4th edition |
 3rd edition |
 revised (2nd) edition |
 1st edition |
Tilden, Freeman. Interpreting Our Heritage. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1957, 1967, 1977, 2008.
 | Biddulph, Stephen G.
Five Old Men of Yellowstone: The Rise of Interpretation in the First National Park. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2013. 368 pp. |
Larsen, David L., ed. Meaningful Interpretation: How to Connect Hearts and Minds to Places,
Objects, and Other Resources. Fort Washington: Eastern National, 2003. |
 | Lewis, William J.
Interpreting for Park Visitors. Eastern National Park & Monument, 1980. 159 pp. |
Interpretation for Disabled Visitors in the National Park System. National Park Service, Special Programs and Populations Branch. 1984. 122 pp. |
 | Tilden, Freeman. National Parks: What They Mean to You and Me. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1965. 326 pp. |
Tilden, Freeman. The National Parks Revised edition. New York: Knopf. 1968. 562 pp. |
 | Machlis, Gary E., ed. Interpretive Views: Opinions on Evaluating Interpretation in the National Park Service. Washington, D.C.: National Parks and Conservation Association. 1986. 178 pp. (©National Parks and Conservation Association, 1986. Digital edition reprinted with permission from National Parks Conservation Association. All rights reserved.) |
 | Stagner, Howard R. and David D. Thompson, Jr. Talks. National Park Service In Service Training Series. 1968. 20 pp. |
Anderson, Ralph H. Information Please! National Park Service In Service Training Series. 1955. 17 pp. |
 | Conducted Trips. National Park Service In Service Training Series. 1954. |
Campfire Programs. National Park Service In Service Training Series. 1968. 20 pp. |
 | In Touch Interpreters Information Exchange magazine. 1974-1986. |
Nature Notes. from various parks including: Acadia, Crater Lake, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Hawaii, Mesa Verde, Mount Rainier, North Cascades, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Yosemite |
 | Proceedings Of The First Park Naturalists' Training Conference Held at Educational Headquarters, Berkeley, California November 1 to 30, 1929 |
Proceedings Of The Second Park Naturalists Conference Held at Grand Canyon National Park November 13-17, 1940 |
 | Chief Park Rangers and Interpreters' Conference. 1959. |
Vaughn, Jacqueline and Hanna J. Cortner Philanthropy and the National Park Service. 2013. 213 pp. |
 | Lewis, Ralph H. Museum Curatorship in the National Park Service 1904-1982. 1993. 396 pp. |
Burns, Ned J. Field Manual for Museums. 1941. 426 pp. |
 | Lewis, Ralph H. Manual for Museums. 1976. 412 pp. |
Museum Handbook Part I: Museum Collections, Part II: Museum Records, Part III: Museum Collections Use, Quick Reference. 2006, 2011. |