BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Official park records All the extant records dealing with the administration of Mesa Verde National Park are found in the park files and the National Archives. Many of the early records were lost in a fire during the 1930s, while many others of the 1940s are missing. Hence, for some years the available information is fragmentary.
Archeological Excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, Archeological Research Series No. 2, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, National Park Service, 1954. It contains reports on excavations by James A. Lancaster, Jean M. Pinkley, Don Watson, and Philip F. Van Cleave. Brew, John Otis, Archaeology of Alkali Ridge Southeastern Utah. Peabody Museum, Harvard University, XXI, 1946. Erdman, James A., Charles L. Douglas, and John W. Mar, Environment of Mesa Verde, Wetherill Mesa Studies, Archeological Research Series No. Seven-B, National Park Service, Washington, D. C., 1969. Fewkes, J. Walter, Excavation and Repair of Sun Temple, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1916. Fewkes, J. Walter, "Antiquities of the Mesa Verde," Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 51, 1911. Fewkes, J. Walter, "Prehistoric Villages, Castles, and Towers of Southwestern Colorado," Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 70, Fewkes, J. Walter, "Excavation and repair of Cliff Palace," Annual Report of the Mesa Verde National Park, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, I, 1907-11. Fewkes, J. Walter, "Excavation and repair of Spruce Tree House," Annual Report of the Mesa Verde National Park, Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, I, 1907-11. Hayes, Aldin C., The Archeological Survey of Wetherill Mesa, Archeological Research Series No. Seven-A, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, National Park Service, 1964. Lister, Robert H., Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: I, Site 499, Mesa Verde National Park, Series in Anthropology No. 9, University of Colorado Press, 1964. Lister, Robert H., Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: II, Site 875, Mesa Verde National Park, Series in Anthropology No. 11, University of Colorado Press, 1965. Lister, Robert H., Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: III, Site 866, and the cultural sequence at four villages in the Far View Group Mesa Verde National Park, Series in Anthropology No. 12, University of Colorado Press, 1966. Lister, Robert H., Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: IV, Site 1086, an Isolated above Ground Kiva in Mesa Verde National Park, Series in Anthropology No. 13, 1967. Lister, Robert H., ed., Contributions to Mesa Verde Archeology: V, Emergency Archaeology in Mesa Verde National Park, 1948-1966, Series in Anthropology No. 15, University of Colorado Press, 1968. This work contains reports on excavations by Leland J. Abel, Robert W. Biggs, Terje G. Birkedal, David A. Breternitz, Robert J. Burton, Alden C. Hayes, Arthur F. Hewett, Jr., Calvin H. Jennings, Allen E. Kane, Edward D. Lageson, James A. Lancaster, Robert H. Lister, Donna Maronde, Payson D. Sheets, Jack E. Smith, Donna Arndt Spencer, Alan C. Swedlund, and Don Watson. Luebben, Ralph, Laurence Herold, and Arthur Rohn, "An Unusual Pueblo III Ruin, Mesa Verde National Park," American Antiquity, XXVI, No. 1, July 1960. Nordenskiold, Gustav, The Cliff Dwellers of the Mesa Verde, Stockholm, 1893. O'Bryan, Deric, Excavations in Mesa Verde National Park 1947-48, Globe, Arizona, Gila Pueblo Publications, 1950. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, LXVI, No. 3, 1916; LXVI, No. 17, 1917; LXXII, No. 6, 1921; LXXII, No. 1 and No. 15, 1922; LXXIV, No. 15, 1923. Swannack, Jervis P., Wetherill Mesa Excavations: Big Juniper House, Archeological Research Series No. Seven-C, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, National Park Service, 1969.
Burroughs, Carroll A., "Searching for Cliff Dweller's Secrets," The National Geographic Magazine, CXVI, November 1959. Butter, Ovid, "The Sign of the Cedar Bough, American Forest and Forest Life, August 1949. Chapin, Frederick Hastings, "Cliff Dwellings of the Mancos Canyon," American Antiquarian, XII, No. 4. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee of Public Lands and Surveys Seventy-seventh Congress pursuant to S Res 241, Part 5, November 19 and 20, 1942, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Government Printing Office, 1943. Ise, John, Our National Park Policy, a Critical History, Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1961. Mather, Stephen, Progress in the Development of the National Parks, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1916. McClurg, Virginia, Colorado Cliff Dwellers Association Biennial Address of the Regent General, April 19, 1913. Nusbaum, Jesse L., Annual Report of the Department Archeologist, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1929. Proceedings of the National Park Conference held at the Yellowstone National Park September 11-12, 1911, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1912. Rogers, Edmund B., "Notes on the Establishment of Mesa Verde National Park," The Colorado Magazine, XXIX, No. 1, January 1952. Rogers, Edmund B., History of legislation relating to the National Park System through the 82d Congress, Mesa Verde National Park, Denver, Colorado, Vol. 58. Report of the Director of the National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1917-18, 1920-24, 1930-31. Shankland, Robert, Steve Mather of the National Parks, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1951. Watson, Don, Indians of the Southwest, Mesa Verde Museum Association, 1953. Watson, Don, "Ancient Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde," The National Geographic Magazine, XCIV, No. 3, September 1948. Wickens, James Frederick, "Colorado in the Great Depression: A Study of New Deal Policies at the State Level." Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Department of History, University of Denver, 1964.
Arizona Record Globe, Arizona, February 5, 1970. Colorado Daily News August 11, 1907. Denver Commercial September 23, 1920. Denver Post July 26, October 4, 11, 25, November 1, 1907; May 8, 1908. El Paso County Pioneers XLV, No. 124, June 29, 1915. The Cliff Dwellers Mesa Verde National Park, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 31, 1937. Rocky Mountain News September 27, 1920, July 23, 1933.
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