Research Catalog
A comprehensive manual of natural and cultural study opportunities within Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks
old NPS arrowhead

Table of Contents


Message from the Park Superintendents

Research in the Parks

Mount Rainier National Park

North Cascades National Park

Olympic National Park

Aquatic Ecology

Air Pollution Impacts on Aquatic Biota
Inventory of Air Quality Related Values Affected by Atmospheric Deposition
The Influence of Marine-Derived Nutrients on Water Quality and Biological Productivity
Genetics and Demographics of Amphibians
Hybridization and Competition between Native and Nonnative Fish Populations

Fire Ecology

Fire Ecology in the North Cascades

Geology (omitted from the online edition)

Historical Studies

Special Historical Studies in North Cascades N.P.


Paleoecology of Pacific Northwest Parks

Plant Ecology

Nonvascular Plant Inventories
Whitebark pine
Cryptobiotic soils

Research Natural Areas (omitted from the online edition)

Restoration Ecology

Soils and Biota
Seed Production and Plant Conditions
Greenhouse Practices
Genetic Diversity
Species Used in Restoration
Ecosystem Changes Resulting from Dam Removal

Social Science

Wilderness Management

Wildlife Ecology

Mountain Goats


I. Application Procedures and Requirements for Research
II. Application for a Scientific Research and Collecting Permit
III. Guidelines for Study Proposals
IV. General Conditions
V. Investigators Annual Report

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Last Updated: 05-Sep-2000