Publication Series
Western Archeological and Conservation Center Publications in Anthropology
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Western Archeological and Conservation Center
Publications in Anthropology |

1. Saguaro National Monument: An Archeological
Overview, V. K. Pheriba Stacy and Julian Hayden, 1975.

2. Fifty Years of Archeology in the California Desert: An
Archeological Overview of Joshua Tree National Monument, Thomas F. King, 1975.

3. Lake Mead National Recreation Area: An
Ethnographic Overview, David E. Ruppert, 1976.

4. Walnut Canyon National Monument: An
Archeological Overview, Patricia A. Gilman, 1976.

5. An Archeological Assessment of Canyon de Chelly
National Monument, James A. McDonald, 1976.

6. Excavations
at Harmony Borax Works: Historical Archeology at Death Valley National Monument,
George A. Teague and Lynette O. Shenk, 1977.

7. Country
Nodes: An Anthropological Evaluation of William Keys' Desert Queen Ranch, Joshua Tree
National Monument, California, Patricia Parker Hickman, 1977. (HTML edition)

8. An
Archeological Overview of Redwood National Park, Michael J. Moratto, 1980.

9. The
Archeology of Lake Mead National Recreation Area: An Assessment, Carole McClellan, David
A. Phillips, Jr., and Mike Belshaw, 1980.

10. An
Archeological Overview of Petrified Forest National Park, Yvonne G. Stewart, 1980.

11. Reward Mine and Associated Sites: Historical Archeology on the Papago Reservation, George A.
Teague, 1980.

12. Excavations at Gu Achi: A Reappraisal of Hohokam
Settlement and Subsistence in the Arizona Papagueria, W. Bruce Masse, 1980.

13. One Hundred Years in the California Desert: An
Overview of Historic Archeological Resources at Joshua Tree National Monument, Patricia Parker, 1980.

14. The
Lewis-Weber Site: A Tucson Homestead, Nancy T. Curriden, 1981.

15. The Canyon del Muerto Survey Project: Anasazi and
Navajo Archeology in Northeastern Arizona, Patricia L. Fall, James A. McDonald, and Pamela C. Magers, 1981.

16. Tumacacori Plaza Excavation 1979: Historical Archeology at Tumacacori National Monument, Arizona,
Lee Fratt, 1981.

17. Excavations at Tumacacori 1979/1980: Historic Archeology at Tumacacori National Monument, Arizona,
C. Michael Barton, Kay C. Simpson, and Lee Fratt, 1981.

18. Archeology in Yosemite National Park: The Wawona
Testing Project, John C. Whittaker, 1981.

19. An Archeological Research Design for Yosemite
National Park, Michael J. Moratto, 1981.

20. Archeological Investigations in the Central Sierra
Nevada: The 1981 El Portal Project, Mark F. Baumler and Scott L. Carpenter, 1982.

21. Excavations at the Oasis of Mara, Archeological
Investigations at Joshua Tree National Monument, Martyn D. Tagg, 1983. (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)

22. Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin,
Saguaro National Monument: Volume I, Kay C. Simpson and Susan J. Wells, 1983.

22. Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin,
Saguaro National Monument: Volume II, Kay C. Simpson and Susan J. Wells, 1983.

22. Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin,
Saguaro National Monument: Volume III, Kay C. Simpson and Susan J. Wells, 1983.

22. Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin,
Saguaro National Monument: Volume IV, Kay C. Simpson and Susan J. Wells, 1983.

23. Archeological Survey in Northeastern Death Valley
National Monument, C Michael Barton, 1983.

24. The Archeology of Faraway Ranch,
Arizona: Prehistoric, Historic and 20th Century, Mark F. Baumler, 1984.

25. Patterns of Lithic Use at AZ Q:1:42, Petrified Forest
National Park, Arizona: Data Recovery Along the Mainline Road, A. Trinkle Jones, 1983.

26. Test Excavations in the Wawona Valley. Report of the
1983 and 1984 Wawona Archeological Projects, Yosemite National Park, California, Richard G. Ervin, 1984.

27. The Timba-Sha Survey and Boundary Fencing Project:
Archeological Investigations at Death Valley National Monument, Martyn D. Tagg, 1984.

