1930 |
 Vol. 3 No. 1 July 1930 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Greetings From Crater Lake National Park: 1930 (Earl U. Homuth)
Triplets (F. Lyle Wynd)
Bobby Has Moved (Earl U. Homuth)
Bugs! (Earl U. Homuth)
Concerning The Control And Eradication Of The Mountain Pine Beetle
Orchids (F. Lyle Wynd)
 Vol. 3 No. 2 August 1930 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Introduction (F. Lyle Wynd)
untitled (F. Lyle Wynd)
Bobby (Norman Ashcraft)
The Pink Monkey Flower (F. Lyle Wynd)
Wolves (F. Lyle Wynd)
Bugs Part II (Earl U. Homuth)
Volcanic Bombs of Mt. Mazama (Clyde E. Gilbert)
A Glaciated Surface (F. Lyle Wynd)
According To Indian Legend (Earl U. Homuth)
 Vol. 3 No. 3 September 1930 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Introduction (F. Lyle Wynd)
Bumblebees of Crater Lake National Park (H. A. Scullen)
Hunting Wasps (H. A. Scullen)
The California Tortoise Shell Butterfly (H. A. Scullen)
Bugs -- Part III (Earl U. Homuth)
Cones (F. Lyle Wynd)
How Bees Carry Pollen (H. A. Scullen)
The Devil's Backbone (Robert L. Myers)
Insects Attracted To New Burns (H. A. Scullen)
1931 |
 Vol. 4 No. 1 July 1931 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Greetings For 1931 (D. S. Libbey)
Birds (Don C. Fisher)
Carbonized Wood An Index From The Past (D. S. Libbey)
Beavers In The Park (D. S. Libbey)
A Challenge (Frank Solinsky)
The Location Of Crater Lake National Park (Earl U. Homuth)
Flowers, Where The Scene-shifter Nature Is Always Busy (Lincoln Constance)
More About Bugs (Earl U. Homuth)
Protection For The Coyotes (Frank Solinsky)
Pacific Belt Of Volcanic Activity (W. Layton Stanton, Jr.)
 Vol. 4 No. 2 August 1931 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Another Page From The Past Discovered (D. S. Libbey)
My Kingdom For A Horse (D. S. Libbey)
A Butterfly Pilgramage (Lincoln Constance)
Another Important Relic (Earl U. Homuth)
Ghost Plants (Lincoln Constance)
Bobby Learns To Trust Nobody (John S. Day)
How To Know The Pines (Lincoln Constance)
The Rim Canyon (D. S. Libbey)
Wizard Island Exploration (D. S. Libbey)
 Vol. 4 No. 3 September 1931 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Pinnacles (D. S. Libbey)
The White Pine Tells His Tale (Frank Solinsky)
Glaciation of Mount Mazama (Dr. W. R. Atwood)
An Ode To Mazama (William Alexander Godward)
Snow Pressure Bend (Clyde E. Gilbert)
Assisting Nature (E. U. Blanchfield)
1932 |
 Vol. 5 No. 1 July 1932 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Greetings for 1932 (D. S. Libbey)
Program of Stephen T. Mather Plaque Dedication (D. S. Libbey)
Presentation of Stephen T. Mather Plaque (Judge Robert W. Sawyer)
Address Of Acceptance (E. C. Solinsky)
William Gladstone Steel Collection Of Photographs (D. S. Libbey)
Crater Lake In Winter (C. H. Simson)
Notes On Flowers (Lincoln Constance)
Crater Lake Dogwood (D. S. Libbey)
The Water Ouzel (Don C. Fisher)
Crater Lake (Belle Meyer)
 Vol. 5 No. 2 August 1932 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Sinnott Memorial Orientation Station and Museum (D. S. Libbey)
Wizard Island (Earl W. Count)
Columnar Structure In Our Lavas (E. L. Clark)
Random Observations (Earl W. Count)
The Receding Rim Of Crater Lake (D. L. Evans)
Monkey Flowers (Lincoln Constance)
The Varied Thrush (Don C. Fisher)
Myth Or Legend? (Earl W. Count)
The Blue Enigma (Russell Andrews)
 Vol. 5 No. 3 September 1932 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Community House (D. S. Libbey)
