Management Implications
Elk only occupy Crater Lake National Park during the summer. Thus
other agencies such as The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and
U.S. Forest Service have management responsibility for these elk and
their habitat during the rest of the year. Summer habitat does not
currently appear to be a limiting factor. Cow/calf ratios were quite
high on the summer range, but substantial mortality may occur on the
winter range.
There is no indication that elk populations have a significant
impact on plant communities within CRLA. Elk are widely dispersed
during the summer and, other than tracks, leave very little evidence of
their presence. Furthermore, it is unlikely that populations will soon
increase to levels which may cause impacts such as those documented in
Mt. Rainier National Park (MORA). CRLA contains only limited areas of
meadow which are most likely to show grazing or trampling impacts.
Although we have no knowledge of primeval elk populations and habitat
use patterns, we suspect that any changes in plant communities of CRLA
are the result of factors other than elk, such as changes in fire
frequency or climate.
Perhaps the greatest potential management concern is hunting. The
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is currently experimenting with
early hunting seasons to improve hunting quality. During these early
seasons, elk are more dispersed and at higher elevation. Thus some elk,
depending on snowfall, may remain in or near CRLA, or enter the park to
avoid hunters. Although we don't expect a "firing line" to develop, law
enforcement could be more difficult. Any delay in migration should only
be temporary because the seasons are relatively short and snow will
eventually force elk out of the park. Therefore, park vegetation should
not be significantly impacted. Depending on the timing and length of
season, early hunting seasons may result in a reduced harvest of mature
bulls. Throughout much of Oregon the proportion of older bulls has been
greatly reduced by hunting. If harvest of these bulls was decreased in
the Crater Lake region, sex and age structures of elk populations would
more nearly resemble those typical of unhunted populations. Bulls with
well developed antlers may be more commonly observed by park visitors.
Hunting by Native Americans would have a substantial potential for
impact on CRLA elk. However, for the present, this doesn't appear to be
In conclusion, we see no need for further monitoring of elk within
CRLA. However, cooperative work with ODFW, USFS, and the Klamath Tribe
will help identify population trends. Surveys could best be conducted
on the spring range, in late April or early May. Counts of elk
occupying the meadows near Fort Klamath would provide an index of
abundance. If elk populations were to increase significantly in the
future, monitoring programs should be implemented within the park.
Continued cooperation and communication with other concerned agencies
may provide advance knowledge of management actions with potential for
impact on CRLA elk.