National Park Service
"Do Things Right the First Time":
Administrative History: The National Park Service and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980
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The major manuscript collections used for this study are, to put it mildly, unorganized and tedious to use. At present, entire collections must be perused for any study of the history of the new Alaska parklands. Both the Alaska Regional Office Files - Inactive and Alaska Task Force Files are loosely organized according to the NPS file code. For the latter a general index has been prepared and is available at the Federal Archives and Records Center in Seattle. Because of mis-filing and overly genera! headings, however, both collections should be examined in their entirety. The Crandell Papers include both chronological and issue files. The NPS WASO Files and Belous Files are completely unorganized, either by topic or date. However, use of the index to the ANILCA Papers will facilitate use of those and other files included in that important collection.


Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Regional Office.

Central Office Files
Central Files--Inactive
Office of the Regional Director, Daily Log of Assistant to the Director for Alaska
Legislative Support Data Books
Records of the Regional Law Enforcement Specialist
Files in old Federal Building Warehouse
Floyd Sharrock Office Files
William E. Brown Files
14(h) Files.

_____. Headquarters, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve.

Park files.

Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska.

Park Archives
Park Files.

Denver, Colorado. Denver Public Library. Conservation Library.

Harry Crandell Papers
Alaska Coalition Papers
Americans for Alaska Papers
Al Henson Papers.

_____. _____. Special Collections Division.

Alaska Regional Office Clipping Files
Robert Belous Clipping Files.

_____. Denver Service Center.

Elizabeth Janes Files.

Eagle, Alaska. Headquarters, Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve.

Yukon-Charley Keyman Files.

Evergreen, Colorado. Personal Papers of Theodor R. Swem.

Fairbanks, Alaska. Headquarters, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve.

James Pepper Files
Park Files.

Glenallen, Alaska. Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Park Files.

Gustavus, Alaska. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.

Park Archives Park Files.

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Harpers Ferry Center, Division of Reference Services, Library and Archives, National Park Service.

Alaska Files
Papers of Bailey O. Breedlove
Papers of Richard Stenmark
Theodor R. Swem Correspondence
Herbert Evison. "The National Park Service: Conservation of America's Scenic and Historic Heritage, 1964 [typescript draft].

Mancos, Colorado. Personal Papers of Albert G. Henson.

Port Angeles, Washington. A. Durand Jones Personal Papers.

Reno, Nevada. University of Nevada, Reno. Special Collections Library. Alan Bible Papers.

San Bruno, California. Federal Archives and Records Center. Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service.

Seattle, Washington. Federal Archives and Records Center. Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service. Alaska Task Force General Files.

Seward, Alaska. Kenai Fjords National Park. Keyman Files.

Skagway, Alaska. Klondike National Historical Park. Park Files.

Suitland, Maryland. Federal Archives and Records Center. Record Group 79, Records of the National Park Service.

Washington, D.C. National Archives.

Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service
Record Group 126. Records of the Office of Territories
Record Group 42. Records of the Office of Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes Files

_____. National Park Service, Washington Office. History Division. Landmark Program.

Office of Legislation.
     Alaska State Files
     ANCSA Files (microfiche)
     ANILCA Files (microfiche).
Advisory Boards and Commissions. Minutes and Records of the Advisory Board.
Interagency Resources Division. Landmarks Files

_____. U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Rights Protection Division.

_____. Division of Information and Library Services.

ANILCA Papers.
Office of the Secretary (Cynthia Wilson's Files)
National Park Service. WASO Files
National Park Service. Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs (A. Durand Jones Files)
National Park Service. Park Planning and Special Studies Division (John Haubert's HCRS Files)
Bureau of Indian Affairs (Sam St. Arnold's Files)
Fish and Wildlife Service. Alaska Planning Staff (Files which were not discarded or given to offices within FWS)
Bureau of Land Management. Alaska Programs Staff Files
Assistant Secretary for Fish Wildlife and Parks. Special Assistant Files
Robert Belous Files
Cook Inlet Lawsuit Files
HCRS Files
U.S., Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Mark-up transcripts on HR 8394 and HR 39, March 29 - April 19, 1978
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Transcripts of Procedures, August 16 - October 30, 1978.

