A History of the Denali - Mount McKinley, Region, Alaska
Historic Resource Study of Denali National Park and Preserve
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Chapter 5:

1. William G. Sheldon, "Biographical Notes on Charles Sheldon," 9-page MS in Sheldon Papers, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Box 4:59, 1; E.W. Nelson, "Charles Sheldon," American Forests (November 1928), 659-60.

2. Ibid., 659; C. Hart Merriam, "Introduction," in C. Sheldon, The Wilderness of Denali, ix-xi; George Bird Grinnell, "Charles Sheldon," 5-page MS biographical sketch in personal collection of William Sheldon, copied from research files of Gail Evans.

3. Theodore Roosevelt, "The American Hunter-Naturalist," The Outlook, Vol. 99, No. 15 (December 9, 1911), 854-56; quotation on 856.

4. Untitled draft paper by Charles Sheldon, ca. 1920, 4-page MS in personal collection of William Sheldon, copied from research file of Gail Evans.

5. For a summary of the ideas and people that framed this debate see Grant McConnell, "The Conservation Movement—Past and Present," Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 1 (September 1954), 463-78. Sheldon's significant contributions to the shaping of the Nation's policies of wildlife/habitat conservation and management are described in James B. Trefethen, An American Crusade for Wildlife (Alexandria, VA: Boone and Crockett Club, 1975), 190-94.

6. Sheldon, Wilderness of Denali, 8-9.

7. Ibid., 14-16.

8. Ibid., 21.

9. Ibid., 22.

10. Ibid., 24-25.

11. Ibid., 26-27.

12. Ibid., 51-52.

13. Ibid., 65.

14. Ibid., 103.

15. Charles Sheldon, "List of Birds Observed on the Upper Toklat River near Mount McKinley, Alaska," Auk, Vol. 26 (January 1909), 66.

16. G.B. Grinnell, "Charles Sheldon," 5-page MS from William Sheldon personal collection, copy on file, Denali National Park and Preserve, 4.

17. Madison Grant, "The Establishment of Mount McKinley National Park," in G.B. Grinnell and Charles Sheldon, eds., Hunting and Conservation: The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1925), 438.

18. Ibid.

19. Harry Karstens ltr of 7/25/18 to Horace Albright, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Mount McKinley corres., Box 382.

20. Sheldon, Wilderness of Denali, 272.

21. James B. Trefethen, Crusade for Wildlife (Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Co., 1961), 185-86.

22. Quoted in Ernest Gruening, The State of Alaska (New York: Random House, 1954), 178.

23. Ibid., 175-87; Maj.-Gen. A.W. Greeley, Handbook of Alaska: Its Resources, Products and Attractions in 1924 (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press edition, 1970), 45-46.

24. Gruening, State of Alaska, 187-90.

25. Trefethen, Crusade for Wildlife, 187.

26. Charles Sheldon ltr of October 10, 1915, to E.W. Nelson, Sheldon Papers, Box 1:6, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives.

27. Morgan Sherwood, Big Game in Alaska: A History of Wildlife and People (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961), 30-34.

28. Ibid., 34

29. Ibid., 34-35.

30. Horace M. Albright, "Oh, Ranger!" A Book About the National Parks (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1947 edition), 185.

31. Barry Mackintosh, The National Parks: Shaping the System (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1985), 18-19.

32. Charles Sheldon ltr of 12/15/15 to Stephen T. Mather, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Corres. Mount McKinley, Box 383.

33. Trefethen, Crusade for Wildlife, 189.

34. James B. Trefethen's chapter on the establishment of Mount McKinley National Park in Crusade for Wildlife, 179-91, is a convenient synopsis of the park movement and the legislative process, much relied on in this narrative; see also Madison Grant's history in Hunting and Conservation and anon., "The Mount McKinley National Park," Field and Stream (April 1917), 171.

35. Interview with Horace Albright, December 1986, in Boone and Crockett News, Vol. 4, No.2 (Spring 1987), 4.

36. NPS, Proceedings of the National Park Conference (1917), 194.

37. U.S. Congress. House. Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska. Report No. 1273, 64th Cong., 2d Sess. (January 10, 1917), 2.

38. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories. Hearing on the Establishment of Mount McKinley National Park, 64th Cong., 1st Sess., May 5, 1916; U.S. Congress. House. Subcommittee of the Committee on Public Lands. Hearing on a Bill to Establish Mount McKinley National Park, 64th Cong., 1st Sess., May 4, 1916.

39. See NPS, Proceedings of the Conference on National Parks (1917), 193-242, for development of these themes by Sheldon, Burnham, Nelson, Browne, and Capps.

40. Undated ltr from Sheldon to George Bird Grinnell, Denali National Park and Preserve archive.

41. Draft resolution in Sheldon Papers, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Box 4:46.

42. Attached to William B. Greeley ltr of 1/17/19 to Territorial Governor Thomas Riggs, in Alaska State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 172:42.

43. Riggs-Hallowell correspondence of 10/2 and 10/20/19, Alaska State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 172: 42.

44. Sheldon ltr of 11/17/20 to Grinnell, Sheldon Papers, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Box 1:6.

45. Sheldon ltr of 12/15/20, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 479, National Archives.

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