Results and Discussion
Capture and Collaring
Seventeen elk were trapped and immobilized in Upper Klamath Basin,
primarily during spring 1985 (Appendix A).
Eleven cow elk were successfully trapped and radio-collared; three
yearling males were successfully ear-tagged, and three adult cow elk
died during the capture process. Eighteen mg of succinylcholine
chloride was sufficient to immobilize adult cow elk, whereas only 14-16
mg was administered to yearling cows and bulls. Deaths of three adult
cow elk were related to trapping injuries or poor physical condition.
Population Characteristics
A total of 844 elk were observed during routine censuses in the
Upper Klamath Basin between 22 April - 24 May 1985. Numbers of elk
using pasturelands north and west of Seven Mile Road and Highway 62,
respectively, were low in late April, gradually increased to a peak on 8
May, and decreased steadily until the third week in May (Fig. 1). Those
data suggest a gradual arrival of spring migrants to the Upper Klamath
Basin in late April and throughout the first week of May. Although
timing of the arrival of elk to the Upper Klamath Basin undoubtedly
varies among years, reflecting differences in spring weather and
snowpack, our results suggest that trends of elk numbers in the Crater
Lake area could perhaps be monitored by conducting intensive spring
surveys of elk in pastures immediately to the south of CRLA in the Upper
Klamath Basin.

Fig. 1 Numbers of elk observed between 0530-0700 hrs. along an 8 mile
road transect through open pasture in the Upper Klamath Basin, 22 April -
24 May 1985.
Reasons for the sudden decrease in elk observations following May
8th are unknown; however, it coincided with several important factors,
including: (1) snow disappearance and greenup of adjacent forests and
clearcuts, (2) increased rancher activities in pastures, (3) arrival of
cattle in pastures, (4) increased wood cutting and recreational
activities in surrounding areas, and (5) onset of calving. The rather
abrupt arrival and dispersal of elk in the Upper Klamath Basin would
place narrow seasonal constraints on any future elk monitoring
activities in the Basin. Also, additional years of data would be
necessary to assess year-to-year variability in elk numbers, and hence,
the reliability of the trend index.
A total of 81 elk wee classified as calves or cows on summer ranges
within CRLA during 1986, and 220 were classified on spring range
adjacent to the park during 1985. Calf production as estimated from
summer counts was 55 calves per 100 cows, not accounting for neonates
that might have died prior to summer. Such productivity appeared to be
greater than average estimates of 27 calves per 100 cows obtained in
CRLA during the 1970's (Hill 1976). Hill suggested that the earlier
estimates may have been biased because many calves may not have been
observed when only portions of herds were counted. This commonly occurs
when calves form nursery groups on the perimeter of cow herds. If only
groups that contained both cows and calves are counted, then production
of calves during the 1970's averaged 60 calves per 100 cows, which as
Hill (1976) pointed out, is near the biotic potential of an elk herd.
Although productivity of elk herds in CRLA appears to be high, calf
ratios obtained during spring 1985 (25:100) were typical of those found
throughout western Oregon (Harper 1985, Witmer 1980) and Washington
(Jenkins 1981, Smith 1980). Sequential counts of calves and cows
obtained during summer and the following spring have frequently been
used as indices of calf survivorship. Unfortunately, overwinter
survival of calves cannot be compiled from our data because counts were
obtained during the spring prior to, rather than following, the summer
classification counts. However, assuming no large differences existed
in calf production between 1985 and 1986, comparisons of calf ratios
from summer 1985 (55:100) and spring 1985 (25:100) suggest large
reductions in the abundance of calves may occur over winter. Although
several authors have observed low calf survivorship in Roosevelt elk
(Witmer 1982, Merrill 1985), additional intensive surveys of calf ratios
on summer ranges, and on spring ranges south of the park will be needed
to better understand herd dynamics in CRLA. Such surveys will be very
difficult because all elk in each herd must be classified, not just the
easily observable portions of herds.
Seasonal Movements and Home Range
Radio-collared elk in the Crater Lake ecosystem migrated between
winter ranges on the west slope of the Cascades, spring ranges on the
east side, and summer ranges on the Cascade Crest. Spring migrations
averaged 35 km between winter range on the Rogue River National Forest
and spring range on the Winema National Forest. Late-spring migrations
to summer range within Crater Lake National Park added approximately 16
km to the total migration distance between winter and summer ranges.
Seasonal ranges of radio-collared elk are shown in Figs. 2-6, and are
described in greater detail below.
Cow elk trapped during spring in the Upper Klamath Basin
concentrated their activities along the eastern boundary of the Winema
National Forest from Seven Mile Guard Station north to the park
boundary. Elk arrived on spring range primarily between 20 April - 8
May during 1985, judging from the survey results (Fig. 1). During 1986,
some radio-collared elk arrived on spring range as early as 1 April, and
the majority had arrived by 21 April. Three late-comers did not arrive
until sometime after 3 May. Telemetry data indicated that migration
from winter to spring ranges was highly individualistic and occurred
over at least a one-month period.
Movements of radio-collared elk were generally quite predictable on
spring range. Most elk used clearcuts and private pastures along the
USFS boundary for late night and early morning foraging bouts, and
retreated westward to forested hillsides by day. Movements of two
radio-collared cows deviated from the norm. One cow (designated cow #2)
departed during early May 1985 and occupied a spring range partially
separate from the others along Annie Creek and Sun Creek near the park's
panhandle (Fig. 2). Another cow, one of the early spring arrivals and
the first elk trapped in 1985, traveled from Seven Mile Guard Station to
a location 15 km west across the Cascade Crest, where she remained for
10 days before returning to spring range.
Radio-collared elk used the same spring ranges both years (Figs.
2-3). Annual differences in the distribution of elk in 1985 and 1986
were related to the trapping effort in 1985 and the resulting
differences in sampling schedules. In 1985, we did not begin actively
radio-tracking elk until most elk were captured in late May. In 1986,
all except one elk were already radio-collared when they arrived on
spring range, and they were radio-tracked beginning in early April.
Distribution patterns of radio-collared elk in 1986 delineate the spring
range of CRLA elk, whereas data from 1985 represent the late-season
transition to summer range and the distribution of collared elk during
calving season. Primary calving grounds of CRLA elk were in the remote
headwaters of Seven Mile Creek, Dry Creek and the surrounding areas.

