A History of the Denali - Mount McKinley, Region, Alaska
Historic Resource Study of Denali National Park and Preserve
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Chapter 8:

1. Albright ltrs to Mather of 10/11 and 13/28, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 369.

2. Ibid.; Mather ltr to Albright of 10/19/28, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 369.

3. Liek ltr to Albright of 4/11/29; Albright ltr to Liek of 5/2/29, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 374.

4. Albright ltr to Liek of 10/23/30, Denali NP&P archive.

5. Albright ltr to Liek of 1/2/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

6. Albright ltr to Liek of 2/17/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

7. Liek ltr to Albright of 2/3/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

8. Parks ltr to Mather of 6/6/29, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 306.

9. Albright ltr to Parks of 10/23/29, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 306.

10. Albright ltr to Parks of 11/29/29, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 306.

11. Liek rpt to Director of 10/16/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

12. Liek rpt to Director of 12/10/35, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1403.

13. Cammerer memo to Scott of 5/28/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 374.

14. See George A. Parks, "Alaska—A Record of Progress and Enterprise," Pan Pacific Progress (March 1930), for early context; Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Alaska—Its Resources and Development," Message from the President of the United States, House of Representatives, 75th Cong., 3d Sess., Doc. No. 485 (Jan. 20, 1938), 133-35, for New Deal context; Gov. Ernest Gruening Corres. with NPS and Interior Department, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468, for postwar context; with additional postwar attitudes and premises in Joint Economic Committees, Canada-United States, "The North Pacific Planning Project, Report of Progress—May 1943," Denali NP&P archive; Harry S. Truman, "Message to Congress on Development and Settlement of Alaska," White House press release of 5/21/48, and Statement of Interior Asst. Sec. W.E. Warne before Interior Appropriations Subcommittee of 2/19/48, Denali NP&P archive.

15. Gruening ltr to J.T. Flakne of 6/1/51, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

16. Karstens ltr to Mather of 9/19/27, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

17. Thomas C. Vint, "Report on Mt. McKinley National Park," December 26, 1929, National Archives (San Bruno, CA), Record Group 79, Box 9, 1.

18. Ibid., passim.

19. Albright ltr to Vint of 3/17/30, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

20. Albright ltr to Vint of 8/18/31 (a), Denali NP&P archive.

21. Albright ltr to Vint of 8/18/31 (b), Denali NP&P archive.

22. Sheldon ltr to Grinnell of 4/25/21, Sheldon Collection, Box 1, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives.

23. Quoted in John M. Kauffmann, "Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska, A History of its Establishment and Revision of its Boundaries," 1954, MS on file at Alaska Regional Office.

24. Mears ltr to Interior Secretary Fall of 5/29/22, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 381.

25. Kauffmann, "History of Boundaries," 14-20.

26. Vint ltr to Director of 3/24/30, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

27. Gov. Parks ltr to Albright of 7/9/31, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 336.

28. Gov. Parks ltr to Albright of 10/24/31, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 336.

29. Kauffmann, "History of Boundaries," 20-31.

30. Albright memo to Interior Secretary of 1/20/32, in Senate Report 379 (Calendar No. 398), 72d Cong., 1st Sess., 3/2/32, 2.

31. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 6/1/42; Wirth memo to Regional Director, Region Four of 11/3/47, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 79.

32. The records of these land cases comprise several thousand pages of reports, correspondence, and legal documents and exhibits; they provide an invaluable history of early settlement on the fringes of the park. See Lands Files, Alaska Regional Office general files (to be archived at National Archives Anchorage). A convenient summary of the land holdings and their histories is provided in the 17-page April 26, 1933, report (with attached maps and exhibits) by H.K. Carlisle, Examiner, General Land Office, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1403 (copy in Denali NP&P archive).

33. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 3/12/37.

34. Conrad L. Wirth memo to Assoc. Director of 3/4/48; Diedrick memo to Wirth of 3/8/48, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1419. File on Morino Roadhouse fire, May-June 1950, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 85.

35. Maier telegram to Supt. Pearson of 10/3/51, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 79.

36. Ralph Baldwin, "The Crisis on Denali," Off Belay (Dec. 1976), 2-10.

37. The temptation to dwell on the human adventure on this mountain, and on the ethical problems it presents, is made nearly irresistible by the rich climbing literature of success, tragedy, and heroic rescue. Convenient summaries used in this chronology are Grant Pearson, The Taming of Denali (Los Altos, CA: by author, 1957) and Bradford Washburn, "Chronology of Events Related to the Exploration of the McKinley Massif, Alaska" (through 1984), draft copy in Denali NP&P archive. See Frances Saunders Randall, Denali Diary, Letters from McKinley (Seattle: Cloudcap Press, 1987), for an intimate look at modern mountaineering on McKinley. Frances spent the summers of 1976 through 1983 at Kahiltna base camp, where, as a volunteer, she performed all the duties that merited her unofficial title, "Guardian Angel of McKinley."

38. See Governor's corres. files in State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 30, Boxes 315 and 321, and National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Boxes 1403 and 1404 for examples of such duties.

