About 60 stratigraphic sections were measured during
the present investigation; the most useful in illustrating the
stratigraphic relations are shown graphically on plate 3. Four of these
sections, which can serve as reference sections, are augmented by the
following generalized written descriptions. The stratigraphic section
numbers refer to numbers given on plates 1 and 3.
2. Section of Yates Formation on north wall of North Rattlesnake
Canyon in W1/2 sec. 32, T. 24 S., R. 24
E., from canyon bottom opposite Bench Mark 4330 to top of hill east
of trail into Walnut Canyon |
Top of hill. | Thickness (feet) |
Tansill Formation: Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds
5 to 10 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 50 |
Yates Formation: |
Siltstone, quartz grains and dolomite cement;
weathers grayish orange; poorly exposed in slope. | 12 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in beds 2 to
4 in thick; weathers light olive gray | 3-1/2 |
Siltstone, quartz grains and dolomite cement;
weathers grayish orange; poorly exposed in slope. | 17 |
Dolomite, light-gray, laminated; in beds about 5 ft
thick; contains pisolites and fusulinids; weathers
light olive gray | 15 |
Siltstone, quartz grains and dolomite cement;
weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in beds about
3 ft thick; contains numerous pisolites; weathers
pale yellowish brown | 31-1/2 |
Siltstone, quartz grains and dolomite cement, laminated; weathers
grayish orange | 6-1/2 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-brown, laminated; in beds
less than 1 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 9 |
Siltstone, quartzose; weathers grayish orange; poorly
exposed in slope | 16-1/2 |
Dolomite, very pale orange, laminated; in beds less than 1 ft thick;
weathers grayish orange | 1-1/2 |
Siltstone, quartzose; weathers grayish orange | 13 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated: in beds 1 in
to 1 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish brown;
basal 5-1/2 ft very poorly exposed | 7-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds
2 to 5 ft thick; contains pisolites; weathers pale yellowish brown | 18-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray; in beds less than 1 ft thick;
upper 2 ft very poorly exposed | 5 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartz
grains and dolomite cement, laminated; in beds 1 in to 1 ft thick;
poorly exposed in slope | 11 |
Covered in slope | 11 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; one bed | 2 |
Covered in slope | 6-1/2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in beds less
than 1 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 4 |
Covered; interval apparently contains thinly bedded
dolomite a few hundred feet up the canyon | 23-1/2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in beds about
6 in thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 6-1/2 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartzose; poorly exposed
in slope | 5-1/2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in one bed;
contains pisolites; weathers pale yellowish brown | 4 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartz grains and dolomite
cement, laminated; in beds 1 in to 1 ft thick; contains iron-oxide
concretions | 10-1/2 |
Dolomite, light-olive-gray, laminated; in beds 3 to
5 ft thick; contains pisolites; weathers pale yellowish brown | 9-1/2 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartz grains and calcite
cement, laminated | 8 |
Dolomite, silty, grayish-orange, laminated; in
beds less than 1 ft thick | 7 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-orange, laminated; in
thick poorly defined beds; contains pisolites | 24-1/2 |
Covered in slope | 7 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in beds 2 in
to 1 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 2 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartzose, laminated | 2-1/2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in one bed;
weathers light olive gray | 3 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartz grains in calcite
cement; laminated; contains nodules of iron oxide | 7-1/2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, laminated; in one bed;
weathers pale yellowish brown | 5 |
Dolomite, light-brown, laminated; in beds 3 in to 1
ft thick; weathers grayish orange; top 1-1/2 ft
covered | 4 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartzose; poorly exposed
in slope | 6 |
Total, Yates Formation | 328 |
Seven Rivers Formation: |
Dolomite, very light gray, laminated; in beds 6 in
to 5 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 8 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-brown; in beds about 2 in thick; weathers
grayish orange | 2 |
Dolomite, very light gray, laminated; most in indistinct beds from 3
to 15 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 47 |