Published Sources

Arnold, Robert D., et. al. Alaska Native Land Claims. Anchorage: Alaska Native Foundation, 1976.

Baum, Howell S. "Politics, Power and the Profession," Planning, (December 1983), pp. 18-21.

Berry, Mary Clay. The Alaska Pipeline: The Politics of Oil and Native Land Claims. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1975.

Bohn, Dave. Glacier Bay: The Land and the Silence. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1967.

Brown, William E. This Last Treasure: Alaska National Parklands. Anchorage: Alaska Natural History Association, 1982.

Cahn, Robert. "Alaska A Matter of 80,000,000 Acres." Audubon, LXXVI (July 1974).

____. Fight to save Wild Alaska. Washington, D.C.: The Audubon Society, 1982.

_____. "How National Park Plan Slipped Away." Christian Science Monitor, (January 23, 1969), pp. 1-4.

_____. "The National Parks, The People, The Politics." Sierra, LXVII (May-June 1983), pp. 47-55.

_____. "The Race to Save Wild Alaska." Living Wilderness, (July-September 1977), pp. 13-19.

Calahane, Victor. A Biological Survey of Katmai National Monument. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1959.

Case, David S., et. al. The Special Relationship of Alaska Natives to the Federal Government: An Historical and Legal Analysis. Anchorage: Alaska Native Foundation, 1978.

Conservation Foundation, National Parks for the Future, An Appraisal of the National Parks as they began their second century in a changing America. Washington, D.C.: The Conservation Foundation, 1972.

Crevelli, John P. "The Final Act of the Greatest Conservation President." Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, VII (Winter 1980), pp. 173-84.

Dennis, John G. "National Park Service Research in Alaska--1972-76." Arctic Bulletin, (1977), pp. 275-84.

Everhart, William C. The National Park Service. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972 and revised edition, 1982.

Folsom, Gwendolyn B. Legislative History Research for the Interpretation of Laws. Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia Press, 1972.

Foresta, Ronald K. America's National Parks and Their Keepers. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1984.

Grauman, Melody W. "The ANCSA 14(h)(1) Program." CRM Bulletin, III (September 1979), pp. 4-5.

Gruening, Ernest. Many Battles: The Autobiography of Ernest Gruening. New York: Livenwright, 1973.

Hanrahan, John, and Peter Gruenstein. Lost Frontier: The Marketing of Alaska. New York: W.W. Norton, Co., 1977.

Hunter, Celia. "This Land is Our Land." Alaska: Magazine of Life on the Last Frontier, L (November 1984), pp. 15, 61.

Ise, John. Our National Parks Policy: A Critical History. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1961.

Kauffmann, John. "Noatak." The Living Wilderness, (Winter 1975), pp. 17-33.

Krutilla, John V., and Brubaker, Sterling. Alaska National Interest Lands and Their Opportunity Costs. Washington, D.C.: Resources for Future, 1976.

Landscapes of Alaska: Their Geological Evolution. Edited by Howel Williams. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.

Lappen, Michael A. "Whose Promised Land? A History of Conservation and Development Management Plans for the Wrangell and St. Elias Mountains Regions, Alaska, 1938-1980." Masters Thesis. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1984.

McPhee, John. Coming into the Country. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1976.

Mihalic, Dave. "But What's it Reall Like?" Newsletter of the Association of National Park Rangers, VII Spring 1984), pp. 8-9.

Nash, Roderick. Wilderness and the American Mind. 3rd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.

National Audubon Society. Wildlife Refuges: What Future for Alaska? Proceedings of the National Audubon Society Alaska Regional Conference, May 7-10, 1981. Anchorage: National Audubon Society, 1982.