28. A Cross Section of Grand Canyon Archeology:
Excavations at Five Sites Along the Colorado River, A. Trinkle Jones, 1986.

29. None.

30. Kalaupapa, More than a Leprosy Settlement:
Archeology in Kalaupapa National Monument, Gary F. Somers, 1985.

31. Tonto National Monument: An Archeological Survey,
Martyn D. Tagg, 1985.

32. Survey And Excavations in Joshua Tree National
Monument, Richard G. Ervin, 1985.

33. Hale-o-Keawe Archeological Report: Archeology at
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Edmund J. Ladd, 1985.

34. Test Excavations at Sites B-105, B-107, and B-108:
Archeology at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Edmund J. Ladd, 1986.

35. Ki'ilae Village Test Excavations: Archeology at
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Edmund J Ladd, 1986.

36. The Archeology of Gila Cliff Dwellings, Keith M.
Anderson, Gloria J. Fenner, Don P. Morris, George A. Teague and Charmion McKusick, 1986.

37. Miscellaneous Historic Period Archeological Projects
in the Western Region, Martyn D. Tagg, 1986.

38. Pueblo Period Archeology at Four Sites, Petrified
Forest National Park, A. Trinkle Jones, 1986.

39. Walnut Canyon National Monument: An Archeological Survey,
Anne R. Baldwin and J. Michael Bremer, 1986.

40. The Tuzigoot Survey and Three Small Verde Valley
Projects, Martyn D. Tagg, 1986.

41. Lake Mead: Developed Area Surveys, Richard G. Ervin, 1986.

42. The Camp at Bonita Cañon: A Buffalo Soldier Camp
in Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, Martyn D. Tagg, 1987.

43. Excavations at Site A-27, Archeology at Pu'uhonua o
Honaunau National Historical Park, Edmund J. Ladd, 1987.

44. A Settlement Pattern Analysis of a Portion of Hawaii
Volcanoes National Park, Thegn Ladefoged, Gary F. Somers, and M. Melia Lane-Hamasaki, 1987.

45. Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest
National Park, 1985-1986, Anne Trinkle Jones, 1987.

46. Archeological Survey of Lower Vine Ranch, Death
Valley National Monument, Krista Deal and Lynne M. D'Ascenzo, 1987.

47. Excavations at John Young's Homestead, Kawaihae,
Hawaii: archeology at Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site, Paul H. Rosendahl and Laura A. Carter, 1988.

48. Archeological Survey and Testing at Petrified Forest
National Park, 1987, Susan J. Wells, 1988.

49. An Archeological Overview of Great Basin National
Park, Krista Deal, 1988.

50. Archeological Survey and Architectural Study of
Montezuma Castle National Monument, 1988, Susan J. Wells and Keith M. Anderson, 1988.

51. Petrified Forest National Park Boundary Survey,
1988: The Final Season, Susan J. Wells, 1989.

52. None.

53. Archeological Survey and Site Assessment at Great
Basin National Park, Susan J. Wells, 1990.

54. Archeological Investigations at Puerco Ruin, Petrified
Forest National Park, Arizona, Jeffery F. Burton, 1990.

55. The Archeology of Sivu'ovi: The Archaic to
Basketmaker Transition at Petrified Forest National Park, Jeffery F. Burton, 1991.

56. The Shivwits Plateau Survey: Archeology at Lake
Mead National Recreation Area, Susan J. Wells, 1991.

57. San Miguel de Guevavi: The Archeology of an
Eighteenth Century Jesuit Mission on the Rim of Christendom, Jeffery F. Burton, 1992.

58. An Ahupua'a Study, the 1971 Archeological Work at Kaloko
Ahupua'a, North Kona, Hawai'i: Archeology at Kaloko-Honokohau National
Historical Park, Ross Cordy, Joseph Tainter, Robert Renger, and Robert
Hitchcock, 1991.

59. Remnants of Adobe and Stone: The Surface
Archeology of the Guevavi and Calabazas Units, Tumacacori National Historical Park, Arizona, Jeffery F.
Burton, 1992.

60. Tuzigoot Burials, Keith M. Anderson, 1992.

61. Archeological Survey at Organ Pipe Cactus National
Monument, Southwestern Arizona: 1989-1991, Adrianne G. Rankin, 1995.

