Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume I


History and location

South and southeast of the sale shop there stood in 1845-1846 two large warehouses which were so much alike in function and appearance that it seems desirable to treat them together. They were the building presently designated as no. 5 on the Site Plan, Historic Structures Report, Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (plate II of this report), which was known in Company days as the "Store," or "New Store;" and the structure now called Building no. 7, known to the employees of the Honorable Company as "Stores," or "Receiving Store."

As was seen in the last chapter, these structures were erected during the period from about 1843 to 1845 to replace, or at least reconstruct, earlier buildings of approximately the same sizes which stood on or near the same sites. In 1841 the building which stood where the "New Store" was located in 1845 was described by Lieutenant George Foster Emmons as a "General Store House -- provisions, Dry goods, Hardware, &c." The site of the 1845 "Receiving Store" was occupied in 1841 by the "Building for Furs &c." [1]

Evidently not long after Emmons drew his ground plan in 1841 it was decided that more warehouse space was required for the large stocks of trade goods, provisions, maritime stores, and other items kept on hand at the Fort Vancouver Depot, the supply point for the far-flung posts of the Columbia Department. By the end of 1844 the Fur Store no longer occupied the site of Building no. 7; it had been moved to the eastward a few feet into the structure now designated as Building no. 8. [2] The area thus left free was utilized for a new warehouse, known as the "Receiving Store," the present Building no. 7.

Seemingly it was somewhat later, in the spring of 1844, that the former "General Store House," the more southerly of the two warehouses along the west palisade, was demolished, entirely or in part, and work started on its replacement, the present Building no. 5, the "New Store."

The little that is known about the histories of these two new warehouses may be summarized as follows:

Building no. 5, the "New Store." In his journal for September 10, 1844, Clerk Thomas Lowe made the following notation: "Baron and a party of men employed at the New Store adjoining the Sale Shop which was commenced last Spring." [3] On October 15 he again mentioned this building: "Baron with a few men began to shingle the new Store next [to] the Sale Shop." [4]

Though these words are few, they tell a great deal. First, they indicate that the "New Store" was begun in the spring of 1844 and completed about the end of October that same year. Second, by describing the new structure as adjoining the sale shop they fix its location precisely, for the only building standing in such a position was the one presently called Building no. 5, which stood directly to the south of the trading store. In fact, on two versions of the Vavasour ground plan of 1845 and in the Coode water color of 1846-1847, the "New Store" is shown linked to the sale shop by structural elements of undeterminable nature (see plates VI, VII and XI).

The "New Store" seems to have been one of the two warehouses which were not torn down by the army during the two or three weeks of destruction which followed the military takeover of the Company's establishment on June 14, 1860. It probably fell prey to firewood scavengers, to decay, and perhaps to fire during the next several years. [5]

Building no. 7, the "Receiving Store." On July 23, 1844, Thomas Lowe noted in his diary: "Mr. Roberts putting up some articles for the N. W. Coast in the Store." [6] When one begins to speculate as to which building this particular "Store" was, one reaches an interesting conclusion. This "Store" undoubtedly was not the present Building no. 4, which Lowe consistently called the "Sale Shop." It certainly was not Building no. 5, because as we have just seen, this "New Store" had not been completed by July, 1844. And it probably was not Building no 8, which Lowe called the "Fur Store." Therefore, since "the Store" of July 23, 1844, must have been one of the four large warehouses then in the fort, it almost certainly was the present Building no. 7.

A year later, on June 5, 1845, Lowe entered the words, "began to shingle the Receiving Store," in his journal. [7] This "Receiving Store" clearly was not Building no. 5, the "New Store," because that building had been shingled the preceding fall. Neither was it, in all probability, Building no. 4, the "Sale Shop," or Building no. 8, the "Fur Store" since, as we have seen, Lowe seems always to have referred to those structures by name. Also, the sale shop is known to have been shingled just prior to June 5, 1845. Therefore, the "Receiving Store" very probably was the one presently called Building no. 7.

If this reasoning is correct, the "Receiving Store" had been completed and was in use by mid-1844. At that time it probably had a plank roof which was replaced by a shingled one during the summer of the next year.

Building no. 7 was situated parallel with the south palisade, east of and at right angle to the south end of Building no. 5. It was among the structures turned over to the army in mid-1860, and its fate seems to have been the same as that of the "New Store.

It will he noted that this building was near the west gate in the south palisade. This entrance provided the closest access into the fort from the wharf, and a warehouse almost adjacent to it would have been advantageously located for receiving cargo imported from London.

Warehouse operations In a sense, the warehouses or "stores" at Fort Vancouver were the very heart of the Company's business in the entire area west of the Rocky Mountains, from Mexican California on the south to Russian Alaska on the north. To a degree, Fort Vancouver operated as any other headquarters post for a fur-trading district. Through its own Indian sale shop and the subsidiary posts of Fort George and Fort Umpqua as well other trading activities, it collected peltries in return for goods of various types. This activity was segregated in the Company's account books under the heading "Fort Vancouver Fur Trade."

By far the more important aspect of the post's affairs, however, was that conducted under the heading "Fort Vancouver Depot." Into this category fell all the activities having to do with Vancouver's position as administrative headquarters, supply point, and shipping port for the vast Columbia Department. The office, the principal warehouses, the mills, the farm, the bakery, the boat sheds and shipyard, and the several shops for artisans were primarily depot facilities.

To the depot the annual supply ships from England brought the trade goods and other necessities for the Company's operations west of the Rockies, and from there, in turn, the goods were distributed by coastal vessel, river boat, and pack train to the far-flung posts of the department. And to Fort Vancouver each year were brought the fur returns from the entire region. Here they were packed and shipped off to the auctions in London.

By late 1845, the period in which we are primarily interested for purposes of this study, the importance of Fort Vancouver as a depot had begun to decline. The Company for years had desired to find a more central location on the Northwest Coast for its depot, one which would eliminate the need to risk each year the entire departmental supplies and returns in crossing the dangerous bar at the mouth of the Columbia River. The unsettled boundary question and the growing agressiveness of American settlers in the Oregon Country also caused apprehension. Dr. McLoughlin was long able to delay such a move by pointing out that the Columbia River offered the only practicable route for getting supplies into the vast interior area.

But Governor George Simpson ordered the construction of a new depot on Vancouver Island in 1842, and the post, known as Fort Victoria, was built during the next year. The arrival of the "great immigration" of American settlers in 1843 and the formation of the Oregon Provisonal Government made it clear that Great Britain might not be able to maintain its position in Oregon, at least south of the 49th parallel.

The uncertainty surrounding the future of Fort Vancouver was recognized by the Governor and Committee in London. Late in 1844 they instructed the captain of the annual supply ship Vancouver to proceed directly to Fort Victoria rather than to the Columbia. The vessel reached Victoria in February, 1845, and there landed the portion of her cargo destined for the Northwest Coast. Late in March she visited Fort Vancouver to discharge the supplies for the Columbia and the inland posts. [8]

In January, 1845, Simpson warned McLoughlin of the large immigration expected to reach Oregon from the United States during the year. In order to "guard against lawless aggression," the Governor recommended that no more goods be kept at Fort Vancouver than absolutely necessary to meet immediate demands. The "reserved outfit" for the Columbia River posts -- that maintained for a year in advance as a protection in case of a disaster to the supply ships -- should be kept at Fort Victoria along with all the supplies for the Northwest Coast. Furthermore, said Simpson, the furs for the entire Columbia Department should be collected at Victoria instead of Fort Vancouver, and the vessels sailing for England with the annual returns should take their departure from the new post. In other words, the departmental depot was to remain at Fort Vancouver no longer. [9]

During the spring of 1845, McLoughlin took the first step to effect the change by ordering the furs from the coast to be left at Fort Victoria. On July 19 of that year he promised the Governor and Committee that the returns from the interior would he sent there as soon as a vessel was available. [10]

Thus the warehouses as reconstructed at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site should reflect in their furnishings a certain diminution in activity. However, the effects of the new policy on the stocks of warehoused goods probably were slight before the departure of the inland brigade in the summer of 1846. Evidently the first complete departmental reserve stock of goods to be placed in storage at Fort Victoria was that for Outfit 1847, which did not arrive there until the spring of 1846. [11] It should be remembered that the great bulk of the trade goods for the Columbia Department, including New Caledonia (the present inland British Columbia), still had to be transported laboriously up the Columbia River by modified York boats, known as Columbia boats, to such posts as Fort Walla Walla, Fort Okanogan, and Fort Colvile, from whence they were sent by pack animal to the still-more-distant outposts. Thus the amount of goods kept on hand at Fort Vancouver, at least until the departure of all the inland boats, would have been impressive even without the reserve outfit.

It was the function of the New Store and the Receiving Store, the two buildings we are concerned with in this chapter, to house the precious cargoes of imported goods which were the lifeblood of the Company's western fur trade. Although information on the subject is slight, it seems to have been the practice to house in one store the "goods opened for the current year's business, that is, to sell to their men and to send off to the various stations" and in the other the advance supplies for the following year. [12] From its name, one would suppose that the Receiving Store was the latter.

The business conducted in the two warehouses was essentially a wholesale operation. The goods received from London were charged by the Northern Department to the account of the Columbia District. [13] It was the duty of the clerk in charge of the stores -- who from July, 1844, to December, 1846, was George B. Roberts -- to check the supplies against the bills of lading. He also opened the goods for the current year's operations, sorted them according to the orders from the different posts, and packed them for shipment. The items going to the outlying establishments and to Vancouver's own sale shop were charged against the accounts of the posts "as if they belonged to outsiders." [14]

The process by which goods reached the warehouses started several years before their actual arrival. First the individual post commander or the district chief trader, sometimes nearly four years in advance, made out orders for the supplies he would need for a particular year or outfit. These were then consolidated by Dr. McLoughlin three years in advance to make up a requisition or "indent" for the entire Columbia Department.

The ordering of these goods was perhaps the most important responsibility of the Company's field officers. There was little room for error, because once one of the more distant posts received its outfit it had to be "as self-sufficient as a ship at sea" for an entire year. [15] The whole prosperity of the trade depended upon the receipt of the right types of goods in the right quantities.

The indent which Dr. McLoughlin prepared for Outfit 1838, for example, was signed by him at Fort Vancouver on March 2, 1835. This requisition was carried by the Company's express across the continent to the great depot at York Factory on Hudson Bay, from whence it was sent by ship to England. A duplicate order was dispatched later in the year directly to London in the vessel conveying the annual fur returns. Sometimes patterns or samples of certain desired goods were sent along in an attempt to assure the receipt of items of desired size and quality.

The order was filled by the firm's London office after review, and evidently sometimes after minor changes, by the officers of the Northern Department at York Factory and by the home office staff. [16] Purchases usually were made directly from the manufacturers, sometimes based upon the Company's own specifications.

But such measures did not always assure the receipt of high quality products. In March, 1846, for instance, Chief Factors Peter Skene Ogden and James Douglas complained "in the strongest terms" of the cotton goods purchased from Laurie, Hamilton & Co. "They are of the worst quality, and the colors invariably fade, in washing, or exposure to the light," the factors told the Governor and Committee. "Some cases of the Navy blues, have been utterly destroyed, we presume in the dying. Any such found in future we will return." [17]

It was McLoughlin's intention, when he made out his order on March 2, 1835, that the requested goods should be shipped from London in the fall of 1836, since that season was the usual one for the departure of the annual supply vessel to the Columbia. There was some delay in chartering a ship, however, and it was about the end of January, 1837, before the Sumatra sailed with the supplies for Outfit 1838. She did not reach Fort Vancouver until the fall of 1837, several months later than was customary. But McLoughlin did not complain. The cargo was in "excellent order," and it was transferred to the warehouses for use during the trading year which would begin on June 1, 1838. [18]

The bulging warehouses of Fort Vancouver were always objects of interest to visitors. Mrs. Whitman, in 1836, was among those who, as she wrote in her diary, "went to the stores & found them filled with the cargos of the two ships both above & below, all in unbroken bails." [19] Lieutenant Emmons of the Wilkes party found "quite a large variety & quantity of stores and Furs on hand -- much order and system in the general arrang[e]ment. . . ." [20]

The great bulk of the incoming cargo arrived from London in "huge bales" and large boxes and barrels of various types. Most of the bales consisted of blankets, drygoods, and clothing. In 1847 the Columbia Department factors asked that the bales of moleskin be "wrapped in blankets and each piece to be put up in stout paper, to prevent injury or stain from the effects of the voyage." [21] By the 1860's "tarred inside wrappers" were being used to protect the bales. [22] It is assumed that the bales of the early 1840's had some type of protective wrapping, but its nature has not yet been learned by the present writer. These bales and large containers were routinely unpacked in the stores and made up into smaller bundles for shipment to the individual posts.

