CHAPTER 8: ENDNOTES 1. Holland and Law, The Old Point Loma Lighthouse, pp. 33-34. 2. Col. Charles R. Suter, November 4, 1897, to Ch. of Engineers, File LA 660.2, Box 0-3852, HDSD, LAD, RG 77, NA, Pacific Southwest Region. 3. Capt. Amos A. Fries, February 6, 1908, to Ch. of Engineers; Maj. George H. McManus, CO, Fort Rosecrans, December 11, 1911, to LAD; and Capt. Charles T. Leeds, October 24, 1911, to Ch. of Engineers, all in File 63, vol. 2, Box 34, Point Loma Reservation, OCE, RG 77, NA, Pacific Southwest Region. By 1911, the post itself had one mile of macadam road and one and a half miles of good earth road. 4. Maj. Johnson Hagood, CO, Fort Rosecrans, April 13, 1916, to Junior Engineer, Fort Rosecrans, Box 3, Coastal Defense 1910-1917, U.S. Army Commands, RG 392, NA; Capt. Charles T. Leeds, July 24, 1918, to Junior Engineer, Fort Rosecrans, File 7E, vol. 1, Box 23; and Map of Fort Rosecrans Military Reservation, 1918, File 63, vol. 2, Box 34, Point Loma Reservation, OCE, RG 77, NA, Pacific Southwest Region. 5. George Ruhlen, "Fort Rosecrans," The Western Explorer, 2 (February 1962): 6. Col. Ruhlen and Assistant Superintendent Daniel J. Tobin, Sequoia National Park, were members of the Reception Committee at the opening ceremonies. 6. Lehmann, An Embarrassment of Riches, p. 138; Thomas Tucker, Oral History Interview, September 6, 1985, files, Cabrillo N. M.; Lt. Col. George Ruhlen, letter and map, March 10, 1934, to Maj. G. Ralph Meyer, OCE, File 662.1 26B, Box 642, OCA, RG 177, NA. 7. The Sun, September 30, 1892; The San Diego Union, September 10, 1982. 8. Lehmann, An Embarrassment of Riches, pp. 20-26 and 36. 9. Ibid., pp. 83-86; Joseph E. Brown, Cabrillo National Monument (Cabrillo Historical Association, 1981), pp. 37-39. 10. Francis R. Holland, Jr., "A Short History of Cabrillo National Monument," The Western Explorer, 2 (August 1962): 35. 11. Lehmann, An Embarrassment of Riches, pp. 119-125. 12. Superintendent Gary Cummins, Cabrillo N.M., November 11, 1986, to Regional Director, Western Regional Office, NPS, files, Denver Service Center, NPS. About the only criticism the statue has received appeared in Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison's The European Discovery of America, p. 33: "The Portuguese community at San Diego, perhaps to efface the unflattering image of them in John Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat (1935), caused to be erected a heroic statue of Cabrillo on Point Loma, which he probably discovered. Unfortunately they have backed him by a finely carved padrao, of the type that Portuguese discoverers set up in Africa to nail down the king's claim to the territory." 13. Ruhlen, "Fort Rosecrans," San Diego Historical Society Quarterly 5:66; U.S. Veterans Administration, "Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, California," pamphlet. 14. U.S. Veterans Administration, "Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery." 15. Maj. Gen. James B. Aleshire, QMG, January 6, 1915, to Ch. Signal Officer of the Army, Box 5, San Diego Coastal Defense, 1910-1917, U.S. Army Commands, RG 392, NA. 16. Lt. Col. W.C. Davis, Fort Rosecrans, September 16, 1915, to AG, U.S. Army, Box 7, San Diego Coastal Defense, 1910-1917, U.S. Army Commands, RG 392, NA. 17. Inspector General Dept., OCA, February 10, 1932, to CG, Ninth Corps Area, and accompanying papers, File 331, Box 217, Office of the Chief of Arms, OCA, RG 177, NA. 18. U.S. Veterans Administration, "Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery." 20. The Institute of Heraldry, U.S. Army, "Historical Data - Post, Camp, Station or Air Field" for Fort Rosecrans, files, Cabrillo NM. 21. Flower and Roth, Cultural Inventory, p. 182, quoting the San Diego Evening Tribune, June 29, 1959. In connection with the 1957 transfer, 80.60 acres were transferred to the Department of the Interior for Cabrillo National Monument, and 14.5 acres to the Department of the Treasury for lighthouses. The Navy had already acquired the balance of Fort Rosecrans' original 1,300 acres. 22. Brown, Cabrillo National Monument, pp. 30-32; "Pictorial, The San Diego Naval Complex," United States Naval Institute Proceedings 94 (June 1968): 96-108. 23. Flower and Roth, Cultural Inventory, pp. 196-240.
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