TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose Pre-Permian rocks of the subsurface Methods of study Framework Cretaceous rocks Major structural elements Major landforms Oil and gas Selected stratigraphic sections Index (omitted from the online edition)
ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. Geologic map and section of Guadalupe Mountains area (omitted from the online edition) 2. Composite lithologic log of subsurface rocks in the Seven Rivers Embayment area (omitted from the online edition) 3. Graphic sections of Permian rocks and stratigraphic diagram of rocks in Guadalupe Mountains (omitted from the online edition) FIGURE 1. Index map of Guadalupe Mountains region 2. Map of southeastern New Mexico and nearby areas showing location of mountain ranges referred to in text 3. Map of western Texas and eastern New Mexico and adjacent areas showing approximate positions of some sedimentary basins and uplifted areas 4. Diagram showing correlation of Permian rock units 5. Thin-bedded dark-gray limestone near top of the Lamar Limestone Member of the Bell Canyon Formation 6. Interlaminated white gypsum and dark-brownish-gray limestone in lower part of the Castile Formation 7. Probable residuum of the Salado Formation 8. Thin-bedded dolomite of the Rustler Formation 9. Lateral facies boundaries of some stratigraphic units of Guadalupe age 10. Northeast side of Slaughter Canyon 11. Photomicrograph of limestone from the massive member of the Capitan Limestone 12. Photomicrograph of limestone from the breccia member of the Capitan Limestone 13. Bedding features in the lower cherty member of the San Andres Limestone in Last Chance Canyon 14. Diagram showing stratigraphic relations in Last Chance Canyon 15. North wall of Wilson Canyon 16. Photomicrograph of dolomite from the Grayburg Formation 17. Surface and well sections showing correlation of the Grayburg and Queen Formations 18. Photomicrograph of fusulinid coquina from the Seven Rivers Formation 19. Photomicrograph of pisolitic carbonate from the lower part of the Seven Rivers Formation 20. Contact between the Yates Formation and the Tansil Formation 21. Photomicrograph of well-sorted coarse siltstone from the Yates Formation 22. Nearly vertical sandstone dike in the Capitan Limestone 23. Calcareous tufa at Sitting Bull Falls 24. Tectonic map of Guadalupe Mountains region 25. Section B—B' across Big Dog Canyon 26. Incised meanders of Dark Canyon at Serpentine Bends 27. Section C—C' through the Capitan Limestone and associated rocks 28. Outline maps of three caves 29. Areas of ground-water availability TABLES TABLE 1. Descriptive data on some caves in the Guadalupe Mountains 2. Oil and gas test wells drilled in report area before June 30, 1961 3. Chemical analyses of brines from four wells, Eddy County, N. Mex
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