Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
Administrative History
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Administrative History
Bob Moore


Altemus, Jim (ed.) "Roundup Rehabs National Park Lawns," Roadtalk St. Louis: Apublication of the Monsanto Corporation on Roadside Vegetation Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1988

Arbogast, David and Thomas Bush, Historical Architects, and Richard Ortega, Architectural Historian (Engineering) "Survey of the Condition of the Old Courthouse, JEFF"; Omaha, Nebraska: MWRO, NPS, December 5, 1975.

"Arch of Triumph; The Gateway Arch At 25," St. Louis Post-Dispatch Magazine, October 28, 1990

Belden, Bauman L. Indian Peace Medals in the United States, 1789-1889, (reprint of 1927 edition) New Milford, Connecticut: N. Flayderman and Company, 1966

Belleville News-Democrat, Belleville, Illinois. The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Boothe, F. Norton Ulysses S. Grant, in the Great American Generals Series, New York: Gallery Books, 1990

Bowser, Richard B. "Jefferson Memorial Arch, A Panel," Building Research, Sept-Oct. 1964, copy in JEFF Historian's Files. This article was based on a transcript of interviews with Dick Bowser and four other participants in the design and engineering phases of the Arch construction.

Brown, Sharon A. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Administrative History, 1935-1980, St. Louis, Missouri: JEFF, U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1984

Bryan, John A. "Preliminary Draft, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Administrative History," (Undated); a copy of this important document is located in the JEFF Library Vertical File, VF-JNE-050.

Caselli, David "The Dirty Story of the Underground Museum's Roof," Courier, Newsmagazine of the National Park Service, Volume 37, Number 4, April 1992

Chemical Hotline "Nonselective chemical renovates Gateway Arch Grounds," February 1981, St. Louis: a publication of Monsanto Agricultural Products Company. Copy, JEFF Historian's Files.

Cities Reborn, St. Louis, Missouri: Urban Land Institute, 1986

Collinsville Herald, Collinsville, Illinois. The articles cited may be found in the JNEM Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Conrad Schmitt Studios "The Courthouse, Research, Documentation, Restoration," promotional folder, copy, Old Courthouse Interpreter's Files.

Conrad Schmitt Studios Decorative Paint Analysis of the Old Courthouse, Spring, 1985, report on contract #CX-2000-4-0015, JEFF Library, Ref. 333.71 CON

Courier, Newsmagazine of the National Park Service, Volume 37, Number 6, June/July 1992

Dewey, Tom JNEM Library Operating Policy, October, 1992

DeYampert, Rick "A Monumental Task" Daytona News Journal, Daytona, Florida, October 14, 1990, copy in Vertical File, JEFF Library, VF-JNE-151.

Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (third edition, 1975)

Drew, John L. III The Veiled Prophet's Gifts: A Saint Louis Legacy St. Louis: Khorassan Press, 1985

Dunlap, Jeff "'America's Biggest Birthday Party,' the Ten Year History of the VP Fair", for St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Memorandum of June 11, 1990, JEFF Historian's Files.

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Washington, D.C.: November, 1990

Federal Records Center, Kansas City Missouri, including:

File 79-89-0003, Box 3; Box 4 (D18); Box 5 (D22)

File 79-89-0004, Box 1 (H3015)

File 79-89-0006, Box 9 (D22)

File 79-89-0007, Box 2 (H3015)

File 79-90-0002, Box 4; Box 6 (H3015)

Grant, Jesse Root In the Days of My Father, General Grant New York: Harpers Brothers, 1925.

Grant, Julia Dent The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant (Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant), John Y. Simon, editor, Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975

Grant, Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant; Selected Letters 1839-1865, originally published in 1885, reprinted by Literary Classics of the United States, New York: Library of America, 1990

Gravois-Watson Times The articles cited may be found in the Vertical File, JNEM Library; VF-GRA-031 and 032.