39. Solicitor's memo of 12/19/32, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 370.

40. Guthrey rpt to Director of Investigations of 10/24/35, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1404.

41. Liek ltr to Director of 1/7/35 and Tolson replies of 10/14 and 12/11/35, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1412.

42. Endersbee memo to Cameron of 11/20/37, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1403.

43. E.M. Gorton ltr to Cammerer of 7/27/37, Nat. Archives, RG 79, Entry 7, Box 1409.

44. National Parks Association News Service release Number 41 of 6/8/36, State Archives, Record Group 101, Box 468.

45. See Chief Ranger Reports 1927, et seq., Denali NP&P archive.

46. Greeley ltr to Albright of 7/13/31, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 6, Box 374.

47. Act. Dir. Demaray ltr to W.N. Beach of 10/15/37, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

48. For the history of this controversy from the game-protectionists viewpoint, see Charles Banks Belt, comp., History of the Committee on Conservation of Forests and Wildlife of the Camp Fire Club of America 1909-1956, 36-38, Denali NP&P archive.

49. Corres. on Wolf Controversy, 1935-45, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414 and 1415.

50. Liek ltr to Director of 11/11/37; Liek ltr to W.N. Beach of 2/17/38, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

51. NPS memo for the press of 1/6/38, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

52. Palmer rpt of 12/6/39, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1415.

53. V.H. Cahalane rpt to Director of 1/25/43, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1415.

54. Tolson memo to Reg. Dir., Region 4 of 5/10/43; Director Drury memo to Reg. Dir., Region 4 of 12/10/43, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1415.

55. Reg. Dir., Region 4 memo to Director of 3/9/45 w/petition encl., National Archives, Record Group 7, Box 1415.

56. Drury note to Cahalane of 3/13/45, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1415.

57. Director Drury statement on "The Wolf Problem in Mount McKinley National Park," encl. with Drury ltr to Gov. Gruening of 1/11/46, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

58. Drury memo to Ickes of 11/20/45; Cahalane control-program memo of 11/16/45; Ickes memo to Drury of 11/12/45, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

59. J.E. Price memo to Director of 12/29/45, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

60. Leopold ltr to Drury of 5/15/46, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414.

61. See wolf controversy documents in National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1414 for corres. and rpts. cited.

62. Anthony ltr to Drury of 12/9/48, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1415.

63. Stroud, "History of the Concession," 8.

64. Harold L. Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold Ickes, Vol. II (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954, 453).

65. Dir. Drury ltr to Rev. Bentley of 3/4/47, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1410.

66. Ibid.

67. Vint ltr to Director of 8/18/38, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 371.

68. Stroud, "History of the Concession," 8-10.

69. John A. Salmond, The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942 (Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 1967); Southwest Regional Office Div. of History, "A History of the Civilian Conservation Corps" (1989).

70. Mount McKinley NP press bulletin of 4/18/41, Denali NP&P archive.

71. Interior Dept. telegram to Gov. Gruening of 12/30/41, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 368; Drury-Swope memo to Int. Sec. of 3/19/42, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1417.

72. Governor Gruening's wartime corres. files provide a summary picture of this conversion, in State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468; see Jean Potter, Alaska Under Arms (New York: Macmillan Co., 1942) for contemporary wartime atmosphere.

73. Gen. Buckner ltr to Supt. Been of 9/28/41; Drury ltr to H. B. Miller of 12/1/42, Denali NP&P archive; Gen. Buckner Public Proclamation No. 1 of 4/7/42, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

74. Cpl. Paul B. Lowney, "Soldier's Dreamland," Alaska Life (Mar. 1944), 25-26; Sgt. C.E. Davidson, "McKinley Park Recreation Camp," Alaska Life (Mar. 1945), 52-53. See the Army handbook, "Mount McKinley Army Recreation Camp" (produced at the park, 1943), National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1404, and George L. Hall, Sometime Again (Seattle: Superior Pub. Co., 1945), for detail on the camp and the park during wartime.

75. See Robert H. Bates, "Mt. McKinley, 1942," The American Alpine Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan. 1943), 1-13, for an account of the 1942 cold-weather test expedition.

76. NPS press release of 7/4/43, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1408.

77. Supt. Been memo to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 9/24/47, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1420.

78. Supt's monthly reports for war years, Denali NP&P archive.

79. Been memo to Director of 6/25/41, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1408.

80. Tolson memo to Act. Supt. of 8/7/43, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1408.

81. Been telegram to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 6/4/40; Vint memo to National Resources Plng Bd of 9/4/40, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 80; postwar development schedules, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1420.

82. Pearson, "History of Mount McKinley NP," 50-52; Dir. Drury ltr to Gov. Gruening of 4/8/46 and encl. undated news clipping re: Medal of Freedom Award, National Archive/San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 77.

