Gettysburg Seminar Papers

GETTYSBURG 1895-1995:
The Shaping of an American Shrine


Eric A. Campbell is a Park Ranger Interpreter at Gettysburg National Military Park. He is well known for his in-depth interpretive field programs at Gettysburg. He has authored numerous articles on the Battle of Gettysburg.

Dr. Charles Fennell is an adjunct Faculty Member of Harrisburg Community College at the Gettysburg Center as well as a Licensed Battlefield Guide for Gettysburg National Military Park. He holds degrees from Frostburg State University, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and earned his Ph.D. in American History from West Virginia University. He is the author of "The First Modern War: The American Civil War", an article in The American Military Tradition.

Kathleen Georg Harrison is the Senior Historian at Gettysburg National Military Park. She is the Co-author of Nothing But Glory, a detailed study of Pickett's Division at Gettysburg.

D. Scott Hartwig is a Supervisory Park Historian at Gettysburg National Military Park. He has written and lectured extensively to colleges, Civil War Round Tables, and on Educational Television on the topics of the Gettysburg and Maryland Campaigns. In 1993 he was formally recognized for his talents by receiving the Freeman Tilden Award foe Excellence in Interpretation from the Mid-Atlantic Region of the National Park Service.

Glenn LaFantasie is Deputy Historian and General Editor of The Foreign Relations of the United States at the U. S. Department of State in Washington D. C. He edited Gettysburg: Colonel William C. Oates and Lieutenant Frank Haskell (1992), a volume in the Eyewitness of the Civil War series published by Bantam Books. He is also the author of several scholarly articles including "The Other Man," on Colonel William C. Oates, which appeared in Military History Quarterly (Summer, 1993). He is currently working on two projects: a book about the clash between the 20th Maine and 15th Alabama, and a biography of Colonel William C. Oates.

Dr. John A. Latschar was appointed Superintendent of Gettysburg National Military Park in August, 1994. His previous experience includes the first Superintendency of Steamtown National Historic Site, Chief of Natural and Cultural Resources for the Denver Services Center, and Research Historian for seven years. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Kansas State University and a Ph. D. from Rutgers University.

Of his assignment to Gettysburg he says, "My goals for the park Centennial and the years ahead are to work hard to preserve the resources under our care. This battlefield is truly one of the crown jewels of the National Park System."

Karlton Smith is a Park Ranger at Gettysburg National Military Park. Before joining the Gettysburg staff he worked as a historical interpreter at Independence National Historical Park from 1986 to 1990.

Mark Snell is the Director of the Center for the Study of the Civil War at Shepherd College. He served with the U.S. Army from 1987 to 1990. He was the Assistant Professor in the Department in the Department of History at the U.S. Military Academy. Among his publications is, "In Lasting Tribute: The U.S. Army and Gettysburg Since 1863," Blue and Gray, (February, 1990). He is presently at work on a biography of Union General William B. Franklin.

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