Another part of the cargo consisted of what were known as "whole pieces" -- smaller bales, cases, boxes, and kegs of suitable weight and size for inland transport and, particularly, for portaging on the backs of voyageurs. These smaller units were made up in London with a view to saving repacking. They generally weighed a hundredweight or less.

Typical "whole pieces" were small bales of blankets and cloth; "tin-lined cases of small hardware; kegs of gunpowder (sixty-six and two-thirds pounds net) and sugar, chests of tea (of one hundred weight and half a hundredweight net); rolls and 'serons' of tobacco, done up in red-painted canvas, and weighing one hundredweight; double canvas bags of ball and shot, each one hundredweight; cases of yellow soap and long cases of Indian flintlock guns." [23]

Each bundle, bale, and box in the cargo bore a shipping mark, indicating the outfit and the destination for which it was intended. For instance, most of the goods received at Vancouver by the barque Brothers in June, 1844, were marked 45/C, meaning they were for use during Outfit 1845 in the Columbia District. Some, however, were marked 45/NS indicating that they contained naval stores for use during that trading year. Still others, bearing the symbol 45/B were destined for use on the Company's steamer, Beaver, which operated on the Northwest Coast. [24]

During March of 1845 the barque Vancouver landed the goods marked intended for use on the Northwest Coast during Outfit 1846, at Fort Victoria. Then she proceeded to the Columbia River and Fort Vancouver to land the cargo marked 46/C. [25]

It will be noted that in this section of the report no attempt is made to give a detailed list of the types and quantities of goods received in the shipments from England and housed in the stores. Such exact inventories will be found in the later section of this chapter headed "Furnishings." The purpose of the present section is to outline the functions of the warehouses and to give a general idea of the sizes, shapes, and appearance of the goods housed there so that architects and curators can plan interior layouts and perhaps arrangements of goods and equipment which might illustrate key activities.

It should be made clear at this point that not only imported goods were stored in the warehouses. The Company also gathered in for its own use at the posts and for the conduct of its operations, as well as for sale to Indians, employees, and settlers, a considerable quantity of what was termed "country produce." Such items included the products of its own farms, such as wheat, dried peas, salt beef and pork, and even vegetable seeds. Also coming under this heading were such fruits of hunting and fishing as pickled salmon, deer skins, elk skins, and "Cape Flattery Oil." These goods, if of suitable type, were stored in bags and barrels manufactured at Fort Vancouver or at the post which produced the goods.

Another class of locally produced goods was called "country made articles." Under this heading came items fabricated in the Columbia Department's own tradesmen's shops, generally from imported raw materials. So classified were axe heads, canvas shot bags, tin boxes, tin candlesticks, garden hoes, beaver traps, and many other articles.

It is apparent from such sources as Clerk Thomas Lowe's journal that trade goods and supplies flowed out from the depot warehouses to the subordinate posts at intervals throughout the business year, often as special needs had to be met or as transportation was available. On July 23, 1844, for instance, Clerk George B. Roberts was busy "putting up some articles for the N. W. Coast in the Store." During the first half of 1846, two boats left Vancouver on February 1 with part of the Colvile outfit. On March 5 goods for the interior to be left at Walla Walla, were sent forward in four boats. Early in April two more boats left for The Dalles laden with flour, "part of the Snake Country Outfit." On June 5 the vessel Columbia sailed with supplies for Stikine and the steamer Beaver. Then, on June 30, the big depletion of the stores came when the interior Brigade of nine boats started its usual mid-summer journey up stream for the upper Columbia and New Caledonia. [26]

It was the responsibility of the clerk in charge of the stores to assemble the articles called for by the requisition from each post and to pack them into bundles or "pieces" of about 90 pounds each which could be stowed in small boats, carried by pack animals, and portaged by voyageurs. This process consisted of more than simply opening bales and bundling up, say, so many blankets and so many pieces of cloth, and then augmenting the smaller packages with an assortment of "whole pieces" from London. Care had to be taken to distribute goods and articles of the same type throughout a number of bundles which would be shipped in different boats so that in case of upset in the river or other accident a post's entire yearly supply of, say, capotes would not be lost.

Also, breakable articles, glassware, had to be protected or other drygoods. No packing such as bottles of medicine and by being wrapped in sashes, blankets, in paper, straw, or other waste material that would add weight or bulk was permitted. Since space in the boats was at a premium, articles were "nested" wherever possible. [27]

The Company's clerks had many "tricks of the trade" by which they made sure that fragile items survived the rigors of the long and difficult journeys to the outposts. Window glass suffered a high casualty rate until someone thought of dipping the panes into heated molasses before packing them in boxes. When the "black strap" cooled it firmly glued the panes together into a shock-resistant mass. After the cargo reached its destination, hot water was applied to dissolve the molasses, which was salvaged by the employees to sweeten their tea. It is small wonder that the clerks considered making up the outfits for the subordinate districts and posts to be "an art of calculation and accuracy." [28]

Not everyone was as charmed with these "perfect packages" as were the clerks who assembled them, however. When J. W. Dease complained in 1827 that some articles in his post's requisition had not been received, McLoughlin admitted: "It may be that some other place has these things and got mixed with theirs in the Baling Room." [29] And protests against the practices that permitted goods such as crockery and pipes to arrive broken at their destinations were not infrequent. [30]

Evidently the final wrapping and tieing of each piece, at least those which were not made up of rigid boxes and which could stand some degree of compression, were performed in a press. The type of protective covering used at Fort Vancouver during the 1840's is not known.

The invariable final touch on each piece was the mark to indicate the outfit, the destination, and the number of the bale or box in the shipment. At certain times and places this mark was placed on a board or slat which was lashed to the bundle with the wrapping cord (see plate CIX). [31] At other times and places it was placed directly on the wrapper or cover with marking pencil or perhaps some type of ink or paint (plate CX). The method used at Fort Vancouver during the 1840's is not known.

But something is known of the marks themselves. Seemingly in the 1840's it was the custom to place the year of the outfit over the symbol for the post. Thus 43/FN #1 stood for Outfit 1843, destination Fort Nisqually, bale number 1 of the shipment. [32] By the mid-1850's, on the other hand, all the elements of the mark seem to have been placed on a single level, thus: 54 C #2 meaning Outfit 1854, destination Fort Colvile, bale number 2. [33]

From the two sources cited in the paragraph immediately above and from a scattering of other primary materials, a partial list of post symbols used in packing marks has been assembled. Unfortunately these symbols varied from time to time, so it does not seem possible to be sure which ones were in use at Fort Vancouver in 1845-1846. At any rate, some of those which are known to have been used during the 1840's and 1850's are as follows:

Fort ColvileC
Fort Nez PercesNP
Fort NisquallyN or FN
Fort Nisqually, Puget's Sound Agric. Co.NPSA
Fort VancouverV, FV, or Van
Snake CountrySC

The departure of a supply brigade involved a vast amount of paper work. Not only were detailed inventories kept of the outfits going to each post, but exact lists were kept of what was in each piece or bundle of each outfit. One copy of this list, called a packing account, went to the receiving post. If the same practice was followed as in shipping furs, a piece of paper was tucked into each bundle bearing a list of its contents and a copy of the mark, thus providing a means of identification should the outside marking be lost or damaged in transit. [34]

Due to the feeling for history possessed by a long-time Company employee, some of the highly ephemeral packing accounts associated with the Fort Vancouver stores have been preserved. One, for a shipment of "sundries" sent from Fort Vancouver to Fort Nisqually on September 26, 1843, seems worth reproducing at least in part:

25plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts BB
2pieces Navy blue Cotton
1parcel common round Beads

#2do ditto

2balls Cotton Wicks
3parcels Beads
6plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts BB
3Scotch Bonnets
3prs Cordy. Trousers
15com. Cotton Shirts
1piece Navy blue Cotton
50-1/2yds green Baize
5Ct. Kirby trout hooks

#4do ditto except 52 yds red in lieu of green Baize

11plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts BB
3prs Cordy. Trousers
3Scotch Bonnets
3balls Cotton wick
2parcels Beads
5Ct. Gunflints
7lbs. necklace Beads
1doz. butchers CS Knives
10Com Cott. Shirts
1piece Navy blue Cotton
1Tent 10 ells

27 plain Blankets 2-1/2 pts BB
1piece Navy blue Cotton
3[illegible] Beads
3balls Cotton wick
3Scotch Bonnets
3prs olive Cord Trousers
10Com. Cott Shirts
5Ct. Kirby Hooks
5Ct. Gunflints
1gro. Wire Gunworms
1cupboard Lock

10 beaver Traps complete w. chains

92 lbs Canada twist Tobacco

[MS torn]
[24]lbs brass collar wire
[10]beaver trap springs [35]

Construction details

a. Dimensions and footings. Building no. 5 scales out on the Vavasour ground plan of late 1845 to measure about 38 feet wide and 93 feet long (plate VII). The inventory of 1846-1847 lists a "Store No. 2" with dimensions of 90 feet by 40 feet. [36] This structure, through a process of comparing the measurements of all the warehouses listed with the sizes of the warehouses as shown on the Vavasour plan, can be identified beyond reasonable doubt as the structure presently known as Building no. 5. Archeological excavations in 1952 uncovered the footings at three corners of this "New Store" and most of the wall footings. According to the footings, as plotted by Mr. Caywood, the building was about 40 feet wide and 92.5 feet long. [37] As usual, the footings were spaced 10 feet between centers.

Building no. 7 was depicted on the Vavasour map as being about 40 feet by 98 feet. The 1846-1847 lists two warehouses, "Stores Nos. 3 & 4," of which Building no. 7 certainly was one, as measuring 40 feet by 100 feet. All four corners were located by archeologists in 1952. According to their findings, the building dimensions were very close to those in the inventory, 40' x 100'. The footings were spaced as in the other warehouses. [38]

b. General construction. The two stores here under discussion were built in the same general manner as was the sale shop described in the previous chapter except that, being longer, they had more 10-foot sections or bays in their front and rear walls. The general appearance and construction of such massive timber structures so typical of Hudson's Bay Company posts are well illustrated by two photographs of the so-called "Athabasco Building" at Fort Edmonton, Alberta (plates LXXXVIII and LXXXIX). Both were two-story structures with the usual "Hudson Bay" hipped roofs. They were not weather-boarded, and most probably the timbers of which they were made were sawed not hand-hewn. No chinking is visible in the 1860 photograph which shows part of the "New Store." The roofs were shingled, probably with boards at the ridges.

From the 1860 photograph it appears that Building no. 5 may have been slightly higher than the sale shop, but the eaves seem to have been at about the same level on both structures. No available picture permits one to judge the relative height of Building no. 7 beyond the fact that it was a two-story structure.

