An Administrative History
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"To provide, protect and enhance sites and areas of outstanding natural, scenic, cultural, historic or recreational value for the enjoyment and education of present and future generations of Oregonians and their visitors."

The agency's statement of purpose was adopted in the course of 20-year strategic planning efforts which culminated in the 2010 Plan of 1988. The substance of this mission was boiled down to its essence in "Protect the Best of Oregon," a slogan used to promote the initial, six-year phase of the long-range plan.

Fig. 48. Young visitors to Champoeg State Park are introduced to the story of steamboating on the Willamette River by Dennis Wiley, park historian and visitor center director. 1988. Oregon Department of Transportation Photo #V2134-15a.

Fig. 49. Lower Columbia River region and northern Oregon coast, State Parks Region 1. Aerial perspective view toward the Columbia River, to the north, overlooking Saddle Mountain State Park. The foot trail seen winding to the summit of Saddle Mountain was developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the Depression era. The rugged slopes of the mountain sustain a rare botanical habitat. 1981. Oregon Department of Transportation Photo #A786-54.

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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2008