National Forest



Your Heritage
In a High Mountain Country
     Riches From Furs and Minerals
The Ranger and His Job
     Timber Management and Use
          Dominant Tree Species
     Water For Irrigation
     Forage For Livestock
     Minerals For the Prospector
     Wildlife and Fish Abundant
     Recreational Values and Uses
          Other Accommodations
               Warm Lake Recreation Area
     Huckleberrying is Great Sport
Fire—Number One Forest Enemy
     Lookouts Accessible
     Landing Fields Provided
Payette National Forest
Map of Payette National Forest (PDF)


WITHIN THE WATERSHED BOUNDARIES of the beautiful and picturesque Payette and Salmon Rivers in central Idaho lies the Payette National Forest, one of the big timberland estates which belong to you as a citizen of the United States.

All national forests are administered by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, under a decentralized plan of organization. The Payette is under the jurisdiction of a forest supervisor and is divided into five ranger districts, with a ranger in charge of each district. The supervisor has headquarters at 210 Main Street, Boise, Idaho, and district rangers are located at Cascade, High Valley, Garden Valley, Bear Valley, and Landmark.

The Forest officers will be glad to give you information with regard to the forest, its use and industries, its roads and trails, and its recreational opportunities and facilities. The Payette's towering peaks, sparkling waters, and verdant slopes are yours to enjoy—and to help protect.

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Last Updated: 19-Nov-2010