62. Days in the Painted Desert and Petrified
Forests of Northern Arizona: Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park, 1988-1992,
Jeffery F. Burton, 1993.

63. When is a Great Kiva? Excavations at McCreery
Pueblo, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, Jeffery F. Burton, 1993.

64. Archeological Investigations at Great Basin National
Park: Testing and Site Recording in Support of the General Management Plan, Susan J. Wells, 1993.

65. Archeological Survey of Saguaro National Monument,
1994: The Saguaro Land Acquisition and Trails Inventory, Kevin D. Wellman, 1994.

66. An Archeological Survey Plan for the Western Region
of the National Park Service, Susan J. Wells, 1994.

67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of
Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 1, Jeffery F. Burton.

67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of
Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 2, Jeffery F. Burton.

67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of
Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 3, Jeffery F. Burton.

68. Archeological Survey of Grizzly Ridge 1995: A Section
110 Planning Survey, Black Canyon of the Gunnison
National Monument, Gregory L. Fox, 1995.

69. Cultural Resources of the Tucson Mountain District,
Saguaro National Park, Susan J. Wells and Stacie A. Keutter, 1997.

70. Archeological Investigations at the Upper Ruin,
Tonto National Monument Part 1 Salvage Excavations at the Upper Ruin, AZ
U:8:48 (ASM) - 1995; Part 2 Archeology and Stabilization: Tonto National
Monument, Upper Ruin, Gregory L. Fox and Elaine A. Guthrie, 1996.

71. A Research Design for the Upper and Lower Ruins,
Tonto National Monument, Mark D. Elson, 1997.

72. The
Archeology of Somewhere: Archeological Testing Along U.S. Highway 395,
Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Jeffery F. Burton, 1998.

73. Archeological Investigations at Tonto National Monument: Excavation of Rooms 15 and 16 at
the Upper Cliff Dwelling (AZ U:8:48 [ASM]), Tonto National Monument, Gregory L. Fox, 2000.

74. Confinement
and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation
Sites, Jeffery F. Burton, Mary M. Farrell, Florence B. Lord,
and Richard W. Lord, 2000, rev. 2002

75. Archeological Survey of Newly Acquired Lands in
Saguaro National Park: 1996, 1997, and 1998, Loy
C. Neff, Stacie A. Reutter, and Dawn A. Frost, 2001.

76. An Archeological Survey Plan for the Pacific Islands
Cluster, Pacific West Region, National Park Service:
NPS Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program,
Susan J. Wells and Robert J. Hommon, 2000.

77. Archeological Investigations at Kauhako Crater,
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Makanalua Ahupua'a, Island of
Moloka'i, Robert B. Rechtman and Jack David Henry, 2001.

78. Stoneworking in Eureka Valley: Archeological
Investigations at the Eureka Dunes Site (CA-INY-2489), Death Valley
National Park, California, Jeffery P. Burton, William W. Bloomer, and
Lynn Johnson, 2000.

79. I Rei To: Archeological Investigations at the
Manzanar Relocation Center Cemetery, Manzanar National Historic Site,
California, Jeffery F. Burton, Jeremy D. Haines, and Mary M.
Farrell, 2001.

80. This is Minidoka: An Archeological Survey of Minidoka
Internment National Monument, Idaho, Jeffery F. Burton and Mary M.
Farrell, 2001.

81. Archeological Investigations at Ferry Swale Bench: Glen Canyon
National Recreation Area, Arizona, Loy C. Neff and Meredith Wilson, 2002.

82. Archeological Survey and Soil Testing at Washita
Battlefield National Historic Site, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, Loy C. Neff, 2002.

83. Archeological Inventory and Testing at Indian Camp and Tie Canyon:
Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California, Nancy E. Pearson, Melissa B. Markel,
Shirley L. Shirley, and Trisha J. Rude, 2003.

84. Archeological Investigations at Joshua Tree National Park, California,
Loy C. Neff and Meredith Wilson, 2004.

85. Archeological Survey and Site Testing for the Joshua
Tree Roads Project, Package 291, Joshua Tree National Park, California,
Loy C. Neff and Christopher C. Corey, 2004.