Grosby-Bergey, Jane "Folklife Program: Guidelines; Jefferson National Expansion Memorial," attachment, 1981 JEFF Annual Statement for Interpretation

Guide to Monitoring Clearwing Borers, Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Albany International, Controlled Release Division, 1990

Hafen, LeRoy R. (ed.) The Mountain Men and the Fur Trade of the Far West Glendale, California: Arthur H. Clark, 1965

Hall, Eleanor, "The High School Program at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial" NPS Interpretation, Summer 1990

Hannibal Courier-Post, Hannibal, Missouri. The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Hartzog, George Jr. Battling for the National Parks Mt. Kisco, N.Y.: Moyer Bell Ltd., 1988

Henderson, David G. Historic Structure Report, Old Courthouse, Architectural Data Section, Phase II: Exterior Preservation Denver, Colorado: Denver Service Center, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, September, 1985

Hoppe, Nancy "Current Events at the Old Courthouse," September, 1980, copy, JEFF Historian's Files; also published in Gateway Today, the JEFF newspaper, Summer, 1981.

Hughes, Mary V. "Memorandum;" MWRO Landscape Architect, to Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resource Preservation, MWRO August 8, 1991, on a trip to Dan Kiley's Studios in Charlotte, Vermont, June 8-9, 1991. Historian's Files, JEFF

Jackson, James P. "The Greening of St. Louis" American Forests, September/October 1989

Jacobs, Jim "Pest Control," Briefing Paper, 1989; internal document, JEFF, 1989, JEFF Historian's Files

Jacobs, Jim "Integrated Pest Management," JEFF Newsletter, April 1992

Jacobs, Jim "Grounds Maintenance Labor Breakdown," internal document, JEFF, 1991, JEFF Historian's Files

Jamieson, Melvill Allan Medals Awarded to North American Indian Chiefs, 1714-1922, and to Loyal African and Other Chiefs in Various Territories Within the British Empire London: 1936

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Archives Annual Report for 1989, JEFF

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Archives Annual Report for 1990, JEFF

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Archives Master Plan, JEFF, March 1988

Jester, Margo "Peace Medals," American Indian Traditions, Vol. 7 No. 5

JEFF Park Files, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri; including:


Annual Report on National Park Service Cooperating Associations, Fiscal Year 1991


Annual Emergency Medical Services Reports, for 1988, (January 24, 1989); for 1989, (February 13, 1990); for 1990, (February 17, 1991); for 1991, (February 19, 1992)

Emergency Operations Plans

1991 Annual Safety and Health Report Summary"


East St. Louis Riverfront Suitability/Feasibility Analysis, JEFF, 1970

East St. Louis Riverfront Master Plan/Draft Environmental Statement, JEFF, 1974

Special Study East Bank Extension of JEFF, NPS, 1975

H.R. 6620, February 26, 1980

Draft Task Directive, Museum of American Culture and Anthropology, January 1984

JEFF Statement for Management, 1984

"Preliminary Notes on Arch Parking Facility, 16 Feb. 1984"

Public Law 98-398, August 24, 1984

Draft Task Directive, East St. Louis Development and Management Plan, October 1985

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial - East St. Louis Extension Data Report, JEFF, 1986

Planning Issues and Options, Proposed East St. Louis Addition, August 1986

JNEM Commission Report, October 1986

Suitability Study for a Museum of American Culture and Anthropology, January 1987

H.R. 2028, April 18, 1989

JEFF Statement for Management, 1991-1992


Memorandum from NPS Chief Historian Edwin Bearss and Bureau Historian Barry Mackintosh to Superintendent Jerry Schober, March 17, 1986; on the official name of JEFF.

