A Study of Virginia Indians and Jamestone: The First Century
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Cover illustration: combination of Captain John Smith's map of Virginia and a warrior by Theodor de Bry.


Chapter 1. Introduction
By Danielle Moretti-Langholtz

Chapter 2. Research Design
By Danielle Moretti-Langholtz

Chapter 3. Overview of the Powhatan Chiefdom
By Martin Gallivan

Chapter 4. Narrative History
By Martha W. McCartney

Chapter 5. Anglo-Indian Relations in the Seventeenth Century
By Stephen D. Feeley

Chapter 6. A Brief Survey of Anglo-Indian Interaction in Virginia during the Seventeenth Century
By Edward Ragan

Chapter 7. A Seventeenth Century Chronology Based on English Records with Native Perspectives
By Danielle Moretti-Langholtz and Angela L. Daniel

Chapter 8. Bacon's Rebellion 1676: A Review of the Sources and Interpretations
By Thane Harpole

Chapter 9. Pocahontas: A Reflection of Powhatan Culture
By Angela L. Daniel

Chapter 10. Decoding the Documents: "Indians" in Selected Seventeenth Century Documents & Secondary Sources
By Danielle Moretti-Langholtz and Katharine Harbury

Chapter 11. Recommendations
By Danielle Moretti-Langholtz

Bibliography I: An Annotated Bibliography of Virginia Indian Materials

Bibliography II: An Annotated Bibliography of Juvenile Literature on Virginia Indians

Appendix A: Natives in the Landscape: Images and Documents of the Seventeenth Century Virginia Indians
Compiled by Buck Woodard

Appendix B: "Early Images of Pocahontas," Private Collection of William "Bill" Cole
Compiled by Angela L. Daniel

Appendix C: Algonquian Languages of Virginia: Powhatan Dialects of the Seventeenth Century and Beyond, Selected Annotated Bibliography and Notes
Compiled by Buck Woodard

Appendix D: Indigenous Language in Place Names: Southern Algonquian Emphasis
Compiled by Buck Woodard

Appendix E: Virginia Ceramic Studies: A Brief Overview
By Jennifer Ogborne

Principal Investigator:
Danielle Moretti-Langholtz, Ph.D.
The College of William & Mary

Scholarly Contributions by:
Martin Gallivan, Ph.D., (The College of William & Mary)
Martha W. McCartney
Angela L. Daniel (The College of William & Mary)
Stephen D. Feeley (The College of William & Mary)
Thane Harpole (Fairfield Foundation)
Jennifer Ogborne (The College of William & Mary)
Edward Ragan, Ph.D. (Syracuse University)
Buck Woodard (Lower Muskogee Creek, Virginia Council on Indians)

American Indian Consultation and Commentary by:
Chief Kenneth Adams (Upper Mattaponi Tribe)
Chief Stephen R. Adkins (Chickahominy Tribe)
Chief Barry Bass (Nansemond Tribe)
Chief Kenneth Branham (Monacan Indian Nation)
Chief Robert Green (Patawomeck Tribe)
Chief G. Anne Richardson (Rappahannock Tribe)
Chief Emeritus Oliver Perry (Nansemond Tribe)
Deanna Beacham (Program Administrator, Virginia Council on Indians)
Ronnie Branham (Monacan Indian Nation)
Mitchell Bush (Onondaga Tribe and the Virginia Council on Indians)
Deborah Moore (Pamunkey Tribe)
Kirk Moore (Pamunkey Tribe)
Keith Smith (Nansemond Tribe)
Karenne Wood (Monacan Indian Nation, Chair of the Virginia Council on Indians)

Data Collection by:
Katharine Harbury (The Library of Virginia)
Scott Bensen (The College of William & Mary)
Anna Charlebois (The College of William & Mary)
Angel L. Daniel (The College of William & Mary)
Nicola Harrison (The College of William & Mary)
Colin Pekruhn (The College of William & Mary)
Linda Carter

Prepared for the:
Colonial National Historical Park
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Cooperative Agreement # CA 4290-0-0001
Williamsburg, Virginia
December 2005

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Last Updated: 22-Nov-2006