Source: Nauvoo Neighbor, October 29, 1845, as cited in B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. 1, 539-540.
The personnel of the Pioneer band, was as follows. They are given as divided into companies of "Tens"; First TenWilford Woodruff, captain: John S. Fowler. Jacob D. Burnham. Orson Pratt, Joseph Egbert. John M. Freeman. Marcus B. Thorpe. Geo. A. Smith. Geo. Wardle. Second TenEzra T. Benson, captain: Thomas B. Grover, Barbaras L. Adams. Roswell Stevens. Amasa M. Lyman. Starling G. Driggs. Albert Carrington. Thomas Bullock, George Brown. Willard Richards. Jesse C. Little. Third TenPhineas H. Young. captain: John Y. Green, Thom as Tanner. Brigham Young. Addison Everett, Truman 0. Angell, Lorenzo D. Young, Bryant Stringham. Joseph S. Scofield, Albert P. Rockwood. Fourth TenLuke S. Johnson. captain: John Holman, Edmund Ellsworth, Alvarus Hanks, George R. Grant. Millen Atwood, Samuel B. Fox. Tunis Rappleyee, Harry Pierce, Win. Kykes, Jacob Weiler. Fifth TenStephen H. Goddard, captain: Tarlton Lewis, Henry G. Sherwood, Zebedee Coltrin, Sylvester H. Earl. John Dixon. Samuel H. Marble, George Scholes, Win. Henrie. Win. A. Empey. Sixth TenCharles Shumway, captain: Andrew Shumway, Thos. Woolsey. Chauncey Loveland, Erastus Snow. James Craig, Win. Wordsworth, Win. Vance, Simeon Howd, Seeley Owen. Seventh TenJames Case, captain: Artemas Johnson. Win. C. A. Smoot. Franklin B. Dewey, Win. Carter, Franklin G. Losee, Burr Frost, Datus Ensign, Franklin B. Stewart. Monroe Frink, Eric Glines. Ozro Eastman. Eighth TenSeth Taft, captain: Horace Thorton. Stephen Kelsey. John S. Eldredge. Charles D. Barnum, Alma W. Williams, Rufus Allen, Robert T. Thomas, James W. Stewart, Elijah Newman, Levi N. Kendall, Francis Boggs. David Grant. Ninth TenHoward Egan. captain: Heber C. Kimball, Win. A. King. Thomas Cloward, Hosea Cushing. Robert Byard. George Billings. Edison Whipple. Philo Johnson. Win. Clayton. Tenth TenAppleton M. Harmon, captain; Carlos Murray, Horace K. Whitney, Orson K. Whitney. Orrin P. Rockwell, Nathaniel T. Brown, R. Jackson Redding, John Pack, Francis Pomeroy, Aaron Farr. Nathaniel Fairbanks. Eleventh TenJohn S. Higbee, captain: John Wheeler, Solo mon Chamberlain. Conrad Klineman, Joseph Rooker, Perry Fitzgerald, John H. Tippetts. James Davenport. Henson Walker, Benjamin Rolfe. Twelfth TenNorton Jacobs. captain: Charles A. Harper George Woodward, Stephen Markham, Lewis Barney. George Mills, Andrew Gibbons, Joseph Hancock, John W. Norton. Thirteenth TenJohn Brown, captain: Shadrach Roundy, Levi Jackman, Lyman Curtis, Hans C. Hansen. Mathew Ivory. David Powers, Hark Lay (colored). Oscar Crosby (colored). Fourteenth TenJoseph Mathews, captain: Gilbroid Summe, John Gleason. Charles Burke, Alexander P. Chessley. Rodney Badger. Norman Taylor, Green Flake (colored). Ellis Eames, who. it will be remembered, returned to Winter Quarters from the Pioneer camp on the 18th of April on account of sickness. Besides the men. there were three women and two children in the camp. Source: B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
(omitted from online edition)
Source: "Church Emigration Book," Mormon Church Archives
(omitted from online edition)
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