Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II


Since the completion of volume I of this study, the research and writing required for the present volume have been conducted under the terms of Professional Services Contract No. CX-2000-3-0092 with the Denver Service Center, National Park Service. Both volumes were produced in accordance with Historical Resources Study Proposals FOVA-H-4 and FOVA-H-4a.

To a large extent the following chapters were based upon the same source materials as were those in the first volume, and the debt of the author for assistance and for permission to use and quote manuscripts and to reproduce pictures is thus largely to the same institutions and persons whose help was gratefully acknowledged in volume I. Those acknowledgments will not be repeated here, but to each the writer once more expresses his gratitude.

In the two years that have passed since the issuance of volume I, however, additional archival and field study in both the United States and Canada have increased the writer's indebtedness to old friends and placed him under obligation to many new ones. While each librarian, curator, park guide, and photographer who contributed to this project cannot be named individually, all are remembered, and to all the writer extends his thanks.

Once again, special mention is made of the generous assistance and cooperation received from the Hudson's Bay Company. Without that help this study would have amounted to very little. Continued access was afforded to the Company's archives through the microfilm copies in the Public Archives of Canada, and in the present work all references to, and quotations from, the firm's records are published by permission of the Hudson's Bay Company. Mrs. Shirlee A. Smith, Archivist, Hudson's Bay Company, very kindly read the draft of this entire volume and made a number of valuable suggestions for its improvement. Her assistance is particularly appreciated.

Dr. Willard E. Ireland, Provincial Librarian and Archivist, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, and his efficient staff once more provided every facility for research among the rich collections of fur trade source materials in that repository. Particular thanks are due to all the members of the photographic section who worked so hard to produce the sharpest possible prints of several early views of Fort Vancouver.

As always, the staff of the Public Archives of Canada, and especially Mrs. J. Haynes and Mr. Garry Maunder of the Manuscript Division, offered a warm welcome and provided indispensable guidance. Mrs. Jean E Soper, Librarian, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, gave free access to the splendid collection of books on military arms and equipment in her care.

Particular thanks are given to Mr. William M. Pigott, President, National Heritage Limited, Toronto, who has been most generous in providing information from that firm's comprehensive research files and from his extensive knowledge of fur trade building techniques. Miss Joan Halloran, Research; Mr. Murray McCance, Senior Vice President; and Mr. Ross M. A. Wilson, all of National Heritage Limited, have made valuable contributions that have added much to this study.

A special debt is acknowledged to Mr. Wayne Colwell, Curator, Canadian National Historic Sites Service, who continued to provide technical advice concerning furnishings and who assisted in many other ways. Thanks are extended to the National Historic Sites Service, Canada, for making available a number of fine photographs. Mr. J. C. Finlay, Head of Historical and Sciences Services, Edmonton Parks and Recreation, also gave valuable help with illustrative materials. Mr. J. A. McGinnis, Managing Director, Toronto Historical Board, generously provided photographs of barracks and bakery equipment at Fort York.

In Washington, D. C., Dr. A. R. Mortensen, Chief Historian, and Mr. Harry W. Pfanz, of the Office of History and Archeology, National Park Service, facilitated use of the Library of Congress. Mr. Edwin C. Bearss and Mr. James Sheire, National Park Service historians in Washington, contributed to the general field of the Fort Vancouver study.

Very particular thanks are expressed to Mr. Erwin N. Thompson, Historian, Denver Service Center, National Park Service, who assisted not only with sound counsel but by lending copies of source materials collected during his own studies of Grand Portage. Mr. Harold L. Peterson, Chief Curator, National Park Service, and Dr. E. Raymond Lewis of Washington, D. C. gave expert advice concerning the armaments of the mid-nineteenth century.

At Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Mr. John J. Hoffman, Project Archeologist, and Mr. Lester A. Ross, Museum Specialist, have continued to keep the writer informed of the important finds being made by the current archeological program and have generously provided advice and copies of their outstanding reports. Mr. Donald F. Gillespie, Superintendent, and Mr. Robert Amdor, Park Ranger, have also given valuable assistance.

In addition to the Hudson's Bay Company, the following institutions have graciously granted permission to quote from manuscripts and to reproduce pictures in their collections: Alberta Department of Industry and Development, Edmonton; American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts; Archives of Ontario, Toronto; The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Library; Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta; Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California; Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria; Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Mr. Michael Warre, of London, England, very kindly permitted quotations to be made from the manuscript "Travel and Sport in North America," by General Sir Henry J. Warre.

John A. Hussey

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Last Updated: 10-Apr-2003