Publication Series
Field Division of Education National Youth Administration
Field Division of Education |

The Blackfoot, Julian H. Steward.
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
Field Division of Education, 1934. (HTML edition)

Preliminary Report on the Ethnography
of the Southwest, Ralph L. Beals. Berkeley, Calif.: U.S.
Department of the Interior National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1935. (HTML edition)

Chronology for Tumacacori National
Monument, with bibliography, H. E. Rensch. Berkeley, Calif.:
U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1934. (HTML edition)

A Brief Report on the Historical and Archeological Aspects of the
Missions of Northern Sonora : made October 12-29, 1935, Arthur
Woodward. Berkeley, Calif.: National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1935. (cover from 1993 University of Arizona Press edition)

A Report on the Geology of Devils
Tower National Monument, William L. Effinger. Berkeley, Calif.:
U.S. Department of the interior, National Park Service. Field Division
of Education, 1934. (HTML edition)

Tuzigoot, Louis R.
Caywood and Edward H. Spicer. Berkeley, Calif.: National Park Service,
Field Division of Education, July 1935. (HTML edition)

The History of Scotts Bluff,
Nebraska, Donald D. Brand. Berkeley, Calif.: Dept. of the
Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of Education, 1934. (HTML edition)

History of Glacier National Park : with
particular emphasis on the northern development, Ralph L. Beals.
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, Field
Division of Education, 1935.

Mount Rainier : Its Human History
Associations, H.E. Rensch. Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Department of
the Interior, National Park Service, 1935. (HTML edition)

Historical Background for the Rocky
Mountain National Park, Colorado, H.E. Rensch. Berkeley, Calif.:
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1935.

Zoology of Rocky Mountain National Park (pdf), Baxter L. Smith.
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
Field Division of Education, 1935. (HTML edition)

A Report on the Geology of Rocky
Mountain National Park, William L. Effinger. Berkeley, Calif.:
Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1935. (HTML edition)

Ethnology of Rocky Mountain National
Park: The Ute and Arapaho, Ralph L. Beals, Berkeley, Calif.:
Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1935. (HTML edition)

A Report on the Geology of the Southwestern United States
(pdf), William L. Effinger. Berkely, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
National Park Service, 1935.

Material Culture of the Pima, Papago,
and Western Apache, Ralph L. Beals, Berkeley, Calif.: Dept. of
the Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of Education,
1934. (HTML edition)

Navaho Life of Yesterday and
Today, Katharine Luomala, Berkeley, Calif.: Dept. of the
Interior, National Park Service, Western Museum Laboratories, 1938. (HTML edition)

Indian Tribes of Sequoia National
Park Region, Julian H. Steward, Berkeley, Calif.: Dept. of the
Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of Education, 1935. (HTML edition)

Outline of the Geology and
Paleontology of Scotts Bluff National Monument, William L.
Effinger. Berkeley, Calif.: Dept. of the Interior, National Park
Service, Field Division of Education, 1934. (HTML edition)

Dakota: Ethnology and History, John C. Ewers. Berkeley, Calif.:
Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Field Division of
Education, 1938.

National Park: A Bibliography, Hazel Hunt Voth and Carl P. Russell. Berkeley,
Calif.: Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, 1940.

National Park: A Bibliography, Hazel Hunt Voth and Harold Gill. Berkeley,
Calif.: Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, 1939.

A General
Index to Grand Canyon Nature Notes, 1926-1935, Hazel Hunt Voth,
Calif.: Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, 1938.

A General
Index to Yosemite Nature Notes, 1922-1936, Hazel Hunt Voth,
Calif.: Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, 1937.
National Youth Administration |

Amphibians and Reptiles Of the Navajo Country, Theodore H. Eaton, Jr.,
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Youth Administration (Project 6677-Y), 1937.

Birds Of the Navajo Country, Theodore H. Eaton, Jr. and Geraldine Smith,
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Youth Administration (Project 6677-Y), 1937.

Geology Of the Navajo Country, Theodore H. Eaton, Jr., Ruth N. Martius and Agnes J. Walker,
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Youth Administration (Project 6677-Y), 1937.

Mammals Of the Navajo Country, Theodore H. Eaton, Jr., Dorothy Morris and Ruth Morris,
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Youth Administration (Project 6677-Y), 1937.

Prehistoric Man In the Navajo Country, Theodore H. Eaton, Jr.,
Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service,
National Youth Administration (Project 6677-Y), 1937.
Last Updated: 09-May-2024