Canyon bottom. |
12. Section of Queen Formation on east wall of Dark Canyon from
NW1/4NE1/4 sec. 32, T. 24 S., R. 23 E.,
at canyon bottom south of abandoned CCC Camp diagonally upward to
top of hill in SE1/4SE/4 sec. 29, T. 24 S., R. 23 E. |
Top of hill. | Thickness (feet) |
Seven Rivers Formation: Dolomite, yellowish-gray,
faintly laminated; in beds 1 in to 3 ft thick; weathers
light olive gray | 53 |
Queen Formation: |
Siltstone and silty shale; weathers grayish orange | 6 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-brown, faintly laminated; in beds about 6 in thick;
weathers grayish orange | 1-1/2 |
Siltstone, argillaceous; weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-brown, faintly laminated; in beds about 6 in thick;
weathers grayish orange | 1-1/2 |
Siltstone, sandy, pale-yellowish-orange, variably bedded; weathers
grayish orange | 35 |
Dolomite, faintly laminated; in one bed; weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Siltstone, shaly, pale-yellowish-orange; weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; one bed; weathers light olive
gray | 1 |
Covered; probably siltstone | 1-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in one bed; weathers light olive gray | 1-1/2 |
Siltstone, shaly, pale-yellowish-orange; weathers grayish orange | 2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-orange, laminated; one bed | 5-1/2 |
Siltstone, shaly, pale-yellowish-orange; weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; one bed | 1 |
Siltstone; sandy at base, shaly at top; very pale orange; weathers
grayish orange | 5 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, faintly laminated; contains fusulinids | 4 |
Siltstone, shaly, pale-yellowish-orange; weathers grayish orange | 2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; one bed; weathers light olive
gray | 1 |
Siltstone, very poorly exposed | 2 |
Dolomite, grayish-orange, faintly
laminated; contains fusulinids | 5-1/2 |
Siltstone, sandy, very pale orange, laminated; in beds 1/2 to 6 in.
thick | 7-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in two beds;
weathers light olive gray | 5-1/2 |
Dolomite, very thinly bedded and poorly exposed; interbedded with
siltstone | 9 |
Dolomite, very pale orange to light olive gray; in thin to
thick beds | 22-1/2 |
Dolomite, light-olive-gray, laminated; in beds about 2 ft thick;
weathers grayish orange | 6-1/2 |
Sandstone, very pale orange, very fine grained, laminated; in beds 1
in to 1 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 4-1/2 |
Dolomite, silty, very pale orange, laminated; in beds 1 in to 1 ft
thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 15-1/2 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite
cement, laminated; contains nodules of iron oxide;
in beds 6 in to 2 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish
brown | 17-1/2 |
Dolomite, slightly silty, very pale orange, faintly
laminated; in beds about 3 in. thick; contains
scattered nodules of iron oxide in upper 3 ft;
weathers pale yellowish brown | 7-1/2 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite
cement, laminated; weathers grayish orange | 1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; one bed;
weathers light olive gray | 1 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite cement, laminated;
weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in two beds;
weathers light olive gray | 2-1/2 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite
cement, laminated; weathers grayish orange | 1-1/2 |
Dolomite, silty in part, very pale orange, laminated;
in beds 2 in to 5 ft thick; contains fusulinids in
some beds; weathers light olive gray | 27 |
Dolomite, silty, grayish-orange, faintly laminated;
in beds 1 to 4 in. thick; contains scattered nodules
of iron oxide | 13 |
Dolomite, silty in part, very pale orange, laminated;
in beds 2 in to 5 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 80 |
Dolomite, silty, very pale orange, laminated; in one
1-1/2 bed; contains nodules of iron oxide | 6 |
Dolomite, very pale orange, laminated; in beds 2 in to
3 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 14-1/2 |
Dolomite, very sandy, grayish-orange, faintly
laminated; in beds 3 to 18 in. thick, transitional into
overlying dolomite and underlying sandstone | 11 |
Sandstone, very pale orange, very fine grained,
quartzose with dolomite cement, cross-laminated;
in beds 2 to 10 ft thick; contains numerous nodules
of iron oxide; weathers pale yellowish brown | 44 |
Total, Queen Formation | 378 |
Grayburg Formation: Dolomite, yellowish-gray; in beds
2 to 5 ft thick | 50 |
Canyon bottom. |
13. Section of Seven Rivers Formation on west wall of
Bear Canyon in SE1/4 sec. 33, T. 24 S., R. 23 E., from
canyon bottom to top of ridge. Base of overlying Yates Formation measured on
opposite side of canyon |
| Thickness (feet) |
Yates Formation: Siltstone, pale yellowish orange; in beds about 1 in.