JEFF Historian's Files, Historian's Office, Old Courthouse, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, including:

Case Report number 80-11, 11/26/80, JEFF File A7623

Development and Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Proposed East St. Louis Addition to Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, Illinois/Missouri, National Park Service, August 1987

Gateway JEFF Park Newspaper, 1981

Gateway Guide, Fall 1984

Interpretive Prospectus, JEFF, 1960

Interpretive Prospectus, Old Courthouse, JEFF, 1971

"JNEHA Annual Report, October 1, 1981 - September 30, 1982"

"JEFF Museum Education Brochure 1980-1981"

"JEFF Museum Education Brochure 1983-1984"

"JEFF Museum Education Brochure 1989-1990"

JEFF Operations Evaluation, May 1982; NPS Midwest Regional Office

JEFF Park Newsletter, April 1992

JEFF Statements For Interpretation, 1981, 1985-1991

JEFF Superintendent's Annual Reports, 1980-1991; also JEFF Files A2621

Letter, Dick Bowser to Eero Saarinen and Associates, March 28, 1962 (copy)

"Museum of Westward Expansion, A Preview for Members of the Press," August 1976, part of an NPS press kit issued for the opening of the MWE; 3 pages.

"Museums for Today," Architectural Record, July 1972

News From Paul Simon, U.S. Senator, July 8, 1988

JEFF Library Vertical Files

JNEM Archives, including currently uncataloged material, Office of the Superintendent Records, post-1968

JNEHA 25th Anniversary Report, St. Louis: Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association, 1990

JNEHA (Ray Breun) Files: Material relating to the purchase of White Haven for the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site

Keiser, Thomas K. "The St. Louis Years of Ulysses S. Grant," Gateway Heritage, Magazine of the Missouri Historical Society, Winter 1985-86

Layton, Ruth "St. Louis Riverfront Revisited 1933-1964," Landscape Architecture, April, 1964; copy JEFF Library Vertical File, VF-JNE-147

Lindenbusch, Historic Structure Report, Historic Data Section, Part I, and Historic Grounds Study, Old Courthouse, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; Denver, Colorado: Denver Service Center, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1982

Little, Kimberly M. ULSG Historic Resource Study, Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, NPS, 1993

McNeely, Jennifer "The Veiled Prophet: A St. Louis Tradition," JEFF Museum Gazette, September, 1991

Moore, Bob "Video and Accessibility: A Tool For the Future," NPS Interpretation

Mott, Gene "Project Diaries, JEFF Landscaping" 1970-1971, JNEM Archives and copy, JEFF Historian's Files.

Murphy, Kevin "Thanksgiving at White Haven" South County News-Times, November 17-23, 1989.

Newman, Paul Task Directive - Old Courthouse Interior Dome Repairs, June 1983, NPS, Denver Service Center; JEFF File D18

North St. Louis Community News The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Patterson, John "Accomplishments HVAC 1989" internal document, JEFF; copy, Historian's Files, JEFF

Porter, Horace Campaigning With Grant, New York: The Century Company, 1897, also reprinted, New York: DaCapo Press, 1986

Primm, James Neal Lion of the Valley Boulder, Colorado: Pruett Publishing Company, 1981

Prucha, Francis Paul The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians, Volume I Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Prucha, Francis Paul Indian Peace Medals in American History, Madison, Wisconsin 1971

Prucha, Francis Paul "Peace and Friendship, Indian Peace Medals in the United States" (exhibition catalog) Washington, D.C.: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 1985

Richter, Tom and Ivan Tolley JEFF Accessibility Self-Evaluation, February 29, 1988

Riverfront Times articles, 1984-1991. The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Ronscavage, John "Award Nomination, Presidential Design Awards, National Endowment for the Arts" proposal by John Ronscavage, former landscape architect with Denver Service Center (DSC), 1988; copy, JEFF Historian's Files

Simon, John Y. and Paul Siemer "The House That Grant Built - Hardscrabble," Missouri Life, Volume 7, Numbers 2 and 3, May and August of 1979

Simon, John Y. "Grant at Hardscrabble," copy in the vertical file, JEFF Library, File VF GRA 003

St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles, 1967-1991. Most of these articles may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat articles, 1975-1986. Most of these articles may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

South County Journal, St. Louis County, Missouri. The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Southwest County Journal, St. Louis County, Missouri. The articles cited may be found in the JEFF Newspaper Clippings Files, JNEM Archives.

Trela, Richard "Survey of Murals, Old Courthouse," Feb. 1985, Conservation of Works of Art, Provo, Utah; copy in Curator's Office, JEFF.