The fact that there were no stoves or fireplaces, and hence no chimneys, in Company warehouses has already been mentioned in connection with the treatment of the sale shop. This point seems to require reiteration here. [39]

Doors. The only knowledge we have of the doors in these buildings comes from the Coode sketch of 1846-1847 (plate XI). This drawing shows one door in the center of the front wall of each structure. These doors seem to be wider than that on the front of the sale shop, and they have arched tops. One can almost be certain that they were double doors.

Fortunately, an excellent example of this type of double, arched door and arched door frame survives in the original granary at the restored Fort Nisqually, Tacoma, Washington, (see plate CXI). There are H.A.B.S. measured drawings of this latter structure.

Probably the door in the front or north wall of Building no. 7 was the only exterior door in the receiving store. But in the case of the "New Store," Building no. 5, there undoubtedly was at least one other exterior door besides that visible in the Coode sketch. As has been observed, this building was linked to its neighbor on the north, the sale shop, by a roofed passage way or platform of some sort. Almost certainly there were doors in both structures to permit the transfer of goods from one to the other.

Very probably a ramp rather than stairs led from the yard level to the threshold of the front door to facilitate the movement of heavy bales and barrels. Such a ramp at Fort Vancouver may be seen at the entrance to the granary in one of the 1860 photographs (plate XXVIII).

Windows. The windows in the two warehouses under consideration here pose several difficult problems. It will simplify matters to treat each structure separately.

(1) Building no. 5, the "New Store." The Coode water color of 1845-1846 pictures almost all of the front wall of this structure. Assuming that the most southerly window on the first floor is hidden behind the corner of Building no. 7, the sketch seems to indicate that there were six windows on the lower floor and three windows on the upper floor (plate XI).

But most of the northern half of Building no. 5 is visible in the photograph of the northwest corner of the fort enclosure taken in May, 1860 (plate XXVIII). This picture shows the four northern 10-foot bays in the front wall, and in the center of each bay there is a window. Since this building had nine bays across its entire front, one of which contained the door, there must have been eight windows across the lower story front if the same window spacing was used in the southern half as was employed in the northern. As can be seen from pictures of the warehouses at Fort Edmonton (plates LXXXVIII and LXXXIX) and the structures at Fort Langley (plate XXXVII), it was common Company practice to place windows in the centers of each bay across the fronts of major buildings.

Therefore, the present writer is inclined toward the conclusion that Coode erred in this instance as he seems to have in others. The alternative, that the number of windows was changed from six to eight between 1847 and 1860, does not seem so probable.

On the other hand, the 1860 photograph seems to confirm the information given by Coode to the effect that there were three windows across the second story front of the "New Store." The photograph shows one upper-story window, in the third bay from the north end of the building. If this same spacing was followed in the southern half of the wall, and if there was one window in the center over the door as shown by Coode, the total number of windows on the second story would have been three.

Turning to the rear or west wall of Building no. 5, we find no picture which shows the first-floor windows. One can only assume that there were nine windows, one in the center of each bay to match those in the front wall. Undoubtedly such openings were heavily barred and shuttered. When it comes to the second story, however, there is a plethora of conflicting information. One sketch said to have been drawn in 1854 shows six upper-story windows (plate XX); the Sohon lithograph of 1854 and the very similar Covington view of the next year show four windows (plates XXI and XXII); and a drawing by an army officer about 1860 shows five (plate XXVI). Because the Sohon and Covington drawings agreed with the very accurate Gibbs sketch in the case of the sale shop (the "New Store" windows are obscured in the Gibbs picture), the present writer is inclined to credit their evidence.

No known picture shows the windows on the south wall of the "New Store," and only one, the 1854 drawing by an unidentified artist, depicts the windows on the north wall, and then only for the second story. According to this view, there were four windows upstairs in the north wall (plate XX). This sketch contains many inaccuracies, and it is particularly suspect with regard to the "New Store" because it does not show the roof linking that structure to the sale shop. Nevertheless, in view of what is known about the windows on the end walls of the Receiving Store, as will be brought out under the next heading, one is inclined to accept the evidence given by the 1854 picture.

In fact, if one were to guess, as one must in this case, one might suspect that there were four windows on each floor in the south wall, four on the second floor in the north wall, and three windows and a door at the main floor level in the north wall.

As shown by the 1860 photograph, the windows in the "New Store" were smaller than those in the sale shop. From the prints available one cannot make out the number of panes or ascertain whether the windows were double-hung or casement in type. It is clear, however, that the openings were protected by large, single shutters which opened toward the south.

(2) Building no. 7, the "Receiving Store." Only two pictures thus far known give any information about the windows in the Receiving Store. The Coode water color shows this structure as having only two windows, in addition to the door, on the lower story of the front or north wall and three windows on the second story. It will be recalled that this wall was about 100 feet long. Although it scarcely seems possible that such a lengthy wall would have had so few windows, there seems no choice but to accept Coode's evidence, which is all there is.

The credibility of Coode's sketch is enhanced by what he shows of the east wall of the Receiving Store. Although only a small sector of the wall is visible, it is evident from the spacing of the windows shown that there were four windows on each floor. In other words, there was a window in the center of each bay on each story of the east wall. Such an arrangement would have gone far to compensate for the lack of light through front wall openings.

A drawing of Fort Vancouver by Lieutenant J. W. Hopkins about 1860 provides a distant and indistinct view of the west end of the Receiving Store. Only one window is shown (plate XXVI). Probably, however, the west wall was much the same as the east wall.

No view showing the windows on the south wall is known. It can only be assumed that the arrangement was similar to that on the front wall, that is three windows on the upper floor and three windows on the lower (in place of the two windows and one door in the north wall).

Exterior finish. The outside walls of these two warehouses were unpainted. However, the Coode water color shows the doors and windows as being much darker than the walls and reddish brown in color. The 1860 photograph which includes the northern part of the "New Store" also seems to indicate that the shutters were darker than the walls. Thus it is possible that the doors and shutters on these buildings were painted the "Spanish brown" color so widely favored at fur-trade establishments.

Although the structural details of the "New Store" are rather indistinctly visible in the 1860 photograph, a careful study of the best prints available fails to produce any signs of chinking between the timbers. Here again we must conclude that the practice in this regard differed from that at many other Company posts. Sawed timbers evidently did not require visible chinking.

e. Interior finish and arrangement. As was discussed in the previous chapter on the sale shop, practically nothing is known about the interior finish and room arrangement of the Fort Vancouver warehouses. But we can be certain that Buildings nos. 5 and 7 differed from the sale shop only in being somewhat cruder and in lacking the counters and other equipment of the trading room itself. Perhaps one end of the "New Store" was partitioned off to make a baling room, but otherwise these large structures probably were without interior walls. The plank floors, the exposed beams, the deal siding, and the open-tread stairs without handrails were as described in the previous chapter.

One feature of the interior finish seldom mentioned in written sources are the inscriptions often found on the walls and beams inside the warehouses. Speaking of the interior of the great store at York Factory in 1879, George Simpson McTavish wrote: "The names of many officers and workers with the weights of their respective persons were inscribed on the walls." [40] In 1967 Mr. A. Lewis Koue and the writer found pencilled lists of furs on the deals lining the walls in the loft of the abandoned warehouse at Fort St. James. What seem to be chalked markings indicating the locations of various types of goods can be seen in a 1923 photograph of the depot at York Factory (see plate CXII). It seems likely that a practice in vogue by 1879 and later so widespread was known in the 1840's.

d. Connection with stockade. One version of the Vavasour ground plan of late 1845 (plate VI) indicates that the southeast corner of Building no. 7 was linked to the south palisade wall by a fence or barrier of some type. This connection, which undoubtedly was a line of pickets, was shown by Vavasour as running at an angle southwesterly to join the main stockade directly west of the opening for the southwest fort gate. What appears to be the same connecting barrier is also shown on the "Line of Fire" map of September, 1844, though on such a small scale as to provide no structural information (plate V).


As with the sale shop, the principal "furnishings" of the warehouses were the goods stored there. But there was also a certain amount of equipment kept on hand to facilitate business both in and on behalf of the warehouses and, evidently, to protect the goods in them.

In the lists of "Articles in Use" which appeared in the annual Fort Vancouver inventories, there was a subheading for items employed "In Stores." Unfortunately, all of the warehouses seem to have been lumped into this one category, including the sale shop, the fur store, and evidently even such structures as the granary and the beef store. Thus it seems impossible to identify those articles which may have been in the "New Store" and the Receiving Store.

For what it is worth as an indication of the kinds of equipment that may have been in those two structures, however, the list for 1844 is given below:

Inventory of Sundry Goods, property of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company, remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver Depot, Spring 1844

Articles In Use

In Stores

4half round head Axes
2large round head Axes
2small iron Beams & Copper
2large iron Beams & wood Scales
1single purchase Block pr. heaving down
6double purchase Block pr. heaving down
8large treble Block
2large leading Block
2large snatch Block
10sets Bolts
10brass Cocks of sizes
7tin Funnels of sizes
1glass California Lamp
3sets tin Measures
1Marryats weighing Machine
1Set Blocks & tackle
6seine nets Wyeths
11boarding pikes
2Jack Screws
2p'rs Steelyards
2small swivel Guns
3sets, brass weights
14sets, iron weights of sizes
1travelling Basket Complete
1travelling Case Complete
1wood packing press
2Copper Stills with worms
2rope Wenches [sic]
1Copper ball Mould 24
1Musketoon ball Mould
6Chinese flower pots
1Tellescope [sic]
1Warp Rope
1Coil 4 strand Rope pr. lower shrouding. [41]

The list of articles in use "in Stores" in the inventory for the spring of 1845 is very similar to that for 1844. A few changes and additions were noted, however, and they may be summarized as follows:

2sets blocks and Tackle [only 1 set in 1844]
1pump Borer
4Irons pr do
1Camboose [cambist?]
5Steering compasses
1pr. Timber dogs
13Coopers screwing Irons
3Copper moulds pr. ball and Shot
2prs. double jack screws
1sheeting Tent [instead of 2 in 1844.] [42]

But the real furnishings of the warehouses were the bales, boxes, and barrels of bulk goods, imported and domestic, and the "whole pieces" which were ranged row after row in the cavernous interiors. There are several types of source materials which might be used to gain an idea of the types and quantities of these goods. First, there are the requisitions or indents from the Columbia Department ordering the annual "outfits" from London. These may be found in the Company's archives in the York Factory Indent Books (up to 1838), in the B.239/n/ series. Later requisitions are in the A.11/70 series, and some in the B.223/d/ series. Perhaps even better than the requisitions, however, are the lists of goods actually received found in the Account Books, Fort Vancouver [Abstracts, cost and charges of goods received], in the B.223/d/ series.

Also extremely valuable are the annual depot inventories. These, also, are in the B.223/d/ series under the heading Account Books, Fort Vancouver [Inventories]. While not as complete as the lists of goods actually received, since they indicate only the items remaining on hand in the spring of each year, they nevertheless give a fine picture of what was actually in the warehouses at a given time. In other words, they list not only goods received but goods remaining from previous years. The picture becomes even more complete when the depot inventories, which generally covered only imported goods and livestock, are supplemented by the annual district inventories of "country produce and country made articles" remaining on hand in the spring of each year. These are also in the B.223/d/ series.

In the belief that the annual depot inventories would prove to be the most useful guides for possible refurnishing of the warehouses, there is reproduced below that part of the Fort Vancouver inventory for 1844 which relates to goods most probably kept in the stores. This list is supplemented by extracts from other inventories and by inventories of country produce and country made articles on hand at the depot.

