For this exhibit, structures and sites were grouped into facility types according to their overall function. The categories are presented in the order in which a visitor might typically encounter them.
First are gateways. They signal a visitor's arrival onto protected park lands. They are often uniquely defined, reinforcing the idea that the visitor has entered a special place. |
Next, a visitor might move to one or more points of interest by way of the park's transportation systems. Traveling along winding motor roads, crossing narrow bridges and passing through tunnels are all evidence that the system has been carefully designed to fit into the natural landscape. Less intrusive, but equally important are the treatments of walking paths, and hiking and riding trails. |
A visitor might then stop at one of the park's information centers. Park museums, visitor centers, and information kiosks are just some of the places they will find educational materials and interpretive guides, and learn more about the natural and cultural resources of the park. |
Later still, a visitor might enjoy the services and atmosphere offered by one of the park's hotels and lodges. Whether they're there for overnight accommodations, a complete meal, or just to 'sit a spell', a visitor's experience is almost always heightened by the structure itself and its detailing. |
Probably the last aspect of a park's built environment a visitor is alerted to is its support facilities. This is intentional. Although these are 'behind the scenes' structures, they serve a critical role in ensuring a pleasant park experience. Therefore, it's important that facilities like staff housing, maintenance areas and power generating stations are conveniently located, yet sensatively designed to blend into the landscape. |