Cave (D. S. Libbey)
Facts, Fancies And Nebulous Thoughts (Frank Solinsky)
Haymaker (E. W. Count)
Mystery At North Entrance (R. P. Andrews)
Forgotten Crater (D. LeC. Evans)
The Rejected Loaf (Albert E. Long)
In Memoriam (E. L. Clark)
1933 |
 Vol. 6 No. 1 April 1933 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Crystal Gems Of Crater Lake In Winter (D. S. Libbey)
Crater Lake In Winter (Charles H. Simson)
Betsy, The Rotary (Harry (Happy) Fuller)
The Winter's Greatest Storm (D. S. Libbey)
Winter Birds (D. S. Libbey)
A Bear Story (David H. Canfield)
Ice Ribbons At Crater Lake (D. S. Libbey)
Crater Lake Annual Snow Carnival And Ski Tournament (Ernest A. Rostel1)
Gleamings By The Chief Ranger (David H. Canfield2)
Graupel -- The Soft Hail Of Meteorologists (D. S. Libbey3)
The Tule Fog Of The Klamath Basin (D. S. Libbey3)
Chisel Teeth (E. W. Count3-14)
 Vol. 6 No. 2 July 1933 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Snow Accumulation Of 1907 Compared To That Of 1933 (Earl W. Count)
How Fast Is The Rim Retreating? (Earl W. Count)
The Lake And Moods Of May (David LeC. Evans)
Red Snow (E. L. Clark)
Llao's Hallway (Warren G. Moody)
Times Change (Bernie Hughes)
An Arctic Approach (R. P. Andrews)
Rare Crystal Of Specular Hematite Found At Crater Lake (D. S. Libbey)
Random Notes (Albert E. Long)
 Vol. 6 No. 3 August 1933 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
An Indian Giver (R. P. Andrews)
Carbonized Tree Found Within The Rim (D. S. Libbey)
Three Successive Records Of Glaciation (E. L. Clark)
Fireside Meanders (D. H. Canfield)
Nature Note (Milton E. Coe)
 Vol. 6 No. 4 September 1933 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Crater Lake (Wesley La Violette)
Wizard Island: It's Succession Of Life (Dr. Wm. G. Vinal)
The Pools Of Wizard Island (J. S. Brode)
Crater Oddities: Geese Rest On Crater Lake (Dwight A. French)
Crater Oddities: A Warning (John S. Day)
Crater Oddities: A Fading Cloud (A. E. Long)
Crater Oddities: Old Or Young, A Rodent Is A Rodent (Warren G. Moody)
Crater Oddities: History Repeats Itself (David H. Canfield)
Crater Oddities: Beneath Castle Crest's Crags (C. Andresen Hubbard)
Crater Oddities: Pack Rats Sort Cabin Supplies (Chas H. Simson)
Crater Oddities: The Bear's Ice House (W. G. Vinal)
Crater Oddities: A Cold And Snowy September (D. S. Libbey)
1934 |
 Vol. 7 No. 1 July 1934 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
A Prefatory Note (The Editors)
The Geology Of Wizard Island (Hugh H. Waesche)
The Birds Of Wizard Island (Berry Campbell)
The Flora Of Wizard Island (Elmer I. Applegate)
The Poetry Of Wizard Island (Ernest G. Moll)
 Vol. 7 No. 2 August 1934 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Trailside Speaks (R. P. Andrews)
The Geology Of The Garfield Trail (C. R. Swartzlow)
We And The Birds Garfield Peak (W. Craig Thomas)
The Badger Game (R. P. Andrews)
The Ecology Of The Garfield Peak Trail (Berry Campbell)
 Vol. 7 No. 3 September 1934 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Story Of Mount Mazama (W. D. Smith)
The Waters Of Crater Lake (J. S. Brode)
Quatrains Of Crater Lake: Night On The Lake (Ernest G. Moll)
The Lake (E. G. Moll)
A Rebellious Nuthatch (Craig Thomas)
Quatrains Of Crater Lake: Hemlocks (Ernest G. Moll)
Speculation On Specularite (C. R. Swartzlow)
The Phantom Ship Loses A Sail (H. H. Waesche)
