Museum Exhibition
This exhibition was prepared for the September 30, 1999 - October 3, 1999
conference "Preserving the Walls and Wilderness of America's Western National
Parks: Past, Present, and Future." The conference was held at Mount Rainier
National Park, Washington.
The exhibition was organized by the Historic American Building
Survey/Historic American Engineering Record with the support of John
Burns, FAIA, Deputy Chief and the Park Historic Structures and Cultural
Landscapes Program with the support of Randall J. Biallas, AIA, Program
Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER), National Park Service
- Brian L. Cary, project management, design
Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program (PHS&CL), National Park Service
- Alyson Andrews, research, text
- Cari Goetcheus, research, text, design
- Nicholas Wyman, design
Photograph Collections
Photographs were provided courtesy of
- HABS/HAER Collections
- Ethan Carr, Historical Landscape Architect, Denver
- Laura Soulliere, Superintendent, Cane River Creole National Historical Park
Web Feature
This feature was developed from the original exhibition.
Historic American building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER), National Park Service
- Brian L. Cary, Project Manager, Designer
Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program (PHS&CL), National Park Service.
- Cari Goetcheus, Consultant
- Nicholas Wyman, Consultant