Inventory of Sundry Goods, property of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company, remaining on hand at Fort Vancouver Depot, Spring 1844 [43]
1/12doz. Carpenters Adzes
1Blacksmiths Anvil w[eighin]g 3-98/112 Cwt.
1Blacksmiths Anvil w[eighin]g 3-93/112 Cwt.
11/12doz. screw Augers w[it]h eyes
3-11/12doz. shell Augers
111Gro. Indian Awls
624yards blue Baize
416yards blue Baize
2548yards green Baize
1700yards green Baize
1544yards red Baize
2028yards red Baize
2585yards scarlet Baize
1220-1/2yards scarlet Baize
37blue & white E. Ware washhand Basins
110blue & white E. Ware washhand Basins
26cream colored E. Ware washhand Basins
132deep tin washhand Basins
2travelling Baskets
138bun[che]s barley corn Beads of colors
359lbs. white Enamel Beads
6buns, blue cut glass Beads "4"
320buns, lt. blue cut glass Beads 4
348buns, lt. blue cut glass Beads 5
26buns, green cut glass Beads 4
54buns, purple cut glass Beads 6
57buns, purple cut glass Beads 7
44buns, white cut glass Beads 4
80buns, yellow cut glass Beads 4
50lbs. com. ro[un]d black pound Beads
98lbs. com. ro[un]d d'k blue pound Beads
449lbs. com. ro[un]d lt. blue pound Beads
252lbs. com. ro[un]d green pound Beads
638lbs. com. ro[un]d white pound Beads
1large iron weighing Beam 4 feet
1steeld. square end Counter Beam
4dozen horse Bells
1pair blacksmiths Bellows
125narrow col[ore]d worsetd Belts
101narrow Scarlet worsetd Belts
100mid[dlin]g Scarlet worsetd Belts
70narrow Scarlet worsetd Belts
6doz. Day & Martins Liquid Blacking
10green Blankets 4 points
334green Blankets 3 points
554green Blankets 3 points
1274Inferior Blankets 3-1/2 points BB [blue bars]
5079Inferior Blankets 3 points BB [blue bars]
1949Inferior Blankets 2-1/2 points BB [blue bars]
446Inferior Blankets 2 points BB [blue bars]
715Inferior Blankets 1-1/2 points BB [blue bars]
158Inferior Blankets 1 points BB [blue bars]
1260Inferior Blankets 3-1/2 points RB [red bars]
1180Inferior Blankets 3-1/2 points RB [red bars]
100Inferior Blankets 3 points RB [red bars]
267Inferior Blankets 2-1/2 points RB [red bars]
100Inferior Blankets 2 points RB [red bars]
34plain Blankets 3-1/2 points B.B.
382plain Blankets 3 points B.B.
8610plain Blankets 3 points B.B.
1032plain Blankets 2-1/2 points B.B.
3985plain Blankets 2-1/2 points B.B.
100plain Blankets 2 points B.B.
268plain Blankets 2 points B.B.
32plain Blankets 1-1/2 points B.B.
420plain Blankets 1-1/2 points B.B.
12plain Blankets 1 points B.B.
130plain Blankets 1 points B.B.
8Makina Blankets 2 points
4Makina Blankets 1-1/2 points
1rosed 10/4 Blankets
55striped Blankets 3 points G&Y [green & yellow]
16striped Blankets 1 points G&Y
34striped Blankets 1 points G&Y
32Earthenware butter Boats
4pieces black Bombazette
11piece blue Bombazette
2piece Bombazetteo
3piece dark brown Bombazette
4piece dark green Bombazette
12piece dark green Bombazette
4piece dark purple Bombazette
4piece dark purple Bombazette
1/12doz. mens scotch Bonnets wh. peaks
12Earthenware Sugar Bowls
8prs. large cast Iron pipe Boxes pr. Cart Wheels
8prs. small cast Iron pipe Boxes Cart Wheels
8doz. jap[anne]d tin tobacco Boxes
2-7/12doz. jap[anne]d tin tobacco Boxes wh. B[urnin]g G[las]s
7doz. large wood shaving Boxes
1/2doz. small wood shaving Boxes
1-1/4doz. papered snuff Boxes
8doz. Gentlemens Cotton Braces
2doz. Gentlemens leather Braces
1-2/3doz. single-rein Bridles
5/12doz. broomhead Brushes
1doz. cloth Brushes
5/6doz. hand dusting Brushes
2-5/12doz. marking Brushes
1/2doz. large paint Brushes
3/4doz. midg.paint Brushes
3-5/12doz. Shoe Brushes
84yards black Buckram
125-2/3gro. Wh. & Ye. metal coat Buttons
10gt. gro. Jacket bone mould Buttons
40gro wh. & Ye. metal Jacket Butons
48gro. mother o[f] pearl Jacket Buttons
10gro. mother o[f] pearl shirt Buttons
10gt. gro. Vest bone mould Buttons
43gro. gilt ball Vest Buttons
22gro. gilt round Vest Buttons
6gro. wh. & Ye. metal Vest Buttons
75gro. plated ball Vest Buttons
4pieces black Camlet
3pieces blue Camlet
14-1/4lbs. Wax candles
3prs. brass camp Candlesticks
11tin Candlesticks com[let]e wh. extinguishers
10lbs. split Cane
7-1/2M percussion Caps
23-1/4doz. grey milled worsted Caps
3doz. scarlet milled worsted Caps
10second Cloth Capots 4 Ells
2second Cloth Capots 3-1/2 Ells
34common Cloth Capots 4-1/2 Ells hoods
556common Cloth Capots 4 Ells hoods
231common Cloth Capots 3-1/2 Ells hoods
20common Cloth Capots 3 Ells hoods
10common Cloth Capots 2-1/2 Ells hoods
30common blue Cloth Indian Capots 4-1/2 Ells Capes
193common blue Cloth Indian Capots 4 Ells Capes
133common blue Cloth Indian Capots 3-1/2 Ells Capes
62common blue Cloth Indian Capots 3 Ells Capes
95common blue Cloth Indian Capots 2-1/2 Ells Capes
117common blue Cloth Indian Capots 2 Ells Capes
133common blue Cloth Indian Capots 1-1/2 Ells Capes
68common blue Cloth Indian Capots 1 Ells Capes
20common white Cloth Indian Capots 4 Ells Capes
23common white Cloth Indian Capots 3-1/2 Ells Capes
1common white Cloth Indian Capots 2-1/2 Ells Capes
29-1/4doz. highlander playing cards
2prs. Wool cards
20Cut glass salt Cellars
61yards stout iron trace
76-1/2p'rs. iron chain pr. Harness
186-7/12doz. iron trap Chains
25dark stained cane seat Chairs
1-20/112Cwt. white Chalk
2-2/3doz. Cherries pr. ball moulds
1doz. firmers Chisels
6-1/6doz. socket Chisels
41-1/2yards second grass green Cloth
190- 1/2yards second scarlet Cloth
22-1/4yards superfine dark green Cloth
28pieces dark blue list Cloth
406-1/2yards dark blue list Cloth
151-1/2yards light blue list Cloth
14pieces brown list Cloth
302-1/2yards brown list Cloth
273-1/2yards brown list Cloth
40pieces green list Cloth
206yards green list Cloth
30yards grey mixed padding Cloth
1bolting Cloth
80tons tanfield moor Coals
2full dress regimental Coats #1
3full dress regimental Coats #2
1full dress regimental Coats #3
1/6doz. large patent brass Cocks
1/3doz. strained & nighted butt Cocks 5/8 in.
1/3doz. strained & nighted butt Cocks 3/4 in.
3-1/6doz. large brass Cocks
3-1/2doz. midg. brass Cocks
1/12doz. small brass Cocks
213-1/3doz. large cramber horn Combs
27-11/12doz. small cramber horn Combs
4doz. horn dressing Combs
43-5/6doz. small Ivory dandriff Combs
24worsted Comforters
18-1/8lbs. bolt Copper 1-1/2 in.
31-77/144gro. wine Corks
4pieces dyed Calico Cotton
22pieces printed Navy blue Cotton
2pieces printed furniture Cotton
3183-1/2yards com. striped Cotton
997yards com. striped Cotton
1857-1/4yards com. striped Cotton
970-1/2yards fine striped Cotton
479-1/2yards fine striped Cotton
82pieces striped regatta Cotton
60pieces grey shirting Cotton
20pieces grey shirting fine Cotton
8577yards grey shirting cotton 26 in.
7-1/2yards white estopellas Cotton
150pieces white salampore Cotton
519pieces white salampore Cotton
243yards white shirting Cotton 6 pieces
302-1/2lbs. Cotton Wick
1blackhead Crucible No. 35
1blackhead Crucible No. 18
1blackhead Crucible No. 10
2japanned Cruetstands
65-1/6doz. earthenware Cups & Saucers
8flint glass Decanters 1 quart
1flint glass Decanters 1 pint
37-3/4yards bleached Diaper
19-1/4doz. earthenware Dishes assd. sizes
85pieces blue Duffle
2pieces red Duffle
12doz. cold. cock Feathers
14doz. black foxtail Feathers
14-1/2gro. 4d [penny] silk flat Italin Ferrets
50-1/2doz. flat bastard Files 7 in.
78-11/12doz. flat bastard Files 8 in.
61-3/4doz. flat bastard Files 10 in.
5-1/2doz. flat bastard Files 12 in.
41-1/6doz. flat bastard Files 14 in.
11-5/6doz. h'lf round bastard Files 6 in.
4-7/12doz. h'lf round bastard Files 7 in.
1-1/2doz. h'lf round bastard Files 8 in.
1-1/2doz. h'lf round bastard Files 9 in.
12-1/6doz. h'lf round bastard Files 10 in.
5/12doz. h'lf round bastard Files 11 in.
2-7/12doz. h'lf round bastard Files 12 in.
1doz. h'lf round bastard Files 14 in.
1-11/12doz. flat smooth bastard Files 6 in.
1/3doz. flat smooth bastard Files 7 in.
1-7/12doz. flat smooth bastard Files 8 in.
2-5/12doz. flat smooth bastard Files 10 in.
5/12doz. flat smooth bastard Files 12 in.
1-1/4doz. flat smooth bastard Files 13 in.
5/12doz. flat smooth bastard Files 14 in.
1/3doz. h'lf round bastard Files 10 in.
1/12doz. h'lf round bastard Files 12 in.
1/4doz. flat rasp Files 8 in.
2-1/4doz. flat rasp Files 10 in.
1-5/6doz. flat rasp Files 12 in.
3-1/3doz. hlf round rasp Files 7 in.
5/12doz. hlf round rasp Files 8 in.
1/12doz. hlf round rasp Files 10 in.
1/2doz. hlf round rasp Files 12 ins.
1-3/4doz. rattail Files 6 ins.
4-1/2doz. rattail Files 8 ins.
5/12doz. rattail Files 10 ins.
12blacksmiths rubber Files w[eighin]g 62 lbs.
3doz. cross cut saw Files 8-1/2 ins.
37-1/2doz. cross cut saw Files 6-1/2 ins.
4-1/4doz. cross cut saw Files 6 ins.
27-1/6doz. hand saw Files 5 ins.
4-1/4doz. hand saw Files 4-1/2 ins.
15-7/12doz. pit saw Files 6 ins.
37-3/4doz. pit saw Files 5-1/2 ins.
5/6doz. tenon saw Files
1doz. three square Files 8 ins.
1doz. three square Files 10 ins.
25Indian Flags 3 yards fly
1piece com. blue Flannel
50duck sheeting Frocks
7-1/2gro. worsted highland Garters
3gro. worsted highland Garters in 59 rolls
6gro. worsted plain cold. Garters
2-1/2gro. worsted plain scarlet Garters
2gro. worsted striped Garters
32-7/12doz. assd. small Gimlets
7doz. assd. spike Gimlets
1500yards fancy Earlston Gingham
12pieces web Girthing
8pieces web Girthing
230-1/2doz. paper cased Looking Glasses
74doz. metal frame Looking Glasses
7-2/3doz. large mahogy. frame Looking Glasses
1275panes Window Glass 7 x 9 = 557 ft. 10 ins.
943panes Window Glass 9 x 8
2222panes Window Glass 7-1/2 x 8-1/2) 1483-2/3 ft.
500feet Window Glass 7-1/2 x 8-1/2)
24-1/4doz. wine Glasses
4dozen Gentlemens lambswool Gloves
40lbs. best Glue
11hard grit holed Grindstones 42 in.
1hard grit holed Grindstones 36 in.
33hard grit holed Grindstones 19 in.
6fine grit holed Grindstones 19 in.
433Common Indian Guns 3-1/2 feet
299Common Indian Guns 3 feet
18-684/1000M best black Gunflints
3-1/5M best fowling piece Gunflints
254/1000M best musket Gunflints
4/10M best duelling pistol Gunflints
1M best pocket pistol Gunflints