A Water Ouzel Inside The Rim (Berry Campbell)
Applegate's Paint-brush On Applegate Peak (Elmer I. Applegate)
An Oregon Jay Gets A Thrill (J. S. Brode)
Quatrains Of Crater Lake: Llao (Ernest G. Moll)
A Buried Log In Rogue River Tuffs And Agglomerates (W. D. Smith1)
1935 |
 Vol. 8 No. 1 July 1935 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
A Prefatory Note (The Editors)
Crater Lake In Winter (L. Howard Crawford)
Western Windflowers (Ernest G. Moll and L. Howard Crawford)
Some Waterfalls In Crater Lake National Park (John Eliot Allen)
Monkey-Flowers Of Crater Lake (Elmer I. Applegate)
Unusual Ridges Of Rock Fragments (Carl E. Dutton)
The Crumbling Rim (Ernest G. Moll1)
 Vol. 8 No. 2 August 1935 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
The Canyons Of Crater Lake National Park (Warren D. Smith)
Llao's Hallway (Ernest G. Moll and L. Howard Crawford)
Springs In The Park (Carl E. Dutton)
Latest Flowering Plants In Crater Lake National Park (Elmer I. Applegate)
Food Habits Of Crater Lake Fish (J. S. Brode1)
 Vol. 8 No. 3 September 1935 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Discovery Of The Fumaroles At The Pinnacles, Wheeler Canyon (Warren D. Smith)
The Squirrel And His Relatives (Ray Coopey)
Some Fruits Of Crater Lake Plants (Elmer I. Applegate)
Hemlocks (Ernest G. Moll and L. Howard Crawford)
1936 |
 Vol. 9 No. 1 July 1936 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr., ii)
Clark's Nutcrackers Banded For Study (Chas. W. Quaintance)
Some Plants Common To Crater Lake National Park And The Lava Beds National Monument (Elmer I. Applegate)
Hillman Peak (Carl E. Dutton)
1937 |
 Vol. 10 No. 1 June 1937 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
Snowfall, Precipitation and Lake Levels (W. T. Frost and John E. Doerr, Jr.-7)
Outline Of Events In The History Of The Modoc War (Don C. Fisher and John E. Doerr, Jr.)
 Vol. 10 No. 2 July 1937 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
The Geology Of Union Peak (Carl E. Dutton7-18)
Fishing In Crater Lake, July 1937 (Arthur D. Hasler9-2)
Outline Of Events In The History Of The Modoc War (Don C. Fisher and John E. Doerr, Jr.1-29)
 Vol. 10 No. 3 August 1937 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
Llao Rock, A Lava Flow Burying A Glacial Valley (Wayne E. Kartchner3-34)
Mammals On Wizard Island (R. R. Huestis5-36)
Varved Clays Near The Devil's Backbone (Randall E. Brown7-38)
Outline Of Events In The History Of The Modoc War (Don C. Fisher and John E. Doerr, Jr.9-42)
Fishing In Crater Lake, August 1937 (Arthur D. Hasler and John E. Doerr, Jr.3)
Errata (W. T. Frost and John E. Doerr, Jr.3)
1938 |
 Vol. 11 No. 1 July 1938 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
The Flowering Seasons Of Crater Lake Plants (Elmer I. Applegate)
 Vol. 11 No. 2 August 1938 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
Bird Species Censuses In Crater Lake National Park (Ralph R. Huestis5-18)
The Pumice Castle (Wayne E. Kartchner and John E. Doerr, Jr.9-2)
A Creel Census For Crater Lake (Arthur D. Hasler1-22)
Muskrats In Crater Lake National Park (Ralph R. Huestis2-23)
 Vol. 11 No. 3 September 1938 |
Crater Lake Nature Notes
Preface (John E. Doerr, Jr.)
Notes On The Sierra Crossbill (Elmer C. Aldrich7-29)
Wind Currents In Crater Lake As Revealed By The Old Man Of The Lake (Wayne E. Kartchner and John E. Doerr, Jr.0-35)
Editor's Note Regarding Volume XII Of Nature Notes (John E. Doerr, Jr.5)