86. Archeological Investigations at 3-Mile Bar: Testing at Sites AZ
C:02:84 and C:02:40 (GC) Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona,
Loy C. Neff and Christopher C. Corey, 2004.

87. Rock Walls and Wooden Fence Posts: Archeological
Inventory and Ethnohistorical Research in Johnson Canyon, Death Valley
National Park, Inyo County, California, Nancy E. Pearson, 2005.

88. Mine Documentation in the Standard Mining District, Mojave National Preserve, California,
Sara Cowie, Patrick Baird, and Arthur C. MacWilliams, 2006.

89. Guidelines for Archeological Recording and Evaluation of Abandoned Mining Properties,
Sarah Cowie, Laura S. Bergstresser, Nancy E. Pearson, and Susan J. Wells, 2005.

90. The Fate of Things: Archeological Investigations at
the Minidoka Relocation Center Dump, Jerome County, Idaho, Jeffery F. Burton, 2005.

91. Archeological Survey for the Shivwits Plateau
Multiyear Prescribed Burn Project, Grand Canyon-Parashant National
Monument, Joseph Svinarich, 2006.

92. Archeological Survey at Great Basin National Park: 1998 and 1999,
Laura S. Bergstresser and JoAnn Blalack, 2006.

93. Shivwits Plateau Survey 2001: Archeological
Inventory Survey in Parashant National Monument, Arthur C.
MacWilliams, Laura S. Bergstresser, and John S. Langan, 2006.

94. Archeological Survey of Proposed Prescribed Burn
Units and Trail Rehabilitation on the Shivwits Plateau of Parashant
National Monument, Arizona, Mary Robertson and Art MacWilliams, 2006.

95. An Archeological Survey of the John Herrmann "Farm-In-A-Day"
Property, Jerome County, Idaho, Jeffery F. Burton and Mary M. Farrell, 2006.

96. Piute Creek Archeological Survey and Site
Documentation, Mojave National Preserve, California, Meredith A.
Wilson, 2007.

97. Puerco Ruin 2005 Stabilization Project, Petrified Forest National
Park, Ronald J. Beckwith, 2007.

98. Archeological Investigations along Cactus Forest Drive, Saguaro
National Park, Arizona, Loy C. Neff, Nancy E. Pearson, and Nicole M. Arendt, 2007.

99. An Overview and Assessment of Middle Verde Valley Archeology,
Robert P. Powers and Nancy E. Pearson, 2008.

100. It's Not Rocket Science Contributions to the
Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park in Honor of Bob Cooper,
Jeffery F. Burton, Robert M. Cooper, Lynne D. D'Ascenzo, and Elaine A.
Guthrie, 2007.

101. Archeological Inventory and National Register Evaluation for the
Baca Land Exchange La Jara Reservoir Parcels Conejos County, Colorado, Susan J.
Wells, et al, 2008.

102. Data Recovery at Site 26WP2016, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County Nevada,
Loy C. Neff, 2008.

103. Archeological Data Recovery at the Rim of the Grand Canyon, Shoshone
Point Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, Nancy E. Pearson, 2008.

104. Data Recovery for Five Archeological Sites Desert View Road Realignment Grand Canyon National Park,
Andrea C. Vermeer, 2008.

105. Spirit of the Wilderness Survey: Archeological
Inventory at Petrified Forest National Park, Christopher Corey, 2008.

106. Rum, Rubble, and Rubbish: Data Recovery at the
Historic Sites in the Light-Rail Corridor Project, Grand Canyon National
Park, Coconino County, Arizona, Loy C. Neff, 2008.

Unnumbered. The Quitobaquito Cemetery and Its
History, Fillman Bell, Keith M. Anderson, and Yvonne G. Stewart, 1980.

Unnumbered. An Archeological Survey of the Ajo Crest,
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Southwestern Arizona, Michael G. Mallouf, 1980.

Unnumbered. Newberry Mountains Archeological
Inventory 1993-1994: A Section 110 Planning Survey and Site Assessment,
Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Clark County, Nevada, Gregory
L. Fox, 1994.

Unnumbered. The Pipe Spring Archeological Survey: A Section
110 Planning Project, Pipe Spring National Monument, Mohave County, Arizona,
Gregory L. Fox, 1994.
Date: 04-Jun-2024