Cover: Dale Gallon, Expecting a Battle.
Courtesy, Gallon Historical Art, Gettysburg, PA;
(The following essays are in PDF format)
Mahan at West Point, “Gallic Bias,” and the “Old Army”:
The Subconscious of Leadership at Gettysburg
Michael Phipps
The Opening Fight at Gettysburg:
A Modern Military Analysis
Tom Vossler, Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)
In Defense of Henry Slocum on July 1:
Troy D. Harman
“If Ever Men Stayed By Their Guns”
Leadership in the 1st and 11th Corps Artillery on the First Day of the Battle of Gettysburg
Bert Barnett
“We drop a comrade's tear”:
Colonel Edward Lyon Bailey and the Second New Hampshire Infantry at Gettysburg
Karlton D. Smith
“My brave Texans, forward and take those heights!”:
Jerome Bonaparte Robertson and the Texas Brigade
Terry Latschar
“I Ordered No Man to go When I Would Not go Myself”
Norman Hall, Alexander Webb, Alonzo Cushing, and the Art of Leading Men in Battle
D. Scott Hartwig
“A hell of a damned fool”
Judson Kilpatrick, Farnsworth’s Charge, and the Hard Hand of History
Mark A. Snell
How Lincoln Won and Lost at Gettysburg
Glenn W. LaFantasie
Alfred Waud’s drawing of Lt. Bayard Wilkeson on July 1 from The Century Magazine.
B&L Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
CWLM Civil War Library and Museum
GNMP Gettysburg National Military Park
LC Library of Congress
NA National Archives
USAMHI United States Military History Institute
USMA United States Military Academy