National Parks for the Future. An appraisal of the National Parks as they begin their second century in a changing America. Washington, D.C.: The Conservation Foundation, 1972.

Newman, T. Stell. "Bering Land Bridge: Arctic Causeway to the New World." In Wilderness Parklands in Alaska. Edited by Eugenia Horstman Connally. Washington, D.C.: National Parks and Conservation Association, 1975.

Rakestraw, Lawrence. History of the United States Forest Service in Alaska. Anchorage: Alaska Historical Commission, 1981.

Schneider, William. "Activities and Opportunities for Cultural Anthropologists." CRM Bulletin, III (September 1979), p. 5.

Sheldon, Charles T. The Wilderness of Denali: Explorations of a Hunter - Naturalist in Northern Alaska. Introduction by C. Hart Merriam. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1960.

Strutin, Michele. "Alaska Land Scramble." National Parks, (May-June 1982), p. 29.

Swem, Theodore R. "Outline History of National Park Service Involvement in Alaska." Typescript, April 1982.

University of Alaska. Cooperative Extension Service. Alaska's National Interest Lands (d-2) A Summary of Current Proposals. [Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1975].

Wayburn, Edgar. "The Alaska Lands Act: The beginning of What?" Sierra, LXVII (September-October 1982), pp. 42-44.

____. Hunters Take Aim at Alaska National Parks S. 49 and H.R. 1493." Sierra, LXVIII (May-June, 1983), pp. 17-18.

Weedon, Robert B. Alaska: Promises to Keep. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978.

Wirth, Conrad L. Parks, Politics, and the People. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980.

Government Documents

Federal Register.

Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. The D-2 Book Lands of National Interest in Alaska. Anchorage: FSLUPC, 1977.

_____. Final Report of the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska: Some Guidelines for Deciding Alaska's Future. Anchorage: JFSLUPC, 1979.

_____. Tentative Recommendations for National Interest Lands (D-2) in Alaska. Anchorage: JFSLUPC, 1976.

Shaver, C. Mack. "Traditional Park Values and Living Cultural Parks: Seemingly Conflicting Management Demands Coexisting in Alaska's New National Parklands. Typescript (September 1984).

State of Alaska. Legislative Affairs Agency. Alaska National Interest (D-2) Lands A History and Review of Legislation. Juneau: Legislative Affairs Agency, 1977.

U.S. Congress. Congressional Record.

U.S. Congress. House. Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations. Hearings before a Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 96th Cong., 2d sess., 1980, Part 1.

_____. _____. _____. Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1982, Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, 97th Cong., 1st Sess., 1981.

_____. _____. Message from the President of the United States Transmitting Proposals for Dealing with a Variety of Environmental Issues. 95th Cong., 1st sess., May 23, 1977. House Doc. No. 95-160.

_____. _____. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1978: Report Together with Additional Dissenting and Supplemental Views and Additional Comments to Accompany HR 39, 95th Cong., 2d sess., 1978. H. Rept. 96-1045, part 1.

_____. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1979. Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, on HR 39, 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. Serial No. 96-13.

_____. _____. _____. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1979: Report together with Dissenting, Supplemental, and Separate Views to Accompany HR 39. 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. H. Rept. 96-97, part 1.

_____ . Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Conference Report to Accompany HR 10367. 92d Cong., 1st sess., 1971. H. Rept. 92-746.

_____. Background Information for Alaska Lands Designation. 95th Cong., 1st sess., 1977.

_____. _____. _____. D-2 Lands Set Aside Under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1970 [sic]. Hearings before the subcommittee on Public Lands, House of Representatives, 93rd Cong., 1st sess., 1973. Serial No. 93-35.

