Crater Lake National Park: Lodgepole Pine at Crater Lake: History and Management of the Forest Structure
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Important Characteristics Of Lodgepole Pine

Characteristics Of Lodgepole Pine Forests

Parasitic Plants Affecting Forest Structure

Primary Causes Of Death Of Lodgepole Pine

Types Of Forest History And Dynamics

Plant Communities In Lodgepole Pine Forest

Suggestions For Management

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E(1)

Appendix E(2)

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix D

Probable post-fire status of some important plant species of P. contorta communities (from Zeigler, 1978).

SpeciesPost-Fire StatusAuthor
Arctostaphylos nevadensisResprout**Sweeney, 1967
A. patulaResproutSweeney, 1967
Chimaphila umbellataRhizomatous spreadMcLean, 1967
Haplopappus speciesResprout**
Purshia tridentataDead**Daubenmire and Daubenmire, 1968
Ribes cereumResproutKilgore, 1971
Vaccinium scopariumResproutMcLean, 1969
Aster ledophyllosRhizomotous spread*
Carex pensylvanicaRhizomotous spreadVolland, 1976
Elymus glaucusUnknown
Lupinus albicaulisResprout*
L. lepidusResprout*
Penstemon rydbergiiRhizomotous spread*
Sitanion hystrixResproutWright, 1971
Spraguea umbellataResprout*
Stipa occidentalisResproutWright, 1971

* Prediction based on root characteristics following McLean (1969).

**Field observation.

Last Updated: 11-Aug-2016