to the Top (William E. Steinkraus)
And We Declare (Alfred E. Brighton)
 Vol. XXVIII No. 10 October 1959 |
Soda Springs (Mary E. Whittenburg)
Digger Pines at 5200 Feet (Jack F. Fry and Rolf W. Benseler)
Conservation Quotes (William Howard Taft)
A New Series of Historical Comparison Pictures: A Cedar Grows Beside a Bridge (Mary V. Hood)
1960 |
 Vol. XXXIX No. 2 February 1960 |
Giant Sequoias and England (Richard G. Beidleman)
Marching Shadows (Alfred E. Brighton)
Invasion of a Meadow by Lodgepole Pine (Neva Snell)
Personal Names in the Vernacular Nomenclature of Yosemite's Birds (C.O. Harris)
Book Review: Clarence King, A Biography (Allan Shields)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 3 March 1960 |
The Pacific Dogwood (Robert W. Crippin)
The Original Helicopter (Charles B. Vollmer)
Additions to the Vertebrate Fauna of Yosemite (John D. Cunningham)
The Other Half of Half Dome (William E. Steinkraus)
Yosemite Falls in the Moonlight (Ted R. McVey)
Notes From My Journal (William L. Neely)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 4 April 1960 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Ferns of the Sierra (Robert J. Rodin)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 5 May 1960 |
The Sierra Yellow Legged Frog (Carl L. Heller)
Lower Yosemite Falls (Ted R. McVey)
Observations on Some Mammals of the Yosemite Region (John D. Cunningham)
The Influence of Jointing at Illilouette Falls (Franklin C. Potter)
Poison Oak (Howard H. Cofer)
Iron Bacteria (David Essel)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 6 June 1960 |
The Case of the Crippled Deer (Lloyd W. Brubaker)
Cloudy Day (Ted R. McVey)
Elderberries of Yosemite (Robert W. Crippin)
The Evening Grosbeak (Homer Crider)
Observations of the Tahoe Chipmunk (Howard H. Cofer
Patience (Alfred E. Brighton)
Four Our Younger Readers (Ralph Frazier)
Conservation Quotes (Newton B. Drury)
Notes From My Tuolumne Journal (William L. Neely)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 7 July 1960 |
A 40th Anniversary (Carl Russell)
Nature Study in National Parks Interprettve Movement (C. M. Goethe)
The Nature Guide Movement in National Parks (Loye H. Miller)
The Beginning of Yosemite's Educational Program (Harold C. Bryant)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 7 July 1960, reprint 1974 |
A 40th Anniversary (Carl Russell)
Nature Study in National Parks Interprettve Movement (C. M. Goethe)
The Nature Guide Movement in National Parks (Loye H. Miller)
The Beginning of Yosemite's Educational Program (Harold C. Bryant)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 8 1960 |
Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue
Guide to Tuolumne Meadows Trails (Allan Shields)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 9 September 1960 |
Experiment in Individualism: The National Parks as an Outdoor Laboratory (Paul J. Sage)
Notes From My Journal (William L. Neely)
Bird Courtship in Yosemite (Douglass H. Hubbard)
A Large Lodgepole Pine (Howard H. Cofer)
Full Moon in Yosemite (Ted R. McVey)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 10 October 1960 |
Junior RangersA Report (Lloyd W. Brubaker)
Junior Rangers at Happy Isles (Lorraine Miles)
Junior Rangers at White Wolf (David Essel)
Yosemites Back Country (Larry Bentchler)
Through the Open Tent Flap (Woodrow W. Smith)
Mirror Lake (Ted R. McVey)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 11 November 1960 |
Weasel vs. Squirrel (John P. Harville, Robert L. Hassur and George V. Pickwell)
The Little Bully (Lloyd D. Moore)
Beautiful Canvas (Alfred E. Brighton)
Out of Yosemite's Past (E.W. Blew)
Why Do Birds Scream (Douglass H. Hubbard)
A Swimming Mouse (Howard H. Cofer)
Note on the Yosemite Herbarium (Paul Sage)
Oaks (Allan E. Shields)
 Vol. XXXIX No. 12 December 1960 |
Deer Trails in the Mariposa Grove (Clare E. Britt)
The Nosiest Bird in Yosemite (R.E. Woodard)
Passing of the Landmarks (May Crocker)
El Capitan Hike (Woodrow W. Smith)
1961 |
 Vol. XXXX No. 1 March 31, 1961 |
Bear Trees and Trails (Vaughn Critchlow)
The Indian Circle (Leonard McKenzie)
Know Your Neighbors (Olga Reifschneider)
As Being "We" (Alfred E. Brighton)
Faust and Muir (Will Neely)
A Tug of War (David H. Essel)
1960 Christmas Bird Count in Yosemite (W.J. and Erma Fitzpatrick)
 Vol. XXXX No. 2 April 30, 1961 |
Ice Cones and Frazil Ice (Fran Hubbard and C. Frank Brockman)
An August Adventure (Howard E. Hobbs)
A Yosemite 'Old Timer' Passes Away (Carl P. Russell)