_____. _____. _____. Inclusion of Alaska Lands in National Park, Forest, Wildlife Refuge, and Wild and Scenic Rivers Systems. Hearings before the Subcommittee on General Oversight and Alaska Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, on HR 39, HR 1974, HR 2876, HR 5505, et al. . . . HR 1454 . . . HR 5605 and HR 8651. . ., 95th Cong., 1st sess., 16 vols., 1977. Serial No. 95-16.

_____. _____. Legislative History PL 94-204. 94th Cong., 1st sess., 1975. H. Rept. No. 94-729.

_____. _____ . To Provide for the Settlement of Certain Land Claims of Alaska Natives, Hearings on H.R. 3100, H.R. 7038, H.R. 7432, 93rd Cong., 1st sess., 1971.

_____. _____. Providing for the Settlement of Land Claims of Alaskan Natives: Report Together with a Dissenting View to Accompany HR 10367, 92nd Cong., 1st sess. September 28, 1971.

_____. _____. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Alaska National Interest Lands Act of 1978: Report together with Additional and Supplemental Views to Accompany HR 39. 95th Cong., 1st sess., 1978. H. Rept. 95-1045, Part II.

_____. _____. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act: Report together with Supplemental and Dissenting Views to Accompany HR 39. 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. H. Rept. No. 96-97, Part II.

_____. _____ . Alaska National Interest Lands - Part 1. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment, House of Representatives, on HR 39, HR 2219 . . . , 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. Serial No. 96-4.

_____. Alaska National Interest Lands Act of 1979: Report Together with Supplemental and Dissenting Views to Accompany HR 39, 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. H. Rept. 96-977, Part 1.

_____ . Senate. Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations. Hearings before the Committee on Appropriations on H.R. 7724, 96th Cong., 2d sess., Part III.

_____. _____. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Alaska National Interest Lands. Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Senate, on S. 1687 . S. 1688 . . . S. 2676 . . . , 94th Cong., 1st sess., 1975.

_____. _____. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources [formerly Interior and Insular Affairs] . Alaska National Interest Lands: Report Together with Additional Views to Accompany HR 39. 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979. S. Rept. 96-413.

_____. _____ . _____ Alaska National Interest Lands Workshops. 95th Cong., 2nd sess., 1978. Publication No. 95-153.

_____. _____. _____ . Alaska Natural Resource Issues and Alaska National Interest Lands Legislation: Hearings before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senate, on S. 499 . . . S. 1500 . . . S. 1546 . . . S. 1787 . . . S. 2465 . . . S. 2944 . . ., 95th Cong., 2d. sess., 1978. Publication No. 95-64.

_____. _____. _____. Designating Certain Lands in the State of Alaska as Units of the National Park, National Wildlife Refuge, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, and National Wilderness Preservation Systems, and for other Purposes: Report, Together with Minority, Additional, and Supplemental Views to Accompany HR 39. 95th Cong., 2d. sess., 1978. S. Rept. 95-1300.

_____. _____. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Land Planning and Policy in Alaska: Recommendations Concerning National Interest Lands, prepared by the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska. 93d Cong., 2d. sess., 1974.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Alaska Planning Team. Forest Service Recommendation for Final Section 17(d)(2) Withdrawals. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1972.

_____. _____. _____. New National Forests in Alaska. Anchorage: USFS, 1972.

_____. _____. _____. New National Forests in Alaska. Anchorage: USFS, 1973.

U.S. Department of Commerce. Federal Field Committee. Alaska Natives and the Land. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1968.

_____. _____. Economic Development in Alaska A Report to the President. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1966.

U.S. Department of the Interior. Draft Environmental Supplement. Alternative Administrative Actions, Alaska National Interest Lands. Washington, D.C.: USDI, 1978.

_____. Final Environmental Supplement Alternative Administrative Actions Alaska National Interest Lands. Washington, D.C.: USDI, 1978.

_____. Multimodal Transportation and Utility Corridor Systems in Alaska. Generalized Description of the 40 Primary Corridors: Locations, Modes, Identifying Agencies, Purposes, Environmental Impacts, and Status of Lands Crossed. Washington, D.C.: USDI, 1974.

