National Park Service
"Do Things Right the First Time":
Administrative History: The National Park Service and the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980
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Table of Contents




Chapter One - The National Park Service in Alaska Before 1972

A. The National Park System in Alaska, 1910-1970
B. NPS Administration in Alaska, 1916-1950
C. National Park Service Studies in Alaska, 1937-1946
D. A New Beginning: The NPS in Alaska, 1950-1960
E. The National Park Service in Alaska, 1964-1971

Chapter Two - The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

A. Statehood Grants
B. Native Land Claims
C. Origins of the National Interest Lands Provision (17-d-2)

Chapter Three - Response to ANCSA, 1971-1973

A. March 1972 17(d)(2) Withdrawals
B. Identification of Study Areas, March-September 1972
C. Preparation of Legislative Recommendations
D. The Morton Proposals

Chapter Four - The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act: A Legislative History

A. Legislation Introduced, 1974-1977
B. Department of the Interior Activities, 1974-1977
C. Cook Inlet and the Proposed Lake Clark National Park
D. The Proposals Take Shape
E. The Carter Administration Takes Over
F. The Alaska National Interest Lands Bill in Congress, 1977-1978
G. The National Monument Interlude
H. Legislative Progress, 1979-1980
I. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980

Chapter Five - The NPS in Alaska, 1973-1980

A. Organizational Developments, 1974-1979
B. NPS Activities in Alaska, 1975-1978
C. Management of the National Monuments, 1979-1980






1: Alaska Planning Group Organization Chart - 1973
2: National Park Service Task Force - May 23, 1972

List of Maps

Frontispiece. Alaska

1. National Park System Alaska, 1971

2. Zones and Sites Containing Examples of Recreation, Natural and Historical Resources, 1965

3. Proposed additions to Mt. McKinley National Park, 1969

4. Suggested Gates of the Arctic National Park, 1969

5. Proposed Alaska National Park, 1972

6. "Potential National Parks and Monuments," [November 15-19, 1971]

7. Withdrawals Authorized by Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, March 1972

8. National Interest Study Areas Withdrawn for Possible Inclusion in Four National Systems, September 1972

9. Proposals Authorized by Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, PL 92-203, December 18, 1973

10. Proposed Additions, National Park System Showing Areas of Ecological Concern, December 18, 1973

11. HR 39--Proposed Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, January 4, 1977

12. Administration Recommendations for National Wildlife Refuges, Parks, Forests, and Wild and Scenic Rivers in Response to HR 39, September 15, 1977

13. Administration National Monument Proclamations, January 1, 1979

14. Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, December 2, 1980, P.L. 96-487

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Last Updated: 29-Feb-2016