Cover design by Angela Atkinson. Photo by Bill Dowling.
Pickett, Meade and Lee photographs courtesy LC
Photo Abbreviations
The Third Day at Gettysburg

(The following essays are in PDF format)
The General Plan of Attack Was Unchanged:
Robert E. Lee and Confederate Operations on July 3
William D. Hewitt, Lt. Col, U.S. Army (ret.)
High Water Mark: Heroes, Myth and Memory
D. Scott Hartwig
Sharpshooters Made a Grand Record This Day:
Combat on the Skirmish Line at Gettysburg on July 3
Timothy J. Orr
For an Hour And a Half We Had a Grand Fourth of July Performance:
Robert E. Lee and Cannonade of July 3
Bert H. Barnett
More May Have Been Required of Them Than They Were Able to Perform:
Seminary Ridge on July 3
Matt Atkinson
And So The Murderous Work Went On:
Pickett’s Charge and Other Civil War Frontal Assaults
Jennifer M. Murray
Alexander Hays and the "Blue Birds:" Brig. Gen. Alexander Hays and the Third Division, Second Corps During Longstreet’s Assault
Karlton D. Smith
Right Gone Awry
Charles Teague
Did Meade Begin a Counteroffensive After Pickett’s Charge
Troy D. Harman
A Brief History and Analysis of the The Hunt-Hancock Controversy
Eric A. Campbell

"The Battle of Gettysburg" by Peter Rothermel, LC
CWLM Civil War Library and Museum
GNMP Gettysburg National Military Park, National Park Service
LC Library of Congress

Graphics: Edwin Forbes, "Pickett’s
Charge," LC, page i; Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, page