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Sequoia Nature News Notes

Sequoia Nature News Notes debuted in 1922 and was comprised of a series of Bulletins published by the Sequoia Nature Guide Service (most written by Walter Fry). It joined Nature Notes newsletters which were published by the western national parks, including: Acadia (beginning in 1932), Crater Lake (1928), Glacier (1927), Grand Canyon (1926), Grand Teton (1935), Hawaii (1931), Hot Springs (1934), Lassen (1932, combined with Hawaii), Mesa Verde (1930), Mount Rainier (1923), Rocky Mountain (1928), Shenandoah (1936), Yellowstone (1920), Yosemite (1922).

Index: Sequoia Nature News Notes (October 25, 1938)

Index: Sequoia Nature News Notes (May 17, 1962)

This special Web collection contains a collection of Bulletins and Historic Series of Sequoia Nature News Notes.

issue cover

1. Nature Guide Service at Giant Forest (6/12/22)
2. Wild Flowers in Sequoia (6/25/22)
3. Copperheads in Sequoia - But Squirrels, Not Snakes (6/30/22)
4. King Rodent Destroyer in Sequoia (7/23/22)
5. Mountain Beaver (7/27/22)
6. Bird Beauty Contest to be Held in Sequoia (7/30/22)
7. Victory of the Mountain Bluebird (8/8/22)
8. The Hay-Makers of the High Sierra - Conies (8/24/22)
9. Habits of Mule Deer in Sequoia (9/22)
10. Heavy Bird Migration From Sequoia (9/27/22)
11. Life Zones (5/22/23)
12. The Yucca of California (6/8/23)
13. Tragic Death of the Olanche Family and Timbertoes (6/13/23)
14. A Third Life Zone Opens to Flowers in Sequoia (6/21/23)
15. Is the Wolverine Worth While (6/28/23)
16. The Columbia Gray Squirrel (7/24/23)
17. The Sierra Hare - Snowshoe Rabbit (5/9/24)
18. Sequoia Nature Guide Service (6/5/24)
19. A Wolverine Versus Two Bears (6/19/24)
20. Mountain Beaver Population Increasing in Sequoia (6/27/24)
20. The California Great Blue Heron (10/28/25)
21. The California Ring-Tailed Cat (12/24/25)
22. The California Badger (1/8/26)
23. The California Condor (2/10/26)
24. The Fremontodendron (4/28/26)
25. The Road-Runner (7/6/28)
26. Moro Rock (6/11/29)
27. Sequoia Nature Guide Service (6/26/29)
27. The Blue Fronted Jay (12/2/31)
28. The Water Ouzel (8/14/29)
29. The Sundew (10/8/29)
30. The Pileated Woodpecker - Cock-Of-The-Woods (12/23/31)
      General Sherman Tree (undated)

1. Red Snow (2/12/32)
2. A Twenty-Five Year Study of the Animals of Sequoia (3/1/32)
3. Elk in Sequoia National Park (3/32)
4. The Band-Tailed Pigeon None (3/21/32)
5. A Twenty-Five Year Study of the Bird Life in Sequoia (3/28/32)
6. The Sierra Crossbill in Sequoia National Park (3/30/33)
6. Six Animal Contrasts in Sequoia National Park (1/16/34)
8. The Bushy-Tailed Wood Rat (2/20/34)
9. The Pacific Nighthawk (6/22/34)
    Giant Bullfrogs Heading for Sequoia National Park (3/4/36)
    The Sequoias (5/14/37)

1. Discovery of Sequoia National Park (11/22/24)
2. The California Grizzly (12/4/24)
3. Sequoia National Park Threatened by Invaders (12/10/24)
4. Caves of Sequoia National Park and Their Discovery (1/20/25)
5. Hospital Rock in the Sequoia National Park (2/17/25)
6. General Grant National Park (3/17/25)
7. First Ascent of Moro Rock (3/2/31)
8. The Great Sequoia Avalanche (11/12/31)

Date: 20-Feb-2025