Gunfurniture viz.
4-1/3doz. Cocks
4-11/12doz. Hammers
2doz. Jaws
2doz. 2 Nails pr. Cocks
4-1/2doz. Tumblers
68-3/8lbs. brass Gunmetal
20/100bbls. Canister Gunpowder
13-1/2bbls. Cannon Gunpowder
97-15/100bbls. TPE Gunpowder
27Kegs TPE Gunpowder each 66-2/3 lbs.
34-20/144Gro. wire Gunworms
56prs. Hames pr. horse Collars
1/2doz. Carpenters large Kent Hammers
175-7/12doz. assd. Turkey ban[dan]a Cotton Hndkfs.
80-11/12doz. assd. Turkey pullicat Cotton Hndkfs.
14-7/12doz. assd. resist 4/4 Cotton Hndkfs.
54-3/4doz. assd. blue romali Cotton Hndkfs.
5doz. 4/4 wh. muslin tamboured Hndkfs.
5doz. 4/4 wh. muslin tamboured Hndkfs.
5doz. 4/4 wh. muslin star bordered Hndkfs.
10boys plated Wool Hats
52childrens Common Hats
30ladies round plated Hats
10ladies round plated Hats
10ladies round plated Hats
20mens plated beaver Hats
40mens plated beaver Hats
30mens superfine beaver Hats
20mens waterproof beaver Hats
20mens spanish Hats
231mens common wool Hats
261mens fine wool Hats
8laced Chiefs Hats
29-11/12doz. wh. & ye. tinsel Hatcords
29-11/12doz. oiled silk Hatcovers
5doz. waxed silk Hatcovers
33-5/12doz. midg. round head axe Heads
30-7/12doz. small round head axe Heads
1/12doz. large square head axe Heads
11-11/12doz. midg. square head axe Heads
10-11/12doz. small square head axe Heads
1671-1/2yards Hessens 42. in.
3-1/2doz. strong iron butt Hinges 5 x 2-1/2 in.
2/3doz. strong iron butt Hinges 2 ins.
1-1/4doz. strong iron butt Hinges 1-3/4 ins.
1-1/2doz. strong iron butt Hinges 1 ins.
1doz. strong cross garnet Hinges 20 ins.
3doz. strong cross garnet Hinges 18 ins.
3-1/4doz. strong cross garnet Hinges 16 ins.
1-1/2doz. strong cross garnet Hinges 12 ins.
14-980/1000M Cod Hooks 3019/20
6-720/1000M Cod Hooks 3021/22
1-560/1000M Kirby trout Hooks No. 1 & 2
4-1/5M Kirby trout Hooks No. 5/0 & 6/0
619powder Horns
4doz. mens cold. Cotton h'lf. Hose
24doz. mens cold. worsted h'lf. Hose
69-1/2doz. mens cold. worsted long Hose
4doz. womens long white Cotton Hose
14doz. womens long cold.worsted Hose
82-1/2yards Huckabuck
50boys com. blue Cloth Jackets
47-16/112Cwt. flat bar Iron 3 x 7/8

[balance of inventory of bar, scrap, hoop, bolt, sheet, and square iron here is not copied here as it is given below in chaper XVIII on the Iron Store]

2/3doz. bead plane Irons
2-1/2doz. grooving plane Irons
1-1/12doz. hand plane Irons
1-1/3doz. hollowing plane Irons
1/3doz. Jack plane Irons
1/3doz. trying plane Irons
1/6doz. Coopers jointer plane Irons
31doz. Earthenware Jugs 3 qts.
62doz. Earthenware Jugs 2 qts.
43doz. Earthenware Jugs 1 qts.
65doz. Earthenware Jugs 1/2 qts.
23lbs. open brass Kettles
830lbs. Covd. Copper Kettles
1271lbs. open Copper Kettles
3wrought Iron tea Kettles 6 qts.
243nests Covd. tin Kettles #1 @ 13
2nests Covd. tin Kettles #2 @ 13
11nests Covd. tin Kettles #3 @ 13
1nests Covd. tin Kettles #4 @ 13
5covered tin Kettles No. 4
5covered tin Kettles 5
4covered tin Kettles 6
2covered tin Kettles 8
1covered tin Kettles 9
2covered tin Kettles 10
2covered tin Kettles 11
3covered tin Kettles 12
5covered tin Kettles 13
11covered tin Kettles 8 g'ns wh. hollow bottoms
54-1/12doz. butchers cast steel Knives
73doz. com. pocket clasp Knives
4doz. sneck [?] pocket Knives
401doz. scalping Knives
20-1/2doz. lar[ge] forebuck table Knives & Forks
32-1/6doz. dessert forebuck table Knives & Forks
7pairs large forebuck Carv[in]g Knives & Forks
31pairs small forebuck Carv[in]g Knives & Forks
1doz. Ivory handled table Knives & forks 1000
6doz. Ivory handled table Knives & forks 1001
2doz. Ivory handled table Knives & forks 1003A
1doz. Ivory handled table Knives & forks 1003
2doz. Ivory handled table Knives & forks 1008
6doz. Ivory handled desert Knives & forks 1000
6doz. Ivory handled desert Knives & forks 1001
3prs. Ivory handled large Carvg. Knives & forks 1000
3prs. Ivory handled large Carvg. Knives & forks 1001
2prs. Ivory handled large Carvg. Knives & forks 1008
3prs. Ivory handled small Carvg. Knives & forks 1001
2prs. Ivory handled small Carvg. Knives & forks 1008
12Britannia metal soup Ladles
8-33/224Cwt. soft bar Lead
99lbs. black Lead
266lbs. manchester baling Line
7double cod Lines 24 thd.
228single cod Lines 24 thd.
1-1/4doz. small fishing Lines
8-5/6doz. mackerel Lines
39yards fine Irish Linen
38yards finer Irish Linen
4doz. double link Chest Locks
1/2doz. Cupboard Locks
1/6doz. desk Locks
4-3/4doz. brass case door Locks 3 bolts &c.
1/4doz. dead Iron Locks 8 in.
1doz. single brass pad Locks 1-1/2 in.
3-1/4doz. iron double bolt pad Locks 3 in.
1-5/12doz. iron single bolt pad Locks 2 in.
1doz. iron single bolt pad Locks 1-1/2 in.
1doz. fancy stock Locks 6 ins.
14-5/12doz. fancy stock Locks 8 ins.
6-11/12doz. fancy stock Locks 10 ins.
1doz. fancy stock Locks 12 ins.
3/4doz. Victoria Medals
2pieces dark blue Merino
2pieces dark blue Merino
4pieces dark brown Merino
3pieces dark brown Merino
6pieces olive green Merino
3pieces olive green Merino
2pieces dark purple Merino
2pieces dark purple Merino
2Coffee Mills
3pepper Mills
1-1/3doz. iron ball Moulds
15sets pewter Candle Moulds (6 pr. Set)
2doz. single pewter Candle Moulds
2M 2dy. [penny] brad Nails
4M 3dy. brad Nails
6M 4dy. brad Nails
16M 6dy. Clasp Nails
52-3/10M 8dy. Clasp Nails
64M 10dy. Clasp Nails
50-1/2M 12dy. Clasp Nails
64-12/20M 20dy. Clasp Nails
5M 28dy. Clasp Nails
10M 6dy. Clench Nails
28-1/2M 8dy. Clench Nails
63M 14dy. Clench Nails
60M 18dy. Clench Nails
61M 20dy. Clench Nails
24M 24dy. Clench Nails
40M 30dy. Clench Nails
50M 36dy. Clench Nails
1M Cut Nails of sizes
134M Coopers large rivet Nails
12M tinmans rivet Nails
18M 3dy. rose Nails pr. Coopers
72M 8d. fine drawn rose Nails
16-3/5M 14d. fine drawn rose Nails
80M 20d. fine drawn rose Nails
96-1/2M 24d. fine drawn rose Nails
10M 28d. fine drawn rose Nails
121M 30d. fine drawn rose Nails
20M 4d. Sharpe Nails
6M 20d. Sharpe Nails
21M 24d. Sharpe Nails
10M 28d. Sharpe Nails
30M 4d. shingling Nails
6Cwt spike Nails 4 in.
5-7/112Cwt spike Nails 5 in.
6Cwt spike Nails 6 in.
1-97/112Cwt spike Nails 7 in.
7M 2d. tack Nails
10M 3d. tack Nails
11M 4d. tack Nails
5gro. assd. wood screw Nails
31-9/10M Com. brown thread Needles
7-1/4M darning R 50 Needles
525/1000M glovers Needles
2-1/2M tailors Needles
9-1/2M whitechapel Needles
225g'ns. boiled linseed Oil
20g'ns. raw linseed Oil
240g'ns. sweet Oil
1591-1/2yards stouter Osnaburghs
4061yards stout Osnaburghs
12-1/2Cwt. black Paint
1-45/112Cwt. blue Paint
6-102/112Cwt. Spanish brown Paint
3-20/112Cwt. green Paint
4-86/112Cwt. white Paint
3-4/112Cwt. yellow Paint
35-1/2doz. Pallets pr. beaver Traps
15cast iron long h'dle frying Pans
16cast iron short h'dle frying Pans
3tinned iron sauce pans wh. covers #3
2tinned iron sauce pans wh. covers #4
1tinned iron sauce pans wh. covers #5
3tinned iron sauce pans wh. covers #7
3tinned iron sauce pans wh. covers #8
98nests oval tin pans No. 1 @ 8
48nests oval tin pans No. 2 @ 8
39oval tin Pans No. 2
47oval tin Pans No. 3
18oval tin Pans No. 2
24oval tin Pans No. 5
11oval tin Pans No. 7
13oval tin Pans No. 8
666-2/3nests large round tin Pans 1 @ 3
73nests round tin Pans #1 @ 8
14round tin Pans No. 2
39round tin Pans No. 3
61round tin Pans No. 4
41round tin Pans No. 5
47round tin Pans No. 6
65round tin Pans No. 7
7round tin Pans No. 8
3/4dozen Carpenters Pincers
16-1/2double dozen B. C. Pins
3lbs mixed Pins
150gro. hunters clay Pipes
27gro. long clay Pipes
2dutch Pipes
1bead Plane
1hand Plane with spare iron
1philister moving Plane
55-2/3dozen large deep E. Ware Plates
54-11/12dozen large flat E. Ware Plates
68-11/12dozen small dessert E. Ware Plates
2dozen smaller cheese E. Ware Plates
2dozen tin camp Plates
2-1/3dozen earthenware tea Pots
5cast iron Pots without legs 6 g'ns.
8cast iron Pots without legs 8 g'ns.
5cast iron Pots without legs 10 g'ns.
4cast iron Pots without legs 12 g'ns.
3cast iron Pots without legs 14 g'ns.
3cast iron Pots without legs 16 g'ns.
7cast iron Pots without legs 18 g'ns.
3cast iron Pots without legs 20 g'ns.
31block tin Coffee Pots
2japanned tin quart Pots
922japanned tin pint Pots
859japanned tin 1/2" Pots
1792plain tin pint Pots
39sailors tin Pots with iron Hooks 1-1/2 pt.
23block tin tea Pots 3 quarts
27block tin tea Pots 2 quarts
16block tin tea Pots 1-1/2 quarts
19-62/112Cwt. prepared Putty
2-1/2doz. paper cased Razors each 1
2doz. morocco cases ea. 2 blk h'dled Razors
1doz. morocco cases ea. 2 ivory h'dled Razors
24pieces 4dy. Ribbon
19pieces 6dy. Ribbon
9pieces 10dy. Ribbon
2-1/4gro. 6dy. double black hair Ribbon
2brass mounted Rifles
233-2/3gro. com. brass finger Rings
12gro. stoned brass finger Rings
1/6doz. Carpenters 2 foot 4 fold rules
687yards strong twilled tow Sacking
4Cross cut Saws 5 feet
5Cross cut Saws 4 feet
1/4doz. Coopers frame Saws 30 ins.
2/3doz. Coopers frame Saws 26 ins.
1/4doz. Keyhole frame Saws 12 ins.
1pit saw 6-1/2 feet
5/12dozen sash Saws 12 in.
7/12dozen tenon Saws 16 in.
2/3dozen Coopers turning Saws 22 in.
9-3/4dozen ladies common Scissors
4-1/12dozen tailors small Scissors
2-1/12dozen hay Scythes 40 in.
11/12dozen 6/4 chintz berlin Shawls
7-7/12dozen printed Cotton Shawls 7/12 9/8 7 6/4
3dozen 8/4 cambric ground chintz Shawls
2dozen worsted discharged fringe Shawls
107-7/12dozen 6/4 resist Cotton Shawls
63-1/12dozen 9/8 resist Cotton Shawls
143-3/4dozen 5/4 resist Cotton Shawls
2-5/12Clipping sheep Sheers
371-1/2yards duck Sheeting
100yards scotch flaxen Sheeting
69yards bleached Russia Sheeting Shirts
8559mens com. striped Cotton Shirts
2704mens fine striped Cotton Shirts
334mens com. white Flannel Shirts
1448mens rowing Shirts
160mens blue serge Shirts
50prs. boys Shoes
50prs. boys Shoes
30prs. Childrens Shoes
16prs. girls Shoes
24prs. girls Shoes
20prs. infants Shoes
30mens com. Shoes
132-81/112Cwt. Low Indian Shot #28
1-3/4Cwt. musket ball Shot #16
4-81/112Cwt. beaver A&B Shot
66-1/2Cwt. beaver AAA Shot
1/4Cwt. buck L.G. Shot
73-90/112Cwt. buck S.G. Shot
15-1/4Cwt. duck Shot No. 1
2Cwt. pigeon Shot
2-2/3dozen Shovels wh. handles
2-1/2dozen japanned Snuffers
19Cwt. mottled Soap
2firkins soft Soap
9doz. vegetable Soap
19doz. old brown Windsor Soap
173-42/112Cwt. Yellow Soap
40lbs. plumbers Solder
50lbs. tinmans Solder
2-1/6doz. Spades wh. handles
2-1/2pieces common Sponge
1/4doz. ivory salt Spoons
29-3/4doz. Brittannia metal dessert Spoons
44-1/6doz. Brittannia metal table Spoons
28-1/4doz. Brittannia metal tea Spoons
1/3doz. mother [of] pearl salt Spoons
2doz. plated steel table Spoons
1/3doz. plated steel tea Spoons
2flint Squares 2 pints
155lbs. best Poland Starch
2-42/112Cwt. cast Steel