_____. Report for Alaska Land Withdrawals. Section 204(c) of FLPMA. Washington, D.C.: USDI, 1980.

_____. Report for Alaska Land Withdrawals Section 204(e) of PL 94-579 November 16, 1978. Washington, D.C.: USDI, 1978.

_____. Report of the Commissioners of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1916. Washington, D.C., 1916.

____. "The Status and Needs of Recreational Lands in Alaska," by Roger Allin and John F. Bowles, Anchorage, 1961.

_____. Alaska Planning Group. National Park Service. Final Environmental Statement, Proposed Yukon-Charley National Rivers, Alaska. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1974.

_____. Lake Clark National Park: A Master Plan. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1973.

_____. _____. _____. Gates of the Arctic National Wilderness Park and Nunamiut National Wildlands. Washington, D.C.: APG, 1973.

_____. _____. _____. Master Plan, Aniakchak National Monument. Washington, D.C., Alaska Planning Group, 1973.

_____ . Yukon-Charley National Rivers: A Master Plan. Washington, D.C.: APG, 1973.

_____. Bureau of Land Management. Alaska State Office. A Proposal, Wrangell Mountains National Conservation Area. Anchorage: Bureau of Land Management, 1973.

_____. Fish and Wildlife Service [Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife]. An Evaluation of Alaska Habitat for Migratory Birds, by James C. King and Calvin J. Lensink. Washington, D.C., 1971.

_____. _____. Noatak National Arctic Range. Washington, D.C.: BSF&W, 1974.

_____. _____. Programs Related to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1976.

_____. _____. To Have and to Hold, Alaska's Migratory Birds. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1971.

_____. National Park Service. Administrative History, Expansion of the National Park Service in the 1930s, by Harlan D. Unrau and G. Frank Williss. Denver: NPS, 1983.

_____. _____. Alaska Cultural Complex A Reconnaissance Report. San Francisco: NPS, 1969.

_____. _____. Alaska Recreation Survey. Part 1, Vol. 2: Analysis of Alaska Travel with Special Reference to Tourists, by William J. Stanton. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1953.

_____. _____. Alaska Recreation Survey. Part 1 , Vol. 1: Economic Aspects of Recreation in Alaska, by William J. Stanton. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1953).

_____. _____. Alaska Recreation Survey, Preliminary Statement, Arctic Wilderness Park. San Francisco: NPS, 1952.

_____. _____ . Alaska Recreation Survey. Part 2, Vol. 2: A Recreation Program for Alaska.

_____ . _____. Annual Reports of the Director of the National Park Service to The Secretary of the Interior . . . , 1917-1957.

_____. _____. The arctic lowland region: natural landform and lifeform natural landmarks, by Robert L. Detterman. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1977.

_____. _____. A Conceptual Master Plan (modified) for the Proposed Alaska National Park. Denver: NPS, 1972.

_____. _____ . Fourth Annual National Park Service Pacific Northwest Region Science! Management Conference, ed. by Shirley A. Scott, 1977.

_____ . _____. Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska: A History of its Boundaries, by John M. Kauffmann. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1954.

_____. _____. Historic Resource Study: Katmai National Monument, by John A. Hussey. San Francisco: National Park Service [Western Service Center], 1971.

_____. _____. "History of Glacier Bay," by Bruce Black. Typescript, 1957.

_____. _____. "History of the Johnson Proclamations," by James A. Husted. September 9, 1970.

_____. _____. A History of Mount McKinley National Park, by Grant Pearson, 1953.

_____. _____. Investigation Report of Wood-Tikchik Area, Alaska. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1965.

_____. _____. Katmai National Monument, Alaska: A History of Its Establishment and Revision of Its Boundaries, by John M. Kauffmann. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1954.

