EDITOR'S NOTE Prepared in 1980, by William L. Tennent, this monograph presents a biography of John Jarvie (1844-1909), a history of Brown's Park (the area in which he lived) and an inventory of the Jarvie Historic Site. Since the original publication of this document (1981), the Bureau of Land Management, has accomplished additional work at the Jarvie complex including excavation of the store and John Jarvie's home. This work, completed in 1983 after two field seasons, was directed by Pamela Smith, a BLM seasonal archaeologist. Ms. Smith working with volunteers of the Student Conservation Association, found only minor discrepancies in the oral accounts previously obtained by Tennent. For example, the structural foundations, illustrated on Page 111, can now be compared to the cover sketch of this edition, which has been retouched to reflect the recent archaeological data. The excavation report is on file with BLM. Additional work will continue on this site. Both buildings are currently being reconstructed using the data acquired by Tennent and Smith. The John Jarvie historic site is being developed as an interpretive facility to be enjoyed by you and future visitors, as well as to enhance our knowledge base concerning the lives and activities of early Utah settlers. Richard E. Fike
ut/7/preface.htm Last Updated: 21-Nov-2008 |