Capturing and Collaring
Elk were trapped primarily during May 1985 in five portable corral
traps (Harper 1985) located in the Winema National Forest just south of
the park boundary. Traps were prebaited with salt and mineral blocks
during fall 1984 and 1985, and baits persisted through trapping periods
each of the following springs. Trapped elk were immobilized using
powdered succinylcholine chloride administered using a CO2
powered Cap-chur (TM) rifle and reloadable Pneu-darts. Immobilized cow
elk were fitted with color-coded Telonics radio-transmitter collars that
transmitted in the 151 mHz range. Sub-adult bulls and cows were marked
with numbered eartags and vinyl ear streamers.
Radio-tracking Procedures
Radio-collared elk were relocated for 18 months between May 1985 to
October 1986. Three seasonal periods were recognized for data
collection and analysis, including:
spring: | 15 May - 15 June, 1985, 1 April - 15 June 1986 |
summer: | 15 June - 15 October 1985, 1986 |
winter: | 1 November - 15 April 1985-86 |
Seasonal periods correspond to approximate dates of arrival of
radio-collared elk on discrete spring, summer, and winter ranges,
Due to seasonal differences in the accessibility of the study
animals, a variety of telemetry sampling schedules and techniques were
employed throughout the seasons. During spring, elk were easily
monitored from extensive road networks. Elk were relocated one to three
times daily during early morning, midday, and late-night sampling
periods. To obtain each relocation, bearings were taken from two to six
telemetry stations along roads until the elk's location could be
established by plotting bearings on a gridded map of the study area. To
minimize telemetry errors, telemetry stations were chosen as close as
possible to the elk's location, and such that angles of intersecting
bearings averaged between 60° - 120°. If bearings did not
intersect, if elk were further than 1 km from a road, or if accuracy of
the location was doubtful, telemetry equipment was used to approach the
elk and verify its location. Coordinates of such points were recorded
using a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system, for subsequent
assignments of vegetation classes of elk locations.
During winter, summer, and intervening migration periods, an attempt
was made to adhere to the same sampling schedule used during spring.
However, elk frequently inhabited remote roadless areas or areas that
were inaccessible because of deep snow, preventing a systematic sampling
regime. During such times, elk were relocated at least once a week from
fixed-wing aircraft equipped with strut-mounted yagi antennae. Attempts
were also made to approach each collared elk on the ground each week,
either on foot, horseback, or off-road vehicle. A total of 1-7
relocations of radio-collared elk were thus obtained each week depending
on season and ease of access.
Population Characteristics
Efforts to monitor herd numbers and composition were concentrated on
spring range in the Upper Klamath Basin, where elk could be observed
grazing in pastures without disturbing them. During April - May 1985,
prior to calving season, elk were counted each morning between 0530 and
0700 by driving a fixed route along pasture perimeters. The survey
route originated at the USFS Seven Mile Guard Station, proceeded east on
Seven Mile Road to Highway 62 and northwest on highway 62 to USFS Road
3227. All observed elk were classed as calves (<1 year old), adult
females (>1 year old), yearling males (spike antlers) or adult males
(branched-antlered males). No special efforts were made to obtain
visual contacts with elk during the remainder of the year, because dense
vegetation generally obscured portions of the herds, and because it was
felt that associated disturbance factors would bias habitat use
patterns. Nonetheless, all incidentally observed elk were classified
throughout the study, which yielded some supplemental information on
population characteristics.
Seasonal Movements and Home Range
Home range is the area used by an animal to obtain necessary
nutrients. shelter and security requirements, as well as potential mates
and areas for reproduction. These resources are obtained either within
a single annual home range or, as was the case in this study, among
several sequentially used seasonal home ranges connected by migratory
Home ranges of radio-collared elk were delimited for each seasonal
period using the harmonic mean method (Dixon and Chapman 1980). The
harmonic mean home range method generates contour intervals that
encompass specified percentages of the spatial distribution patterns of
animals. For this analysis, seasonal home ranges were based on contours
that encompassed 80% of the probability distribution of all elk
locations. Home ranges were based on composited locations of all
radio-collared elk to provide an overview of the population distribution
patterns. All maps of elk home ranges were generated using MCPAAL
software for IBM-compatible microcomputers (Stuwe and Blohowiak,
Habitat Use Patterns
Elk habitat use was evaluated by season to determine vegetation
characteristics that were used by radio-collared elk significantly more
(i.e., preference) or less (i.e., avoidance) than random use. The
analyses of vegetation types used by elk varied among the three seasonal
ranges, reflecting differences in vegetation maps available for the
areas. On the summer ranges within CRLA, vegetation had been classified
and mapped according to dominant overstory tree species (Walsh 1977).
On spring ranges of the Winema National Forest, stands were mapped
according to dominant overstory species, stand size-classes, and
densities. On winter ranges of the Rogue River National Forest,
vegetation had been mapped according to designated elk habitat
components and tree size-classes. Elk habitat components on winter
range included foraging areas (<60% shrub or tree overstory closure),
hiding cover (vegetation capable of hiding 90% of a standing elk at 200
feet), thermal cover (overstory >40 feet tall and >70 feet
enclosure), and optimal cover (dominant trees >21" dbh and >70%
crown closure. Additional descriptions of elk habitat components are
provided by Witmer et al. (1985).
Vegetation preferences (or avoidance) were determined by comparing
use by elk of each of those vegetation classes to their availability
within the seasonal composite home range. Seasonal use was determined
as the proportion of pooled telemetry locations that fell within a
vegetation class. Availability was determined as the proportion of a
composite home range area occupied by each vegetation class. Land areas
used to estimate availabilities of vegetation classes were measured
directly from vegetation maps using a digital planimeter. Use of
vegetation classes by elk that was significantly greater or less than
availability was detected using Bonferroni z-tests for equality of
proportions (Neu et al. 1974). Experiment-wise error rates for multiple
comparisons were controlled at p <10.