Five Views: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California
American Indians
Black Americans
Chinese Americans
Japanese Americans
Mexican Americans
This survey was originally conceived in order to broaden the
spectrum of ethnic community participation in historic preservation
activities and to provide better information on ethnic history
and associated sites. This information will help planners
identify and evaluate ethnic properties, which have generally
been under represented on historic property surveys. Most
surveys record architecturally distinguished or widely known
buildings, but ethnic properties are often modest structures
or important because of people or events less familiar to many.
Most of all, the public needed the opportunity to become more
aware of California's cultural diversity and its tangible
manifestations on the land.
In response to legislative action, in 1979, the California
Office of Historic Preservation took the lead to improve
representation of ethnic minority properties in cultural
resource surveys. For this first effort, California's five
largest minority present during the 50 years after 1848 were
chosen. Following recruitment in search of the best possible
experts for each subject area, contacts were awarded and the
surveys were done. The surveys consisted of a narrative
history and one hundred recorded sites, one-quarter of which
were described in the final report.
The authors of each survey expressed their own views, and
although the report has been edited for clarity and consistency,
their conclusions have not been revised or altered. Their
statements do not necessarily represent the position or
opinions of the State of California or any of its official
representatives. The various chapters should, therefore,
be looked upon as individual statements, presented as a public
service without copyright restrictions. Use of this material
is encouraged, with credit to the California Department of
Parks and Recreation and the authors themselves.
The survey should be useful in a variety of ways to researchers,
schools, government agencies, historic preservation organizations,
and ethnic communities. We hope that it will stimulate interest
and action among groups in California and in other states. Most
of all we hope that it will help people more fully recognize and
appreciate the accomplishments and contributions of California's
varied communities.
In any case, it is important to remember that this report is only
a beginning, one step in an ongoing process. It raises more
questions than it answers. What other groups should be studied?
How are these five groups alike or different? Are there universal
themes? What other factors could be explored? How do the groups'
histories interrelate? Are there other sites that should be
preserved or recognized?
While this report provides a starting point for further research,
its existence should demonstrate the effort being made to more
fully recognize California's ethnic diversity and the contributions
that have been made to our heritage by Californians of widely
differing backgrounds.
Henry R. Agonia, Director
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Kathryn Gualtieri
State Historic Preservation Officer
This publication has been financed in part with federal funds
from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. However,
the contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department
of the Interior. Regulations of the Department of the Interior
strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in department federally
assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been
discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility
operated by a recipient of federal assistance should write to
the Director, Equal Opportunity Program National Park Service,
Post Office Box 37127, Washington, D.C. 20013-7127.