FOREWORD "John Jarvie of Brown's Park" represents the seventh volume in a series of Cultural Resource Monographs published by the Bureau of Land Management, Utah. I am pleased to introduce this volume in the Utah Cultural Resource Monograph Series and hope readers derive the same degree of enrichment as we did in its preparation. "John Jarvie of Brown's Park" was prepared in 1978 by William L. Tennent, while serving on the staff of the Vernal District Bureau of Land Management. During the preparation of this report, the Vernal District managed the historic Jarvie property under a lease from the Nature Conservancy. Subsequent to the completion of this volume, BLM purchased the property, and completed excavation of the house and store. The store is currently being reconstructed for use as a museum and the home of John Jarvie will be used as field quarters for BLM employees. This historic biography and our recent work at the site is representative of the continuing effort to protect and maintain the historical importance of this site by the Bureau of Land Management. Lloyd H. Ferguson
ut/7/foreword.htm Last Updated: 21-Nov-2008 |