Ecology Of Elk Inhabiting Crater Lake National Park And Vicinity
by Kurt Jenkins, Kevin Cooper, Edward Starkey
National Park Service
Cooperative Park Studies Unit
College of Forestry
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331

Historically, Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) inhabited
western Oregon from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Crest, including
the area presently contained within Crater Lake National Park (CRLA).
Early settlers in the western foothills and valleys of the Cascades were
confronted with a seemingly endless supply of elk which they hunted
excessively for hides, meat and teeth. By the late 1880's the effects
of unrestricted harvest were evident; elk populations were depleted in
many areas throughout western Oregon and were reported to have
disappeared altogether from the Crater Lake area (Harper 1985). In an
effort to restore elk to the Oregon Cascades, they were completely
protected from hunting at the turn of the century, and populations were
later supplemented with Rocky Mountain elk from Yellowstone National
Park. In 1917, 15 such elk were transferred to CRLA, and together with
residual populations of native Roosevelt elk, they formed the nucleus
for elk herds that presently summer within the park.
Records of the reestablishment of elk to CRLA are incomplete. Elk
herds were reported in the high Cascades within and adjacent to CRLA in
1929, specifically on Mount Scott, Mount McLoughlin, and in Red Blanket
Canyon (Anon., 1929). By the late 1960's, CRLA was believed to be
visited each summer by a stable population of 50-75 elk. The first
systematic surveys of elk during the 1970's suggested that a minimum of
140-160 elk summered within the park (Manning 1974, Hill 1976).
Landowners in the Fort Klamath area south of CRLA reported seeing 40-60
elk feeding in their pastures each spring in the 1950's and 1960's.
However, 150 elk are now commonly counted during spring (John Toman,
Pers. Comm.). Such information, though not well documented, suggests
that the Crater Lake elk herd may have increased in the last decade.
Potential elk management problems in CRLA are common to relatively
small parks that contain only a small fraction of the available annual
range. Elk of CRLA cross several ownership boundaries in their annual
movements. Consequently, they are exposed to diverse management
practices which may influence population levels and distribution
patterns. Forests on the west slope of the Cascades are managed
intensively for wood-fiber production. Such management practices could
have both beneficial and adverse effects on elk numbers, depending on
cutting prescriptions, timing and spacing of cutting units, and factors
relating to human disturbance (Witmer et al. 1985). Additionally, elk
are subject to intensive sport hunting outside CRLA, which also could
have variable influences on park elk depending on elk movement patterns
in response to hunting seasons.
The first step to enable park managers and scientists to interpret
the effect of land management and hunting on elk is to determine
population characteristics, seasonal movements, and habitat use patterns
of park elk herds. Initially, the greatest need is for descriptive
information as a basis for identifying important management areas for
park elk, and for formulating and testing specific hypotheses for future
research. The objectives of this research in CRLA were:
- to determine indices of herd sizes and composition,
- to describe elk seasonal movements, migratory routes, and seasonal ranges,
- to determine habitat use patterns of elk within and adjacent to the park.
This research was conducted cooperatively by the National Park
Service (NPS), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), the
Klamath Indian Tribe, and the United States Forest Service (USFS), each
of which shared a common interest in Crater Lake elk and their habitats.
The National Park Service provided funding and personnel for this study
through the Cooperative Park Studies Unit at Oregon State University.
ODFW provided personnel, planning and materials for the construction of
elk traps and the ensuing elk trapping efforts. Oregon State Police
(OSP) provided pilots and aircraft for aerial radio-telemetry studies,
the Klamath Indian Tribe provided radio-telemetry equipment, and the
USFS and NPS provided housing. Individuals from each agency provided
logistical support, as well as the benefits of their individual
experiences in elk research and management. We would particularly like
to thank Jon Jarvis, Bob Benton, George Phillips, and Roger Andrasik of
CRLA, John Toman, Ralph Opp, Rick Werner, and Steve Hutchinson of ODFW,
Larry Throop and Jack Inman of USFS, Craig Bienz of the Klamath Tribe,
John Rizzo of OSP, and Carl Scheeler and Patricia Happe of the Oregon
State University Cooperative Park Studies Unit for all their generous