SECTION IV.LOCATION 15.TRAIL LOCATION Before definitely selecting the route for a project, a thorough reconnaissance survey should be made. This will enable the locator to secure the best possible topographical, geographical, and fire-control service location. Hazard maps and other fire-control data should be checked previous to making the final selection. Too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of this phase of trail work. During the reconnaissance survey, always definitely select and locate control points, and get their elevation and approximate intervening distances. The instruments needed in trail reconnaissance, in addition to the ordinary tools of a woodsman, are an Abney level or hypsometer for laying out grades and measuring slopes, and in certain instances an aneroid barometer for ascertaining elevations. With the approximate distance and elevation between two control points known, add two ciphers to the elevation figures and divide by the distance expressed in feet to ascertain the approximate uniform grade between them. Example:
In trail location, as far as practicable Avoid:
Items (b) to (f), inclusive, should be favored even at the sacrifice of grade. Do not lose sight of the desirability of having trails pass camping places, horse feed, water, and points which furnish a broad view of the surrounding country. These items are of special importance to recreation and fire-control trails. Always bear in mind that trails are used by a class of travel that is but little affected by undulations and a steep pitch here and there, and that they are not associated with vehicles, the carrying capacity of which is limited by the steepest pitch. Remember, too, that trails are used by foot travelers and saddle or pack animals, traveling single file, and usually in a walk. Lay out trails accordingly, and never be influenced by the idea that later a trail may be converted into a road.