83. See park road and road jurisdiction files, Denali NP&P archive; Act. Dir. Demaray ltr to Alaska Delegate A.J. Dimond of 6/13/41, National Archives, Record Group 79, Central Files, 1907-49, Mount McKinley; mining permit files, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 79; Dir. Cammerer-Supt. Liek ltrs of 11/8/38 and 12/5/38, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, File 630 (Roads).

84. William E. Brown, "Cultural Resources Survey of Stampede Mine, May 14, 1987," 16-page typed report for Alaska Regional Office, NPS, Anchorage, AK; Donald E. White, "Antimony Deposits of the Stampede Creek Area, Kantishna District, Alaska," USGS Bulletin 936-N (Washington: GPO, 1942), 331-48; Norman Ebbley, Jr., and Wilford S. Wright, "Antimony Deposits in Alaska," Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4173 (1948), 3-20.

85. Earl R. Pilgrim testimony, "Antimony Brief," submitted to Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 3/26/58, NPS Alaska Regional Office file L3027 (Pilgrim Road), to be retained in National Archives Sand Point; hereinafter: Pilgrim Road File.

86. Pilgrim ltr to Ike Taylor, ARC, of 11/27/42, Pilgrim Road File.

87. Drury ltr to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 1/6/43, Pilgrim Road File.

88. Pilgrim ltr to Supt. Pearson of 7/27/54, Pilgrim Road File.

89. Pearson ltr to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 8/10/54, Pilgrim Road File.

90. Kabaugh (ARR) ltr to Pearson of 8/19/54, Pilgrim Road File.

91. Reg. Dir. Maier telegram to Pearson of 8/23/54, Pilgrim Road File.

92. King ltr to Pilgrim of 10/4/57, Pilgrim Road File.

93. Various 1957 corres. in Pilgrim Road File.

94. Jacobs memo to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 4/25/58, Pilgrim Road File.

95. Reg. Dir. ltr to Director of 5/1/58, Pilgrim Road File.

96. Supt. King memo to Reg. Dir., Region 4, of 9/19/60, Pilgrim Road File.

97. Bruce Campbell interview with author of 9/23/87.

98. Gordon Harrison interview with author of 5/14/87.

99. "Investigation Report: Stampede Mine, Denali NP&P," NPS Alaska Regional Office (May 1987).

100. See remarks of P.B. Fleming, Administrator, Federal Works Agency, in "The Role of Construction in the Post War Period," The Constructor (July 1943), cited in Gov. Gruening's broadcast ltr to municipal, territorial, and Federal agencies of 9/15/45, State Archives, Ser. 130, Box 573, Postwar Plans.

101. Drury memo to Under Secretary of the Interior of 12/28/45; Drury memo to Director, Division of Territories (DOI) of 10/3/45; Otto Ohlson (ARR) memo to Director, Division of Territories of 10/22/45; Gov. Gruening memo to Interior Secretary of 11/26/45, National Archives, Record Group 79, Entry 7, Box 1420.

102. Budget and program documents of late Forties; Superintendent's monthly reports, Denali NP&P archive.

103. Chapman ltr to Gruening of 8/24/50, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 78.

104. Reg. Dir. Merriam wire to Supt., McKinley Park of 12/13/50, National Archives San Bruno, Record Group 79, Box 78.

105. Gruening ltr to Flakne of 6/15/51, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

106. Flakne ltr to Gruening of 6/22/51, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

107. NPS Director ltr to Asst. Secy. of 6/29/50, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

108. Gruening ltr to Wirth of 4/2/52, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

109. Wirth ltr to Gruening of 6/2/52, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

110. Gruening ltr to Wirth of 6/5/52, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

111. Wirth ltr to Gruening of 6/11/52, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

112. Wirth ltr to Gruening of 12/21/52, State Archives, Record Group 101, Ser. 79-35, Box 468.

113. N.B. Drury, "National Park Policies," National Parks Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 97 (Apr.-June 1948), 28-34, quote on 28.

114. Stratton memo to Director, et al., of 6/17/63, Denali NP&P archive.

115. O. Murie ltr to F. Masland of 11/20/60, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, A. Murie Collection, Box 14.

116. O.J. Murie, "Mount McKinley, Wilderness Park of the North Country," National Parks Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 187 (Apr. 1963), 4-7.

117. Paul M. Tilden and Nancy L. Machler, "The Development of Mount McKinley National Park," National Parks Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 188 (May 1963), 10-15.

118. "Some Views Concerning the Development of Mount McKinley National Park," National Parks Magazine, Vol. 37, No. 192 (Sept. 1963), 18-19,21.

119. Ibid., 19.

120. Adolph Murie, "Comments on Mission 66 Plans, and on Policies Pertaining to Mount McKinley National Park," 14-page critique attached to Murie ltr to Supt. of 11/8/56, Denali NP&P archive.

121. S. Olson ltr to A. Murie of 9/6/60, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Adolph Murie Collection, Box 12.

122. Federal Highway Administration, "McKinley Park Highway 1978 Study Report," Appendix A, 12-13, Denali NP&P archive; abstract of road-project correspondence, 1950-69, Denali NP&P archive.

123. Hadley ltr to Begich of 2/1/72, Denali NP&P archive.

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