Fig. 2 - Elk home ranges, Spring 1985.

Fig. 3 - Elk home ranges, Spring 1986.
Migration of radio-collared elk from spring range to summer range
consisted of gradual westerly and northerly upslope movements from the
spring range. Migration to summer range had no discrete starting date,
but distributions of elk began to shift in mid-May. Most elk were
observed in the southern portion of their summer range near Goose Nest
Mountain by 15 June 1985 and 1986.
Radio-collared elk returned to the same summer ranges both years
(Fig. 4-5). The majority of radio-collared elk summered from the south
slopes of Goose Nest Mountain throughout the west side of the park north
to Highway 62. Composite home ranges of radio-equipped elk were
approximately 60-75% within the park. Cow #2 inhabited a summer range
in the Crater Peak area separate from the remaining collared elk. These
two home range areas, in the southwest and southeast of the park,
correspond to two previously identified concentration areas of elk in
CRLA (Manning 1974, Hill 1974). None of our radio-collared elk
inhabited the northern half of the park, although previous investigators
and our observations indicated lesser numbers of elk also inhabit the
northern half of the park, primarily in the northwest. In October 1985,
a radio-collared bull elk from another study, collared in the Umpqua
drainage, was located in the northwestern corner of the park. He
remained there until early November, then he joined elk from the
southwest corner of the park and migrated with them to winter range.

Fig. 4 - Elk home ranges, Summer 1985.

Fig. 5 - Elk home ranges, Summer 1986.
Migration of radio-collared elk from summer to winter range varied
between 1985 and 1986. During 1985, 10 inches of snow fell in
mid-September causing elk to move downslope toward spring range for
three days. They returned to summer range as the snow melted. During
the third week in October, snow accumulated to two feet on summer range,
again forcing elk to their spring range near Seven Mile Guard Station,
where they remained for two weeks. The elk crossed over the Cascade
Crest to the upper basins of Red Blanket Canyon in early November, and
moved slowly down Red Blanket Creek arriving on winter range in
mid-November (Fig. 6). Cow #2, from the Crater Peak area, remained on
spring range near Annie Creek for two weeks and then migrated through
4-5 feet of snow on the Cascade Crest down the Middle Fork of the Rogue
River between 25-29 November.