____. ____. The Island of Attu Alaska: A Study of Alternatives. San Francisco: NPS, 1968.

_____. _____. "A Master Plan for Mount McKinley National Park." San Francisco: NPS, 1969 [Draft].

____. _____. A Master Plan for Proposed Old Kodiak National Memorial. San Francisco: NPS, 1967.

____ ____ Mission 66 Progress Report. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1966.

_____. _____. Mission 66: To Provide Adequate Protection and Development of the National Park System for Human Uses. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1956.

National Park Service Newsletter.

____. ____. The National Park Service Program in Alaska. October 1967.

____. ____. National Park System Plan. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1976.

____. _____. Operation Great Land. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1965.

_____. _____. Parks for America: A Survey of Park and Related Resources in the Fifty States, and a Preliminary Plan. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1965.

_____. _____. Preliminary Geographical Survey of the Kongakut-Firth River Area, Alaska-Canada, ed. by William C. Carnes. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1954.

_____ . _____. "A Preliminary Survey of Alaska's Archeology, Ethnology, and History," by Arthur A. Woodward. Typescript. San Francisco: NPS, 1952.

_____. _____. Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, November 9-12, 1976, ed. by Robert M. Linn. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1976.

_____. _____ .Proceedings of the National Parks Conference January 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, 1917. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1917.

_____. _____. Proclamations and Orders Relating to the National Park Service up to January 1, 1945, compiled by Thomas A. Sullivan, Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1947.

_____. _____. Public Use of the National Parks: A Statistical Report 1904-46. Reprint, 1963.

_____. _____. Recommendations Regarding Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 17(d)(2) Withdrawals. Anchorage: NPS, July 1972 and revised ed., August 3, 1972.

_____. Recreational Resources of the Alaska Highway, and other Roads in Alaska. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1944.

_____. _____. Special Report on a Reconnaissance of the Upper Kobuk-Koyukuk Region Brooks Range, Northern Alaska. San Francisco: NPS [Office of Resource Planning], 1969.

____. ____. Special Study, Alaska History, 1741-1910. Theme XXI. Political and Military Affairs, 1865-1870. The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings by Benjamin F. Gilbert and Charles W. Snell. San Francisco: NPS, 1961.

_____. _____. The Works of Volcanism: Sites Recommended as Potential Landmarks, by Robert H. Rose. Washington, D.C.: NPS, 1977.

_____. _____. Biology and Resource Program, Alaska Cooperative Park Studies Unit. Final Report on Calendar Year 1978. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1979.

_____. _____. Final Report on the Establishment and First Year's Activities of Alaska Cooperation Park Studies Unit (Contract CX-9000-3-0041). Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1973.

_____. Office of Information Resources Management. Division of Information and Library Services. Information Services Branch. "ALLEX: History and Background," by Carl Kessler, August 1982.

_____. _____. _____. "Guide to Alaska Files Indexing System." August 1982.


Stanley T. Albright by Frank Williss, June 29, 1984.

Roger Allin by Theodor Swem, January 21, 1979. Tape in personal papers of Theodor Swem, Evergreen, Colorado.

G. Ray Bane by Frank Williss, July 15, 1983.

Glen T. Bean by Herbert Evison, March 13, 1973. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center. Division of Reference Services, Library and Archives.

Robert Belous by Frank Williss, June 14, 1983 and August 6, 1984.

Telephone Discussion with Alan Bible, March 27, 1984.

Curtis E. Bohlen, Ill by Frank Williss, October 10, 1983.

Curtis E. Bohlen, III and Theodor R. Swem by Frank Williss, January 24, 1984.

Zorro Bradley by Frank Williss, November 7, 1983.

Bailey O. Breedlove by Frank Williss, November 10, 1983.

William E. Brown by Frank Williss, November 10, 1983.

Charles Budge by Frank Williss, July 29, 1983.

Victor Calahane by Herbert Evison, June 4, 1971. Transcripts in Harpers Ferry Center.

Chuck Clusen by Frank Williss, December 6, 1983.