The Ring Tailed Cat (Robert W. Crippin)
Mountain Carpenter Bees (Mervin Giuntoli)
Trees in Rocky Environments (Part 1) (Neva Snell)
 Vol. 40 No. 3 June 24, 1961 |
The Tioga Road: A History 1883-1961 (Keith Trexler)
 Vol. 40 No. 3 June 1961, rev. 1975, 1980 |
The Tioga Road: A History 1883-1961 (Keith Trexler)
 Vol. 40 No. 4 November 30, 1961 |
Wawona's Yesterdays (Shirley Sargent)
 Vol. 40 No. 4 1961, revised, reprinted 1978 |
Wawona's Yesterdays (Shirley Sargent)
1962 |
 Vol. XXXX No. 5 January 30, 1962 |
Remnants of the Past (Gerald E. Reckin)
Meadows, Mosquitoes and Men (Will Neely)
Emil Ernst (Carl P. Russell)
The Forest Apartment A Children's Story (Lloyd Brubaker)
Wind Danger (Allan Shields)
A Sacramento Squawfish (Jack Pell)
An Incense-Cedar at 4,000 Feet (Ray Draper)
"T.R." in Yosemite (William E. Colby)
Tuolumne Meadows Hikers, Where Do They Go? (Jim Fox)
 Vol. XXXX No. 6 February 6, 1962 |
The Final Issue (The Editor)
Fishing For Fun! (Earl M. Corder)
A New First for the Park (Benjamin B. Slater)
The Yosemite Museum Wildflower Garden (Enid M. Benson)
The Breathing of the Winds (David Essel)
Harry Parker 1906-1961 (Carl P. Russell)
Ceramic Glazes From Yosemite Rocks (Will Neely)
Stagecoach Days and Holdups (John Goodwin)
A Water-Striding Microtus (W.G. Bullinger)
Around the World in Thirty-One Days (Woody Smith)
Where's "Elmer"? (Lewis G Karcher)
The Mountain's Glad Tidings (Ray Draper)
Yosemite's 1961 Christmas Bird Count (W.J. and Erma Fitzpatrick)
Francois Matthesthe Master Interpreter: A Review (Keith A. Trexler)
Where Are You Going My Pretty Maids? (David Essel)
1977 |
 Vol. 46 No. 2 1977 |
Yosemite Nature Notes (Steven Medley and Henry Berrey, eds.)
Pine Trees, Barnacles and Everything (Will Neely)
George Anderson, First Up the Dome (Steve Harrison)
Long Live Lost Lake (Tina Hargis)
Who Ate That Cone? (Beth Huning and Linda Yemoto)
Astronomical Seeing Conditions at Glacier Point (Dave Balogh)
Reflections on an Unusually Cool First Week of August, 1976 (Beth and Jim Huning)
A World Within (Kristie L. Lewis)
Mirror Lake: A Tale of Fulfillment (Jeff Samco)
Enid Michael (Lisa Rhudy)
Lightning and the Landscape (William T. Wiley)
The Mystery of Hydromantes (Sandy Dengler)
The Washington Burn (Ginger Burley)
Where Water Flowed "Uphill" on Pothole Dome (Richard Balogh)
The Illuminated Valley (Larry Huggins)
Placing the Geologic and Human History of Yosemite in Perspective (Richard Balogh)
Lady Ranger? (Sharon Dequer)
Yosemite as a Process (Michael Sutton)
Reflections in Tuolumne Meadows (Jim Sano)
Rights for Natural Objects (Tom Panas)
"Say, Ranger, What's the Weather Going to Be?" (Ben H. Bailey)
"Marmot Point?" (Chris Russo)
Managing the Resources (Rich Tobin)
Corn Lily or False Hellebore (Robert W. Crippin)
The Effect of Introduced Fish on the Amphibian Life in Westfall Meadow (Douglas Yoon)
Drosera Rotundifolia: A Reflection on the Unexpected (Mark Gatewood)
The Influences of Shade on Yosemite's Forests (Steve Gold)
Value of Impromptu Interpretive Walks (Dick Ewart)
Dr. Carl W. "Zeke" Sharsmith (Will Neely)
 Vol. XVII No. 1 January 1938, 5th edition September 1948 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Birds of Yosemite M.E. Beatty and C.A. Harwell |
 Vol. XXXIII No. 8 August 1954 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Birds of Yosemite National Park (Birds of Yosemite) Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins |
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
The Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park James E. Cole |
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park James E. Cole |
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park James E. Cole |
 Vol. XVIII No. 5 May 1939, revised 1963 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Cone-Bearing Trees of Yosemite National Park James E. Cole |
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Yosemite Indians: Yesterday and Today Elizabeth H. Godfrey |
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, reprint 1947 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Yosemite Indians: Yesterday and Today Elizabeth H. Godfrey |
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, reprint 1973 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Yosemite Indians Elizabeth Godfrey |
 Vol. XX No. 7 July 1941, revised 1977 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Yosemite Indians Elizabeth Godfrey |
