Cover: "Runaway Limber," by W. H. Shelton. Gettysburg National Military Park
Photo Abbreviations
The Second Day at Gettysburg

(The following essays are in PDF format)
The Confederate Deliberate Attack
William D. Hewitt, Lt. Col, U.S. Army (ret.)
Unwilling Witness to the Rage of Battle:
The Experience of Battle on July 2
D. Scott Hartwig
The Gap:
Meade’s July 2 Offensive Plan
Troy D. Harman
To Consider Every Contingency:
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet, Capt. Samuel R. Johnston, and the Factors that affected the Reconnaissance and Countermarch
Karlton D. Smith
On Such Slender Threads Does the Fate of Nations Depend:
The Second United States Sharpshooters Defend the Union Left
Timothy J. Orr
The Key to the Entire Situation:
The Peach Orchard, July 2, 1863
Eric A. Campbell
We Were Now Complete Masters of the Field:
Ambrose Wright’s Attack on July 2
Matt Atkinson
Our Position Was Finely Adapted to Its Use:
The Guns of Cemetery Hill
Bert H. Barnett

"Gettysburg Battle – The Second Day" by Regis DeTrobriand, showing the Wheatfield. Gettysburg National Military Park
CWLM Civil War Library and Museum
GNMP Gettysburg National Military Park, National Park Service
LC Library of Congress
MOLLUS-Mass. Military Order Loyal Legion United States - Massachusetts
NA National Archives
USAMHI United States Military History Institute