Stuart Coleman by Frank Williss January 26, 1984.

George Collins by Frank Williss, November 18, 1983.

Roger J. Contor by Frank Williss, November 2, 1983.

John Cook by Frank Williss, October 27, 1983 and January 26, 1984.

Harry Crandell by Frank Williss, December 7, 1983.

Telephone Interview of Dwight Dyer, May 31, 1984.

Christine Enright by Frank Williss, August 17, 1983.

William C. Everhart by Frank Williss, June 29, 1984.

Donald Follows by Frank Williss, November 4, 1983.

Paul Haertel by Frank Williss, November 2, 1983.

Bryan Harry by Frank Willis, November 14, 1983.

George B. Hartzog, Jr. by Frank Williss, December 7, 1983.

Jim Hannah by Frank Williss, July 29, 1983.

Albert G. Henson by Frank Williss, June 6, 1983.

Al Henson and Theodor R. Swem, by Frank Williss, June 7, 1983.

David Hickock by Frank Williss, November 10, 1983.

Edward A. Hummell by Herbert Evison, October 1962 and January 5, 1971. Transcript in HFC.

Celia Hunter by Frank Williss, November 7, 1983.

James Husted by Herbert Evison, August 2, and 22, 1972. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

A. Durand Jones by Frank Williss, May 15, 1983.

John Kauffmann by Frank Williss, December 5, 1983.

Paul Kirton by Frank Williss, October 7, 1983.

Alfred Kuehl by Herbert Evison, October 26, 1972.

Lage, Ann. George Collins: The Art and Politics of Park Planning and Preservation 1920-1979: An Interview Conducted by Ann Lage in 1978 and 1979. Introduction by Lowell Sumner, et al. Berkley: University of California Oral History Project, 1980.

James M. Lambe by Frank Williss, December 8, 1983.

Telephone Discussion with William Locke, August 23, 1984.

Robert S. Luntey by Herbert Evison, October 22, 1972. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Merrill J. Mattes by Herbert Evison, September 11 and 14, 1972. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Merrill J. Mattes by Frank Williss, June 21, 1983.

Dave Mihalic by Frank Williss, May 17, 1983.

Dave Moore by Frank Williss, July 22, 1983.

Hugh Mueller by Frank Williss, October 3, 1983.

Adolph Murie by Herbert Evison, October 9, 1962. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Olaus J. Murie by Herbert Evison, September 26, 1962. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Bill Paleck by Frank Williss, July 27, 1983.

James Pepper by Frank Williss, November 8, 1983.

Bryan Pittman by Frank Williss, July 11, 1983.

William Reffalt by Frank Williss, December 9, 1983.

Ben Reifel by Herbert Evison, May 30, 1973. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Dick Ring, by Frank Williss, July 13, 1983.

John Rutter by Frank Williss, May 16, 1984.

Telephone Interview of Doug Scott by Frank Williss, May 10, 1984.

Mack Shaver by Frank Williss, November 4, 1983.

Richard Stenmark by Frank Williss, July 26, 1983 and November 10, 1983.

Lowell Sumner by Herbert Evison, November 1960. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Lowell and Marietta Sumner by Evison, February 16, 1973. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Theodor Swem by Herb Evison, August 23, 1972. Transcript in Harpers Ferry Center.

Theodor R. Swem by Frank Williss, June 8, 1983.

Bill Tanner by Frank Williss, July 20, 1983.

Telephone Interview of Frank Ugolini by Frank Williss, June 23, 1983.

Telephone Interview of Bill Van Ness by Frank Williss, May 31, 1984.

Don Utterback by Frank Williss, January 26, 1984.

Larry Van Slyke by Frank Williss, November 2, 1983.

Douglas Warnock by Frank Williss, August 6, 1984.

Telephone Interview of Roy Whitacre, May 31, 1984.

Cynthia Wilson by Frank Williss, December 6, 1983.

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