Wells, Christy L. and Joyce A. Williams, A Report of Archeological Monitoring of Parking Facility Construction at JNEM, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, 1985; JEFF File D3415.

Whaley, David "No Vacation: Working their summer under the Arch" Granite City (Illinois) Press-Record, August 22, 1985

Personal interviews conducted by Bob Moore, JEFF Historian:

Bilger, Al; JNEHA Audio-Visual Production Specialist, July 17, 1992

Bowser, Richard B.; Inventor and Designer of Arch Tram System, June 9 and 11, 1992

Collier, Shad; JEFF Custodial Foreman, April 3, 1992

Collins, Lonnie; JEFF Maintenance Division, July 23, 1992

Engler, Mark; Chief of Museum Services and Interpretation, JEFF, January 25, 1993

Hall, Eleanor; Park Ranger, JEFF, July 28, 1992

Jacobs, Jim; JEFF Grounds Foreman, and Tim Burns, Work Leader; April 3, 1992

Kelly, Robert; JEFF Facility Manager, March 26 and 28, 1992

Kiley, Dan; Landscape Architect, October 21, 1991

Patterson, John; Building Services and HVAC Foreman, JEFF, April 1 and July 28, 1992

Richter, Tom; Assistant Chief of Interpretation, Midwest Regional Office, September 4, 1993

Siller, Susan; JNEHA Education Specialist, December 18, 1992

Swift, Dan; Exhibit Specialist, JEFF, December 21, 1992

Thomas, Kathryn; Curator, JEFF, several interviews

Ziino, Richard; Park Ranger, JEFF, December 18, 1992

Weddle, John; Criminal Investigator, JEFF, October 3, 1993

Personal Interviews Conducted by Former JEFF Historian Mike Capps:

Schober, Jerry; JEFF Superintendent, 1979-1991, April 11, 1991

Siller, Susan; JNEHA Education Specialist, May 1991

Telephone Interviews conducted by Bob Moore, JEFF Historian:

Ballard, John; NPS, Denver Service Center, July 28, 1992

Baker, Nancy; Landscape Architect, DSC, April 1, 1992

Bowser, Richard B.; Inventor and Designer of the Arch Tram System, August 5, 1992

Holland, Jim; NPS, Denver Service Center, July 28, 1992

Hunter, Michael; Chief, NRSO, April 19, 1992

Kunkel, Ray; Chief of Maintenance, Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park

Mayo, Charles; Chief of Interpretation, National Park Service, September 30, 1993

Nixon, Jennifer; Director of Business Development, Bi-State Development Agency, September 12, 1993

Pankratz, Herbert; Archivist, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, GSA, Abilene, Kansas, July 30, 1992

Pfanz, Dr. Harry; former Superintendent JEFF, 1968-1971; August 9, 1992

Ronscavage, John; former landscape architect with Denver Service Center, May 26, 1992

Schober, Jerry; former JEFF Superintendent, September 2, 1993

Tolley, Ivan; former Chief Ranger, Law Enforcement, JEFF, October 3, 1993

Walsh, Molly; Public Information Officer, St. Louis Union Station Incorporated

Wilt, Rick; former JEFF Chief of Museum Services and Interpretation, 1980-1987, December 17, 1992

Oral History Interviews; tapes and transcripts available in the JEFF Park Library:

Bowser, Richard B.; Inventor and Designer of Arch Tram System, October 8, 1993

Breun, Raymond A.; Executive Director, Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association, October 9, 1992

Kiley, Dan; Landscape Architect, July 22, 1993

Murphy, Dan; former Supervisory Park Ranger, JEFF, June 23, 1993

Schober, Jerry; former JEFF Superintendent, 1979-1991, May 8 and September 25, 1992

Stone, Deryl B.; JEFF Chief of Law Enforcement and Safety, October 13, 1992

Oral History Interviews; transcripts available in JEFF Historian's Files:

Richter, Tom; Oral history interview with Tom Richter, Chief Ranger, Harry S Truman National Historic Site, by Pamela Smoot, historian, Midwest Regional Office, November 15, 1985. Transcript copy, historian's files, JEFF

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