thick; weathers grayish orange | 3 |
Seven Rivers Formation: |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds
1 to 10 ft thick; some beds contain fusulinids;
weathers light olive gray | 100 |
Dolomite, very silty, very thin bedded, poorly exposed | 7 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds
1 to 10 ft thick; some beds contain fusulinids;
weathers light olive gray | 55 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds about 10 ft thick;
fusulinids common; weathers light olive gray | 16-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, faintly laminated; in beds about 1 ft thick;
weathers light olive gray | 11 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange; poorly exposed in slope | 4 |
yellowish-gray, laminated; fusulinids abundant; weathers light
olive gray | 31 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, faintly laminated; mostly in beds about 1
in. thick; weathers light olive gray;
poorly exposed | 8 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; mostly in beds 3 to 10 ft thick;
contains some fusulinids; weathers
light olive gray | 21-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, faintly laminated; in beds
about 1 ft thick; weathers light olive gray | 5-1/2 |
Covered in slope; apparently contains both dolomite
and siltstone | 9 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in beds 5 to 10 ft thick;
fusulinids abundant in some beds; weathers light olive gray | 18 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange; poorly exposed in slope | 6 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in beds 5 to 10 ft thick;
fusulinids abundant in some beds; weathers light olive gray | 112-1/2 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite cement, faintly
laminated; in one bed; weathers
grayish orange | 4 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in three beds;
weathers light olive gray | 5 |
Dolomite, very silty; weathers grayish orange | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in beds 5 to 10
ft thick; contains abundant fusulinids; weathers
light olive gray | 22-1/2 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange; mostly covered in slope | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, faintly laminated; in beds
1 to 5 ft thick | 20 |
Total, Seven Rivers Formation | 458-1/2 |
Queen Formation: |
Siltstone, yellowish-gray, quartzose with calcite cement, laminated;
in one bed; weathers light olive gray | 4-1/2 |
Dolomite, very pale orange, faintly laminated; in beds
about 1 ft thick; contains nodules of iron oxide | 3 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with dolomite cement, laminated;
in beds 1 in to 1 ft thick; contains scattered nodules of iron oxide | 37 |
Dolomite, some slightly silty, light-gray to yellowish-gray; mostly
in beds less than 1 ft thick; some beds contain fusulinids | 25-1/2 |
Siltstone, pale yellowish-orange, quartzose with dolomite cement,
faintly laminated; weathers grayish orange | 2 |
Dolomite, light olive gray, laminated; in two beds;
contains fusulinids; weathers yellowish gray | 3-1/2 |
Dolomite, silty, very thinly bedded; mostly covered
in slope | 2 |
Dolomite, laminated; in one bed; weathers yellowish gray | 1-1/2 |
Dolomite, silty, very thinly bedded; mostly covered
in slope | 5 |
Dolomite, laminated; in beds about 2 ft thick; contains
abundant fusulinids; weathers yellowish gray | 7 |
Siltstone, pale-yellowish-orange, quartzose with calcite cement, faintly laminated; in beds about 1 in.
