National Park Service
National Park Service Uniforms
Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts, 1918-1991
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Marion Riggs, Philadelphia, 1970. Riggs, now Durham, is wearing the tunic with culottes and "Go-Go" boots at the Freedom Week unveiling of the new women's uniforms at Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27, 1970. The regulations simply classified the footware as boots, but they quickly acquired the appellate of "GO-GO" because they resembled those worn by the exotic dancers of the period. There weren't enough of the new lightweight felt women's hats for all the models, so she borrowed a summer straw hat from one of the men rangers. NPSHPC - Cecil W. Stoughton photo - HFC# 70-253-96


Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

A PDF copy of this study is also available.

Publications in the
Number 1 Badges and Insignia1894-1991
Number 2 In Search of an Identitymen's uniforms - 1872-1920
Number 3 Ironing Out the Wrinklesmen's uniforms - 1920-1932
Number 4 Breeches, Blouses and Skirtswomen's uniforms - 1918-1991

Proposed (but not funded)
Number 5 The Developing Yearsmen's uniforms - 1932-1970
Number 6 They Also Serveancillary uniforms - 1920-1991
(Web Edition Note: document never produced)

Gertrude S. Cooper
Gertrude S. Cooper, 1940, Superintendent, Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site, 1940-1945.
Mrs. Cooper was the first woman superintendent in the National Park Service. However, unlike the normal procedure of being elevated to this position through the Director's office, she was appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelet on 16 July, 1940. This has spawned a controversy as to whether she or Wilhemina S. Harris, who became superintendent at Adams National Historic Site, 1950-1968, should be considered the first female superintendent of a National Park.
National Archives/79-SM-UUU-35-1

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Last Updated: 01-Apr-2016