[balance of inventory of steel stock is not copied here as it is given below in chapter XVIII on the Iron Store.]

49-1/2doz. oval polished fire Steels
4p'rs. barrel Steelyards to weigh 28 lbs.)
1p'rs. strong steeled Steelyards & poize to weight 1170 lbs.)
5cast iron single Canada Stoves 30 in.
1cast iron single Canada Stoves 36 in.
1piece H.B. plain blue Strouds
12piece H.B. plain blue Strouds
4piece H.B. plain green Strouds
10piece H.B. plain green Strouds
7piece H.B. plain red Strouds 5-110/3 & 2-119/9
8piece H.B. plain red Strouds
6piece H.B. plain white Strouds
10piece H.B. plain white Strouds
33piece com. B.&N.C. blue Strouds
100piece com. B.&N.C. blue Strouds
12piece com. B.&N.C. green Strouds
6piece com. B.&N.C. green Strouds
26piece com. B.&N.C. red Strouds
40piece com. B.&N.C. scarlet Strouds
2piece com. B.&N.C. white Strouds
8doz. midg. black Holland Tape
9-11/12doz. broad white Holland Tape
11doz. midg white Holland Tape
3doz. narrow white Holland Tape
12prepared Sheeting Tents 10 ells
6prepared Sheeting Tents 12 ells
13prepared Sheeting Tents 15 ells
2prepared Sheeting Tents 20 ells
1-1/2gro. girls brass steel end Thimbles
2gro. tailors lined steel Thimbles
47gro. womens common brass Thimbles
1gro. brass steel end'd Thimbles
100lbs. black & coloured Thread # 8
199lbs. black & coloured Thread # 10
204lbs. black & coloured Thread # 25
232lbs. black & coloured Thread # 30
13lbs. white brown Thread # 10
6lbs. white cotton ball Thread # 80
9lbs. white cotton ball Thread # 100
1lbs. white ounce Thread # 26
6lbs. white stitching Thread # 90
9lbs. white stitching Thread # 100
3-1/2lbs. black silk twist Thread
11cases IX Tin
13-153/200cases SDXW Tin
1cases DXXXX Tin
16200lbs. Canada roll Tobacco
961lbs. Carrot Tobacco
938lbs. Carrot Tobacco
467lbs. Irish roll Tobacco
1647lbs. Irish roll Tobacco
31807-1/2lbs. leaf Tobacco

Sundry Tools in Chests viz. Ship Carpenter Tools

15shell Augers
1pr. Callipers 12 in.
16firmer Chisels
6socket Chisels
1pr. Compasses 6 in.
1pr. Compasses 12 in.
2tenon saw Files
1hand saw Files
2dozen small Gimlets
2dozen spike Gimlets
1large claw Hammer
2small claw Hammer
9plane irons of sizes
4Caulking Irons
1drawing Knife
1Chalk Line & reel
1iron Mallet
1large wood Mallet
1small wood Mallet
1pr. iron Pincers
2bead Planes
1pr. grooving Planes
1pr. turning Planes
1tenon Saw 15 in.
1two foot Rule
1socket Slice
24small Slice
1spokeshave 4 in.
1square 9 in.
1square 4-1/2 in.
1oil Stone

Joiners Tool
6shell Augers
6brad Awls
8firmers Chisels
8socket Chisels
8mortice Chisels
6steel drill Bits
1half round bastard File 10 in.
1half round rasp File 10 in.
12saw Files
2doz. small Gimlets
1doz. spike Gimlets
2claw Hammers
10plane Irons of sizes
1pr. iron Pincers
1chalk Line & reel
1bead Plane
1two foot Rule
1frame Saw
1sash Saw
1Keyhole Saw
1spokeshave 3 in.
1Square 4-1/2 in.
64beaver Traps Complete wh. Chains
5/6doz. japanned snuffer Trays
60pairs men[s] Canvass Trousers
1pairs men[s] S. fine it. blue Cassimere Trousers
3pairs men[s] S. fine it. blue mixt. Cassimere Trousers
5pairs men[s] S. fine it. blue Cassimere Trousers
150pairs men[s] com. cloth Trousers
140pairs men[s] bedford Cord Trousers
311pairs men[s] drab Corduroy Trousers
34pairs men[s] olive Trousers
9pairs men[s] champion canton drill Trousers
70pairs men[s] moleskin Trousers
28-2/3doz. glass Tumblers 1/2 pint
7-1/2doz. glass Tumblers 3/8 pint
3-2/3doz. glass Tumblers 1/8 pint
11earthenware soup Turreens [sic] wh. ladles
4block tin soup Turreens
7lbs. powder Turmeric
105-3/4dozen holland Twine
57bunches maitres de retz Twine
26bunches sturgeon Twine
65-1/2lbs. best mixed Vermilian
1221-1/2lbs. pure Chinese Vermilian
10black Cassimere Vests
4black Cassimere Vests
20blue Cassimere Vests
3blue Cassimere Vests
4buff Cassimere Vests
15scarlet Cassimere Vests
204com. blue cloth Vests
91com. drab cloth Vests
50second black cloth Vests
51second blue cloth Vests
20Superfine blue cloth Vests
3fancy dress Vests
13fancy dress Vests
12green & red check merino Vests
34stuarts plaid merino Vests
2quilting Vests
25scarlet Vests wh. moleskin sleeves
2satin dress Vests
10extra striped Swansdown Vests
2dark Valentia Vests
9blk. & white spotted Valentia Vests
3small hand Vices
3sets brass weights 1 lb. @ 1/8 oz.
4iron Weights 56 lbs.
1set iron Weights 2 @ 28 lbs.
4spinning Wheels Complete
1559lbs. brass collar Wire
3lbs. brass snaring Wire
17lbs. iron binding Wire
7-1/2sheets bolting machine Wire #54
1sheets bolting machine Wire #60
17-9/11stones tinmans iron Wire #1
3stones tinmans iron Wire #3
2stones tinmans iron Wire #5
7stones tinmans iron Wire #10
3-1/2stones tinmans iron Wire #11
2-6/11stones tinmans iron Wire #12
6stones tinmans iron Wire #13
1-6/11stones tinmans iron Wire #16
3-5/11stones tinmans tinned iron Wire #14
2-1/2stones tinmans tinned iron Wire #16
12doz. steel Knitting Wires
38lbs. coloured Worsted
5lbs. grey darning Worsted
130lbs. scarlet & crimson Worsted

5Nautical Almanacs 1844 & 1845
1Abstract Book 4 q[ui]res
1Abstract Book 1-1/2 q[ui]res
3Abstract Book 1-1/4 q[ui]res
3Abstract Book 1 q[ui]res
49basil 8 vo. Memorandum Books
5calf bound demy Books 8 q'res
4calf bound demy Books 6 q'res
3calf bound demy Books 4 q'res
9marble cover demy Books 3/4 q'res
13marble cover demy Books 1/2 q'res
36half bound foolscap demy Books 4 q'res
13half bound foolscap demy Books 3 q'res
38half bound foolscap demy Books 2 q'res
29half bound foolscap demy Books 1-1/2 q'res
98marble covered demy Books 1 q'res
67marble covered demy Books 3/4 q'res
48marble covered demy Books 1/2 q'res
19marble covered demy Books 1/4 q'res
1Scheme Book 24 sheets ruled impl.
4district statement Books
10Servants fur trade Bill Books
2Columbia Indents Books 3/4 qre
3ivory pounce Boxes
2ivory thick Folders
11Glasses pr. Inkstands
1fine Hone in case
6bottles India rubber
85pieces patent rubber
1stick China Ink
11-1/2dozen black Inkpowder
1/2doz. perryian [?] Inkpowder
6dozen red Inkpowder
5/12dozen glass screwtop Inkpowder
1dozen pen Knives 12/ [shillings]
4dozen pen Knives 16/
3-1/2dozen pen Knives 21/
2dozen pen Knives 28/
2dozen pen Knives 54/
4-41/80reams blotting Paper
7reams demy Cartridge Paper
6-13/20reams stout Cartridge Paper
1/10reams plain folio Paper
1-1/2reams ruled folio Paper
4reams plain foolscap Paper
11-17/20reams ruled foolscap Paper
13/24quire ruled imperial Paper
1-16/24quire assorted drawing Paper
12-14/20ream thick post quarto Paper
3-3/20ream thin post quarto Paper
31-12/20ream yellow uncut plain pot Paper
2-22/24quire printed English Engagements Paper
3quire printed English Engagements Paper
14quire printed French Engagements Paper
4quire boat bills lading Paper
1-1/2quire ship bills lading Paper
2quire royal ruled 4 to. printed Paper pr. Abstracts
5/24quire superfine tracing Paper
17-13/20reams wrapping lumberhand Paper
3reams double hand Paper
9reams stout royal hand Paper
27-11/12dozen blacklead Pencils
1-1/3dozen redlead Pencils
7-88/100Cwt. slate Pencils
8-5/12Gro. Deanes steel Pens
92cards Perryian Pens
1lb. Pounce
12Ct. mixed string Quills
7pieces narrow green office Ribbon
5ebony Rulers 2-1/2 feet
1ebony Rulers 2 feet
8-1/4dozen broad pink office Tape
8-5/12dozen narrow pink office Tape
5boxes coloured Wafers 1 oz.
15-1/20lb. red sealing Wax