 Vol. XXI No. 1 January 1942, reprint 1950 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Self-Guiding Auto Tour of Yosemite Valley M.E. Beatty and C.A. Harwell |
 Vol. XXXIV No. 1 January 1955, 2nd printing July 1957 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Yosemite Valley Place Names (Place Names of Yosemite Valley) Richard J. Hartesveldt |
 Vol. XXII No. 1 January 1943 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Bears of Yosemite M.E. Beatty |
 Vol. XXII No. 1 January 1943, reprint 1946 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Bears of Yosemite M.E. Beatty |
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, reprint 1947 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley M.E. Beatty |
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, reprint 1948 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley M.E. Beatty |
 Vol. XXII No. 4 April 1943, reprint 1953 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
A Brief Story of the Geology of Yosemite Valley M.E. Beatty |
 Vol. XXIII No. 1 January 1944, 2nd printing 1946 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Fishes of Yosemite National Park Willis A. Evans and Orthello L. Wallis |
 Vol. XXIII No. 1 January 1944, 2nd edition, 2nd printing 1951 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Fishes of Yosemite National Park Willis A. Evans and Orthello L. Wallis |
 Vol. XXIV No. 1 January 1945, reprint 1946 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Principal Waterfalls of the World And Their Relation to Those in Yosemite National Park (Principal Waterfalls of the World) C. Frank Brockman |
 Vol. XXIV No. 1 January 1945, reprint 1953 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Famous Waterfalls of the World and their relation to those in Yosemite National Park (The Falls of Yosemite and Famous Waterfalls of the World) C. Frank Brockman |
 Vol. XXV No. 1 January 1946 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Reptiles and Amphibians of Yosemite National Park M.V. Walker |
 Vol. XXVI No. 1 January 1947 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Broadleaved Trees of Yosemite National Park C. Frank Brockman |
 Vol. XXVII No. 1 January 1948 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
A Guide to the Mother Lode Country C. Frank Brockman |
 Vol. XXVIII No. 6 June 1949 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
A Guide to the Giant Sequoias of Yosemite National Park (A Guide to the Yosemite Sequoias) James W. McFarland |
 Vol. XXXI No. 6 June 1952 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Mammals of Yosemite National Park (Mammals of Yosemite) Harry C. Parker |
 Vol. XXXI No. 6 June 1952, reprint c1970 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Mammals of Yosemite National Park Harry C. Parker |
 Vol. XXXIV No. 1 January 1955, 2nd printing July 1957 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Self-Guiding Auto Tour of Yosemite National Park Richard P. Ditton and Donald E. McHenry |
 1965 |
Self-guiding Auto Tours in Yosemite National Park Richard P. Ditton and Donald E. McHenry |
 Vol. XXVIII No. 5 1959, reprint 1975 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
Guide to the Pioneer Cemetery Lloyd W. Brubaker, Laurence V. Degnan and Richard R. Jackson |
 Vol. 40 No. 3 June 24, 1961 Yosemite |
The Tioga Road: A History 1883-1961 Keith Trexler |
 Vol. 40 No. 3 June 1961, rev. 1975, 1980 |
The Tioga Road: A History 1883-1961 Keith Trexler |
 Vol. XXXIX No. 4 April 1960 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Ferns of the Sierra Robert J. Rodin |
 Vol. XXXIX No. 8 1960 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Issue |
Guide to Tuolumne Meadows Trails Allan Shields |
 Vol. 40 No. 4 November 30, 1961 Yosemite |
Wawona's Yesterdays Shirley Sargent |
 Vol. 40 No. 4 1961, revised reprinted 1978 |
Wawona's Yesterdays Shirley Sargent |
 Vol. XVII No. 6 June 1938, reprint June 1948 Yosemite Nature Notes Special Number |
101 Wildflowers of Yosemite M.E. Beaty, C.A. Harwell and J.E. Cole |
 Vol. 37 No. 6 June 1938, reprint January 1951 Yosemite Nature Notes |
Common Wildflowers of the Sierra Douglass Hubbard |
of related interest... |
 1976 |
Domes, Cliffs and Waterfalls: A Brief Geology of Yosemite Valley William R. Jones |
 1985 |
Domes, Cliffs and Waterfalls: A Brief Geology of Yosemite Valley William R. Jones |
 1991 |
Domes, Cliffs and Waterfalls: A Brief Geology of Yosemite Valley William R. Jones |