thick; weathers grayish orange | 1-1/2 |
Dolomite, light olive-gray, laminated; in two beds;
contains scattered fusulinids | 5 |
Siltstone, very pale orange, quartzose with calcite cement,
faintly laminated; in beds about 3 in. thick;
poorly exposed in slope | 5-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated in part; in beds
about 3 ft thick; fusulinids locally abundant;
weathers light olive gray | 10 |
Dolomite, silty, very pale orange; in one bed | 1 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated in part; in beds
3 to 10 ft thick; fusulinids abundant in some beds;
weathers light olive gray | 88 |
Siltstone, grayish-orange, quartzose with dolomite cement, faintly
laminated; in beds 3 in to 1 ft thick; contains scattered nodules of
iron oxide | 3 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray, laminated; in beds 3 to 5 ft
thick; contains abundant fusulinids; weathers light olive gray | 14 |
Dolomite, very silty, very pale orange, laminated in
part; in beds about 2 ft thick; weathers grayish orange | 6-1/2 |
Total exposed, Queen Formation | 225-1/2 |
Canyon bottom. |
18. Section of Grayburg Formation on Shattuck Valley Escarpment
from W1/2 SW1/4 sec. 16, T. 25 S., R. 21 E., to near
top of escarpment. Upper beds were traced southward and measured near center of
sec. 21, T. 25 S., R. 21 E. |
| Thickness (feet) |
Queen Formation: Sandstone, very pale orange, very fine
grained, quartzose with calcite cement; in beds 1 in to
2 ft thick | 55 |
Grayburg Formation: |
Dolomite, very light gray to very pale orange; in beds 2 to 5 ft thick;
weathers light olive gray | 43 |
Dolomite, sandy, grayish-orange, very thinly bedded | 11 |
yellowish-gray; in beds 1 in to 1 ft thick | 6-1/2 |
Covered in slope | 5 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray; one bed | 1 |
Sandstone, silty, very light gray to pale-yellowish-gray, very fine
grained; quartzose with calcite
cement, laminated; mostly in beds less than 6 in. thick; weathers pale
yellowish brown | 26-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray; mostly in beds 5 to 10 ft thick;
weathers light olive gray | 61 |
Siltstone, sandy, very light gray, quartzose with calcite cement;
grades into overlying dolomite | 17 |
Dolomite, light-gray; in beds about 2 ft thick; 3-1/2 weathers light
olive gray | 8 |
Dolomite, very sandy, light-gray; transitional into
underlying sandstone and overlying dolomite | 3 |
Sandstone, very light gray, very fine grained, quartzose with
calcite cement; in two beds; weathers pale yellowish
brown | 3-1/2 |
Dolomite, light-gray; in beds 1 to 6 ft thick; weathers light olive
gray | 18-1/2 |
Covered interval; probably sandy dolomite in lower part and
fine-grained sandstone in upper part | 20-1/2 |
Dolomite, yellowish-gray; in beds 1 to 4 ft thick; weathers pale
yellowish brown | 7 |
Covered in slope | 5-1/2 |
Limestone, dolomitic, sandy, grayish-orange; in beds
2 in to 2 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish brown | 4 |
Sandstone, very
pale orange, very fine grained, quartzose with calcite cement; in
irregular beds 1 in to 1 ft thick; weathers grayish orange | 6 |
Limestone, dolomitic, yellowish-gray, laminated; in
beds 2 to 4 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish orange | 15 |
Covered in slope | 9-1/2 |
Dolomite, calcareous, very pale orange, laminated;
in beds 1 to 4 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish orange | 22-1/2 |
Dolomite, very thinly bedded; weathers grayish
orange; very poorly exposed | 13 |
Dolomite, pale-yellowish-orange; in beds 1 to 2 ft
thick; weathers very pale orange | 6 |
Sandstone, very fine grained, quartzose with calcite
cement; weathers grayish orange; poorly exposed | 11-1/2 |
Limestone, dolomitic, slightly sandy, very pale
orange, oolitic near base; in beds 1 to 4 ft thick;
weathers pale yellowish brown | 13-1/2 |
Limestone, dolomitic, very sandy at base, yellowish-gray,
faintly laminated; a 6 ft-thick bed at base
and beds less than 1 ft thick at top; weathers pale
yellowish brown; poorly exposed at top | 12-1/2 |
Sandstone, silty, very pale orange, very fine grained;
in beds 6 in to 1 ft thick; weathers yellowish
gray; grades into overlying limestone | 7 |
Dolomite, very pale orange; in beds 6 in to 3 ft
thick | 13-1/2 |
Sandstone, silty, very pale orange, very fine grained;
in beds 6 in to 1 ft thick; weather yellowish
gray; grades into overlying limestone | 7 |
Dolomite, sandy, pale-yellowish-brown, laminated; in
beds 3 in to 3 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish
orange | 25 |
Sandstone, pale-yellowish-orange, very fine grained,
quartoze with calcite cement; in beds 2 to 6 in.
thick; weathers grayish orange | 11 |
Limestone, dolomitic, grayish-orange, laminated; in
beds 1 in to 1 ft thick; weathers pale yellowish
brown | 11 |
Sandstone, pale-yellowish-orange, very fine grained,
quartzose with calcite cement; very poorly
exposed | 7 |
Total, Grayburg Formation | 425 |
San Andres Limestone: Limestone.
dolomitic, very pale orange, thickly bedded; contains fusulinid molds;
weathers pale yellowish brown | 100± |
Fault. |