142gallons Cogniac Brandy
19lbs. Chocolate
9-1/8lbs. Cinnamon
50-1/2lbs. Cloves
13-86/112Cwt. Cuba Coffee
6-89/112Cwt. Havannah Coffee
7-34/112Cwt. Java Coffee
1-108/112Cwt. Coffee damaged
12-67/112Cwt. Currants
70g'ns. lime Juice
7-1/2lbs. Mace
108lbs. durham Mustard
6-1/8lbs. Nutmegs
60lbs. pearl Ash
702lbs. black pepper
17lbs. Cayenne pepper
186-1/2lbs. Pimento
4hogsheads Porter
8-76/112Cwt. Eleme Raisins
4-58/112Cwt. Muscatel Raisins
108-51/112Cwt. Rice
485g'ns. mixed Rum
3572g'ns. mixed Rum
19-3/4Cwt. fine Salt
20-48/112Cwt. basket Salt
13-38/112Cwt. Saltpetre
177-21/112Cwt. Crash Sugar
68-63/112Cwt. loaf Sugar
1203lbs. Congon Tea
1523lbs. Hyson Tea
624lbs. twankey Tea
94g'ns. Vinegar
153g'ns. Madeira Wine
169g'ns. Port Wine
8g'ns. Spanish red Wine
113g'ns. O.L.P. Teneriffe Wine

Naval Stores
1bower Anchor patent small palend. 1216 C#18.2.5
1bower Anchor patent small palend. 1218 C#18.2.5
1Kedge Anchor IS 6070 C#2.0.18
1Kedge Anchor IS No. 6071 C#1.0.7
1Kedge Anchor IS No. 6072 C#1.2.6
1Bell & Clapper
20lbs. lamp Black
1double Block 9 in. brass Coaked
4double Block 8 in. brass Coaked
2double Block 7 in. brass Coaked
2double Block 6 in. brass Coaked
6double Block 5 in. brass Coaked
5double Block 4 in. brass sheaves
24single Block 5 in. brass Coaked
12single Block 5 in. brass sheaves
36double Block 4 in. brass sheaves
6double Block 4 in. leading
3double Block 16 in. leading
9single Block 5 in. leading
4single Block 12 in. purchase
3double Block 12 in. purchase
1treble Block 15 in. purchase
1/6dozen banister Brushes
2-1/6dozen assd. paint Brushes
7/12dozen short tar Brushes
1piece blue Bunting
1piece white Bunting
167yards Canvass #3
156yards Canvass #4
294-1/2yards Canvass #5
41yards Canvass #6
274-1/2yards Canvass #7
1patent Cable Chain 1-5/16 in., 120 fins, with 6 punches, 6 pins, 2 Keys, 1 hammer, 1 splicing piece & 6 hand hooks weighing 1/109.2.11
5brass steering Compasses wh. spare Cards
17-36/112Cwt. sheet Copper
1705lbs. Cotton Waste
2burgee Flags 6 yards fly
2union Flags 3 yards fly
1union Flags 2 yards fly
1square plate Glass
1sand Glass 2 hours
3sand Glass 1/2 hours
15sand Glass 28 seconds
15sand Glass 14 seconds
17jib Hanks
4wood Hearts 6 in.
4wood Hearts 7 in.
2wood Hearts 8 in.
2wood Hearts 9 in.
1shark Hook
1/2Cwt. long Hemp pr. packing
6-26/l12Cwt. Composition metal pintles & Braces pr. Rudder Irons1
48/112Cwt. Composition metal Rings pr. rudder1
43/112Cwt. Composition copper bolts pr. pintles & Braces1
27/112Cwt. Composition copper rudder Nails1
18Composition Copper bolt Rings1
36/112Cwt. Composition copper rudder Irons1
72/112Cwt. iron pintles & Braces1
4lbs. Saucer head Bolts1
8Square head iron screws pr. Bolts1

1 pr. Columbia
4-57/112Cwt. Composition pintles & Braces2
42/112Cwt. Composition ring Braces2
39/112Cwt. Copper bolt Rings pr. Braces2
21/112Cwt. solid eyed iron rudder Braces2
4square head screws Pr.2
4Counter sunk head Nails2
18iron bolt Rings2

2 pr. Beaver
1-2/3dozen sewing palm Irons
87-1/2Cwt. Cable Junk
1patent copper binacle Lamp
2common copper binacle Lamp
9Cooks Lanterns
5hand wired Lanterns
13-55/112Cwt. sheet Lead
2hand Leads
6deep sea Leads
83-3/4lbs. pump Leather
1/3dozen blue Lights
2hand lead Lines
8log Lines
5deep sea lead Lines
5/12dozen Mops
3M 4d. Clench Nails
10M 3d. rose Nails
4M 4d. rose Nails wh. rivets
2-8/10M 6d. scupper Nails
10M 2d pump tack Nails
3-1/4M Copper boat Nails 1-1/4 in.
3-1/4MCopper boat Nails 1-1/2 in.
2-1/2M Copper Sheathing Nails
207lbs. Composition Sheathing Nails
13-70/100Ct. assorted sewing & roping Needles
42-24/112Cwt. Oakum
1sewing & roping Palm
3hawse Pipes 1-108/112
11barrels Pitch
1marline Pricker
1Copper spirit Pump
4-102/112Cwt. tarred Rope 1 in.
6-72/112Cwt. tarred Rope 1-1/4 in.
7-48/112Cwt. tarred Rope 1-1/2 in.
5-33/112Cwt. tarred Rope 1-3/4 in.
14-88/112Cwt. tarred Rope 2 in.
11-97/112Cwt. tarred Rope 2-1/4 in.
7-81/112Cwt. tarred Rope 2-1/2 in.
2-48/112Cwt. tarred Rope 7 in. pr. lower Rigging
1-51/112Cwt. 12 thd. ratline Rope
7-15/112Cwt. 9 thd. ratline Rope
10-77/112Cwt. 6 thd. ratline Rope
6-40/112Cwt. 9 thd. ratline Rope white
8-15/112Cwt. warp Rope 4 in.
4-96/112Cwt. warp Rope 2-1/4 in.
1-46/112Cwt. warp Rope 2-1/2 in.
2-93/112Cwt. 3 strand worming Rope
1-3/112Cwt. 2 strand worming Rope
5-28/112Cwt. 3 yard Spunyard Rope
2Cwt. 2 yard Spunyard Rope
2-87/112Cwt. Rosin
1sail Rubber
4barrels Chocolate Tar
2barrels Coal Tar
12barrels Stockholm Tar
24double shroud Trucks
24single shroud Trucks
37gallons spirits Turpentine
1-1/2dozen marline Twine
87-7/12dozen assd. roping & sewing Twine
20gns. black Varnish
15gns. bright Varnish

Naval Stores at Fixed Prices

8long 3 pound Guns wg. 1/40..0..26
412-55/112Cwt. milled sheet Lead
1stay foretop Sail 36 yards
59Canister Shot 9 lbs.
50Canister Shot 3 lbs.
11-1/4Cwt. round Shot
2-72/112Cwt. round Shot 3 lbs.

Articles at fixed Prices

392-1/2lbs. Aquamarina Beads
78lbs. Canton N. I. [?] Beads
6916yards green transparent Beads
2/3dozen house Bells
9-1/2lbs. dutch pink Colors
11lbs. dutch rose Colors
20-1/6dozen large hand eyed Dags
12-5/6dozen hand Dags 8 in.
37dozen hand Dags 7 in.
5-3/4lbs. Emery
1-5/12doz. brass butt Hinges
100yards Irish Linen YF
11-3/4lbs. yellow Ochre
2reams wrapping Paper "Tolmies"
2large cross cut Saws
9-116/225Cases F Cr. [?] Tin
8lbs. Verdegris

Irons pr. winnowing Machine

12side Bearings & drilling for Crank
10Brasses pr. set of 4 2/
6double Cranks turning & screwing
3single Cranks
1set riddle Frames
2Wire Screens
4Spindles for large wheel
3long drum Spindles
4large Wheels

Machinery & Farming Utensils at fixed Prices

6dozen mill Bills 218 lbs.
1-1/2pr. plumber Blocks 3 in.
1pr. plumber Do 2 in.
3Cylinder Brushes
2sets (16) 6 ft. 3 single Brushes 100
1rubber Burr
1Cap & Brass pr. 9 in. Gudgeon
1Cap & Brass pr. 7 in. Gudgeon
1Cap & Brass pr. 6 in. Gudgeon
2wrought iron Cranks 8-1/2 ft. long 6 in square
1wrought iron Links to receive Brasses of Connecting rod with bolts &c.

Machinery for a flour Mill Complete

3prs. French burr Stones
2BrassesExtra for the patent Flour Machine
1beat iron pinion
4M Tacks
10sheets wire Cloth
4M Tacks extra
24steel Picks pr. dressing Stones
12steel Picks
11steel Chisels
3nut Keys

Machinery for a barley Mill Complete

2extra barley mill Stones
4Cast iron Rings for Centres of Stones
8bolts pr. stone eyes
6gro. cut washers
3Chisels & 2 punches
1brass plumb ball

1brood cast seed Machine
3extra seed Boxes pr.Machine
2sets irons pr. chaff cutting Machine

Plough Furniture vizt.

1/12doz. small Bolts
92iron ploughshare Moulds
9Cast metal Mould boards
5-1/4doz. Shares #836
1/6doz. Slades 835
2Sheathes & 2 Shares
4new driving Irons & 4 Centre Bars, steel Centars fitted, driving Irons turned & chipped, and Center bars chipped & bored ready for work
1wrought iron stone Spindle with step block & brass, 4-5/8 set screws with stone brasses & Complete, a centre bar & driving iron with damsel for work
1pr. 4 ft. 6 in. French mill Stones
1brass step pr. bearings
2cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 12 in. dia'r No. 2
2cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 18 in. dia'r No. 3
2cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 12 in. dia'r No. 5
2cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 18 in. dia'r No. 6
4cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 9 in. dia'r No. 7
4cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 7 in. dia'r No. 8
4cast iron Cog pinion Wheel 5 in. dia'r No. 9
2cast iron bevel Wheel 9 in. dia'r No. 10
1cast iron bevel Wheel 12 in. dia'r No. 11
1-92/112Cwt. box Wood

Sundries pr. Steamer Beaver

1pr. pully Blocks 4 in., brass sheaves & 2 guards
12doz. hook bolts pr. paddle Wheels
8Brasses pr. main Gudgeons
8Brasses for connecting links for Crank pins
8Brasses for connecting red short links
16Brasses for cylinder side rods
1steel straight edge
1doz. flat bastard Cut Files 12 in.
1doz. flat bastard Cut Files 15 in.
1doz. hlf round bastard Cut Files 10 in.
1doz. hlf round bastard Cut Files 12 in.
1/2doz. hlf round bastard smooth Files 10 in.
1/2doz. round Files 8 in.
1doz. three square Files 12 in.
24Coal box plates 6 ft. long 2 ft. wide & 3/16 in. thick
1piston rod & nut


97lbs. pig lead

American Goods

7tin Funnels
182Indian Guns
45Indian Guns
1tin liquor pump
32-1/4lbs. Nutmegs


1green Blanket 3 pts.
3inferior Blanket 3-1/2 pts. B.B.
28inferior Blanket 3 pts. B.B.
15inferior Blanket 2-1/2 pts. B.B.
1inferior Blanket 2-1/2 pts. R.B.
397plain Blanket 3 pts. B.B.
6plain Blanket 2-1/2 pts. B.B.
7plain Blanket 1-1/2 pts. B.B.
28pieces white Salampore Cotton
1pieces com. red Strouds


[Inventory of medicines is not copied here as it is given below in chapter XIV on the Indian Trade Shop and Dispensary.]

