TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I.Policy and general instructions Relative needs Trail plans Trail classification Trail location Cost estimates Size and organization of crews Blazing SECTION VIII.Miscellaneous practices Practice Policy Location Tools and equipment Supplemental Instruction for Treatment of Recreation Trails Index (omitted from the online edition) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 2.Trails constructed from marked and unmarked grade lines Fig. 3.Showing trail on top of a ridge Fig. 4.When not to remove stumps Fig. 5.How to measure width of trail Fig. 6.Cross section of typical trail on slopes between 30 and 85 percent Fig. 7.Cross section of typical trail on slopes between 85 and 185 percent Fig. 8.Trail construction around bluffs Fig. 9.Type of trail suited to regions of heavy rains Fig. 10.Inapplicable construction in Southwest Fig. 11.Trail on rubble consisting of small rocks Fig. 12.Trail on rubble consisting of large rocks Fig. 13.Economical method of clearing for pack and stirrup Fig. 14.Desirable width of turn and guard rail Fig. 15.Rock wall to prevent cross cutting on turns Fig. 16.Building a rock wall Fig. 17.Trail provided with drainage ditch Fig. 18.Profile of grade line at water bars Fig. 19.Section of trail showing water break log Fig. 20.Trails across arroyos, draws and ravines Fig. 21.Trail on flat soft wet ground Fig. 22.Section of split corduroy Fig. 23.Views of ordinary sill and stringer corduroy Fig. 24.Trail blaze Fig. 25.Trail blaze Fig. 26.Example of careless practice in placing signs Fig. 27.Neatly placed signs Fig. 28.Example of duplication in placing signs Fig. 29.Sign board posts Fig. 30.Abandonment of existing trails on side hills Fig. 31.Abandonment of existing trails on ridges Fig. 32.Improving grade on flat ridge Fig. 33.Stringer bridge Fig. 34.King truss bridge Fig. 35.Log stringer bridge, foot trail, 10- to 60-foot span Fig. 36.Double log girder bridge, foot trail, 50- to 90-foot span Fig. 37.Log stringer bridge, horse trail, 10- to 50-foot span Fig. 38.Double log girder bridge, horse trail, 50- to 90-foot span Fig. 39.Timber Howe truss, horse trail, 50-, 60- and 70-foot span Fig. 40.Timber Howe truss, horse trail, 80-, 90- and 100-foot span Fig. 41.Suspension bridge, foot and horse trail, 60- to 400-foot span, sheet 1 Fig. 42.Suspension bridge, foot and horse trail, 60- to 400-foot span, sheet 2 Fig. 43.Design of log crib pier, rock filled Fig. 44.Trail drag LIST OF TABLES 2.Permissible grades over 15 percent on trails 3.Width of ways and trails 4.Marking systems 5.Minimum dimensions for stringers for spans up to 36 feet