Medical Apparatus

[Inventory of medical apparatus is not copied here as it is given below in chapter XIV on the Indian Trade Shop and Dispensary.]

New Stores

1Axeltree best iron fagotted
6double Blocks brass sheaves 2-1/2 in.
20double Blocks brass sheaves 3 in.
5single Blocks brass sheaves 2-1/2 in.
4single Blocks brass sheaves 3 in.
25webbed horse Brushes
16-1/2yards bolting Cloth
1pr. Canhooks
5head Grenades
3sets markings Irons 0 @ 9
4stamping Irons HB C
6Copper imp'1 Measure 2/4 [sic], 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 gns.
3turned iron pins pr. 7 & 8 in. Blocks
9turned iron pins pr. single Blocks
4Wyethes rifle boring Rods
1wood Cheese Screw
10Sheaves pr. 8 in. Blocks
1Sheaves pr. 7 in. Blocks
1/2yd. brass wire pr. bolting machine
10brass pocket Compasses
1French Bible
17French Testaments
8English Testaments

In addition to the imported articles, the Fort Vancouver Depot kept in stock rather impressive amounts of locally produced provisions and items fabricated at the post. An account book labelled "Columbia District, Country Produce & Country Made Articles Inventories, Outfit 1840/41" is available in the Company's archives. The part of the inventory having to do with the Fort Vancouver Depot is as follows:

Fort Vancouver Depot Outfit 1840

[Country Produce & Country made articles remaining on hand Spring 1841.]

Country Produce

41Tierces Beef ea[ch] 300 lbs.
2Casks Beef ea[ch] 200 lbs.
471lbs. Mould Candles
105-1/2Cwt. fine flour
11598lbs. California Grease
1720f[atho]ms Hayquois
27Raw Ox Hides
548lbs. Hogs Lard
687Galls. Cape Flattery Oil
127lbs. Tanned Leather
20Tierces Salt Pork ea. 300 lbs. FV [produced at Fort Vancouver]
1Cask Salt Pork ea. 400 lbs.
1Tierce Salt Portk ea. 300 lbs. FL [produced at Fort Langley]
121Dressed Chevl. Skins
23Large red Deer
1185Bushels Salt
200Barrels Salmon FV
250Barrels Salmon FL
450lbs. Suet
13Galls. Whiskey

. . . . . . .

Country Made

87Large Sqe. head axes
106half Sqe. head axes
30Small Sqe. head axes
21Large Round head axes
1067half Round head axes
182Small Round head axes
9Osnaburgh Bags
8Sheeting Bags pr. flour
110Canvass Bags pr. Shot
15Canvass Bags pr. Salt
6Tin Boxes ea. 1 lb.
11Tin Candlesticks
3Tin Canisters 1 lb.
1Tin Canisters 2 lb.
1Tin Canisters 1/4 lb.
8Painted Boat Oil Cloths
6Tin Cups & Saucers
1Tin Funnel
6Garden Hoes
617lbs. Wrought Iron
1Tin Kettle 4 Galls
1Tin Kettle 4 Galls Cream
1Tin Kettle 8 Galls
29Hunters small Knives
1Tin Soup Ladle
3Assd. Tin Measures
29Large round Tin pans
349Tin Boat Pans
128Tin Porringers
4Tin Plates
4Tin Hook Pots 1-1/2 Qt.
1Tin Quart Pots
5Tin Coffee Large Pots
10Tin Coffee Small Pots
31lbs. Wrought Steel
18Tin Milk Strainers
397Beaver Traps Complete
50Beaver Traps Crosses
50Beaver Traps Pallets
66Tin Milk Tureens
1Tin Soup Tureens [45]

Another list, headed "Outfit 1846 Dr. To Columbia District, for Inventories of Country Made Articles and Country Produce remaining on hand at the different Posts in the Columbia District Spring 1846, transferred for the Use of that Outfit, viz.," gives a more extensive view of the locally produced items in stock at the Fort Vancouver Depot. It was not possible to copy this list in its entirety, but the following entries illustrate the range and quantity of the goods on hand in the post storehouses at that time:

10Canoe Adzes
269large round head Axes
247mid. round head Axes
19small round head Axes
257large square head Axes
271middling square head Axes
34small square head Axes
18sheeting Bags
6deck Buckets
1Oiled sheeting Cloths
2painted bed Oil Cloths
3painted boat Oil Cloths
3unpainted bed Oil Cloths
2Tin Funnels
5sets swingle tree Irons
1crooked Knife
1drawing Knife
10sm. hunters Knife
3tin measures 1/2 gns.
2tin measures 1 qt.
4tin measures 1/2 pt.
2prs. horse Shoes
5fish Spears
1tin milk Strainers
316Beaver Traps complete
18tempered springs p. complete

[various round and square tin boxes]
17hollow bottom tin Kettles 7 gallons
15hollow bottom tin Kettles 5 gallons
20bus. Barley
176barrels Salt Beef
74-36/112Cwt. Com. Biscuit
24-87/112Cwt. fine Biscuit
94Kegs salt Butter
265lbs. Cheese
106Cwt. fine Flour
9598lbs. California Grease
400lbs. pork Hams
30ox Hides
233tanned Ox Hides
214lbs. Hops
1014lbs. hogs Lard
30bus. Peas
16bbls. Pork
30Tierces Pork
1Assd. Garden Seeds
110Chevl. Skins (dressed)
5Elk Kings (dressed)
10portage Straps
650Tallow [45]


a. When excavating in the vicinity of Building no. 7 archeologists should attempt to find traces of the barrier that linked this structure to the south palisade wall. Remnants of pickets or posts could tell much of the nature of this barrier.

b. Undoubtedly it would be difficult and extremely costly to assemble enough original and replica mid-nineteenth century artifacts to fill these two very large structures, even though many bales, barrels, kegs, and boxes could be displayed unopened and, therefore, empty. Although to "refurnish" these two warehouses completely undoubtedly would convey to visitors in vivid fashion the importance of the Fort Vancouver Depot in the western fur trade, such a vast and expensive project, which would require periodic maintenance, cleaning, and protection from insects, does not appear practicable.

Also, there is a need for administrative and interpretive facilities at the fort site. These two structures, together with the neighboring Building no. 8, appear to be those most suitable for such purposes. They are all large, and all would be extremely difficult to refurnish as historic house exhibits in any meaningful manner.

It is suggested, therefore, that a portion of the "New Store" 7 (Building no. 5) be set aside for a baling room exhibit. This area should be large enough so that, when "refurnished," it would convey an impression of the quantities and types of goods stored in the depot.

Since the National Park Service almost certainly could never obtain enough furs to maintain a meaningful fur storage exhibit in Building no. 8 (a structure 40' x 100' loaded with furs on both floors would present a tremendous mothproofing and maintenance problem even if the furs could be obtained), all displays of furs might well be confined to the Indian trade shop, where furs were also kept.

With these two steps taken, most of Building no. 5 and all of Buildings nos. 7 and 8 would be free for internal adaptation to administrative and interpretive uses. The exteriors, of course, should retain their historic appearance.


1. Emmons, Journal, MS, III, entry for July 25, 1841.

2. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 11.

3. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 4. Charles Diamare dit Baron was the depot carpenter. His wages during Outfit 1844 were L30 per annum. H.B.C.A., B.239/1/15, MS, 60.

4. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 7.

5. Hussey, History of Fort Vancouver, 158-160.

6. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 2.

7. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 17.

8. E. E. Rich, ed., The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee, Third Series, 1844-46 (Publications of the Champlain Society, Hudson's Bay Company Series, vol. VII, Toronto, 1944) (hereafter cited as H.B.S., VII), 177-191. These goods were the "reserved outfit," for Outfit 1846. See H.B.C.A., B.223/d/161, MS, 6-38, 43-54.

9. H.B.S., VII, p. 87, note 3.

10. H.B.S., VII, 75-94.

11. H.B.S., VII, 124 note. Lieutenant Henry J. Warre, who visited Fort Vancouver in late 1845 and early 1846, said that the warehouses at the post then contained the supplies both for the current year and the succeeding year. Warre, Travel and Sport, MS, 104.

12. Parker, Journal, 174.

13. H.B.C., Account Books, Fort Vancouver 1845-46 [Abstracts, costs and charges of goods received], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/161, MS, 6-38, 43-54

14. Roberts, "The Round Hand of George B. Roberts, in OHQ, LXIII (June-September, 1967), 204, 228.

15. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 105.

16. For a complaint by McLoughlin that the rope he had ordered had been "curtailed," see H.B.S., IV, 143.

17. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/164, MS, 7.

18. This account of the processing of the Outfit 1838 indent is based largely upon the indent itself, which is to be found in H.B. C., York Factory Indent Books, 1823-38, H.B.C.A., B.239/n/71, MS, fols. 156d-164; and upon H.B.S., IV, 194. See also Barker, The Letters of Dr. John McLoughlin, 337-338.

19. Drury, First White Women, I, 103.

20. Emmons, Journal, MS, III, entry for July 26, 1841.

21. Requisition for Columbia District, Outfit 1850, H.B.C.A., A.l1/70, MS, fol. 246d.

22. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 76, 106.

23. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 106. See also George Simpson McTavish, Behind the Palisades: An Autobiography (Victoria, B. C., 1963), 84.

24. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/158, MS, 1-32.

25. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/161, MS, 6-38, 43-54.

26. Lowe, Private Journal, MS, 2, 33, 35, 37, 40-41, 42.

27. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 106-107.

28. McTavish, Behind the Palisades, 83, 85.

29. H.B.C.A., B.223/b/3, MS, fols. 18-19.

30. For example, see Glazebrook, The Hargrave Correspondence, 318-329.

31. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 277.

32. Packing Account, Sundries P. Fort Nisqually, September 26, 1843, in FN 1265, MS, in Fort Nisqually Collection, in The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.

33. Fort Nisqually, Invoice Book, Feb. 1853-Sept. 1860, FN 1263, MS, vol. 2, p.[16], in Fort Nisqually Collection.

34. Cowie, The Company of Adventurers, 278.

35. FN 1265, MS, in Fort Nisqually Collection.

36. Br. & Am. Joint Comm., Papers, [II], 118-119.

37. Caywood, Final Report, 10-11, and Map of Archeological Excavations, sheets 1 and 4.

38. Caywood, Final Report, 10-11, and Map of Archeological Excavations, sheets 1, 2, 4, 5.

39. For additional testimony concerning the lack of heat in stores, see McTavish, Behind the Palisades, 53, 83.

40. McTavish, Behind the Palisades, 83.

41. H.B.C., Account Book, Fort Vancouver, 1844 [Inventories], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/155, MS, 143-144..

42. H.B.C., Account Book, Fort Vancouver, 1845 [Inventories], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/160, MS, 130-131.

43. In Account Book, Port Vancouver, 1844. [Inventories], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/155, MS, 93-142.

44. H.B.C., Account Books, Fort Vancouver, 1840-41 [Country Produce Inventories], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/137, 11-13.

45. H.B. C., Account Book, Fort Vancouver 1845-46 [Abstracts, Cost and Charges of goods received], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/161, MS, 119-121. The extracts given above reproduce only part of the list, and entries are not always in the exact form of the originals.

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