Fig. 6 - Elk home ranges, Winter 1985-86.
During 1968, early winter storms deposited 54" of snow in September
and drove nine of eleven elk down Red Blanket Creek directly to the
winter range. Subsequent warm weather and snowmelt allowed
radio-collared elk to disperse widely back on summer range within CRLA.
They may also have returned to their summer range due to hunting
pressure after this heavy snow. The elk again returned to their winter
range for the season after heavy snow in October, 1986.
Winter ranges of most collared elk were located at elevations
between 2800' - 4000' at the mouth of Red Blanket Canyon, near its
juncture with the Rogue Valley. During November 1955, 1-2 feet of snow
forced the elk onto Red Blanket floodplain near Prospect. As the snows
melted, the elk concentrated on the bench known as Buck Flats. This
lies between the mouth of the Middle Fork of the Rogue and the mouth of
Red Blanket Creek. They also moved up to the bench north of the mouth
of Red Blanket Creek. Snowpack was light to absent during the winter of
1985-1986, and the elk remained above the floodplain moving upward into
the old-growth forests near Bessie Rock during March and before spring
migration. Two radio-collared elk, one of which was number 2 from the
Crater Peak Area, wintered up the Middle Fork of the Rogue Valley (Fig.
Seasonal Habitat Use Spring
Availability and use of habitats were evaluated within the composite
home range of elk during spring 1986. The composited spring range of
elk consisted of 83% silviculturally managed forest, 11% managed
pasture, and 6% non commercial or other forest types (Table 1). Shelterwood harvesting was the most prevalent
cutting prescription, although clearcuts which were common in lodgepole
pine forests covered approximately 6% of the spring range. The majority
of forests were dominated by white fir and lodgepole pine.
Radio-collared elk used many vegetation classes in proportion to
their availability during spring (Table 1). White fir
forests were the only cover type preferred by elk. White fir stands
corresponded primarily to densely-stocked stands of medium-sized
sawtimber, which correspondingly were also selected. Radio-collared elk
avoided forest/pasture communities, which were forests within the
pasture fenceline. Those stands were used intensively as bedding
grounds by cattle and contained highly trampled understories. As a
general diurnal pattern, elk were found in pasture, clearcuts, or
partially cut stands during early morning and evening feeding periods,
and they retreated to hillside forests, mainly densely-stocked stands of
white fir, from mornings to afternoons. Such forests may have provided
elk both with seclusion from high levels of human disturbance associated
with roadways, and thermal protection from high mid-day temperatures
that are common to the region.
Table 1. Availability (%) and use of (%) vegetation classes
by elk during Spring 1986 in the Upper Klamath Basin, OR. (n=307 elk
Vegetation Class | Availability | Use |
Cover Type |
Lodgepole pine | 14.2 | 12.3 |
Mountain hemlock/White fir | 0.5 | 0.0 |
Ponderosa pine | 1.3 | 2.6 |
Shasta red fir | 0.2 | 1.0 |
White fir | 61.4 | 69.9(+)a |
Clearcut | 5.6 | 3.6 |
Pasture | 10.8 | 7.8 |
Unclassified (Grazed) | 5.8 | 2.6(-)a |
Nonuseableb | 0.2 | 0.0 |
Tree Size Class |
Shrub-sampling | 7.0 | 6.4 |
Pole | 16.3 | 10.1(-) |
Medium saw timber | 36.0 | 54.1(+) |
Large saw timber/pole | 15.0 | 13.2 |
Large saw timber | 7.5 | 8.1 |
Otherc | 18.2 | 8.1(-) |
Tree Stocking Class |
Poor | 0.4 | 0.3 |
Medium | 7.2 | 10.2 |
Sparse/Well | 14.9 | 12.9 |
Well | 51.7 | 62.4(+) |
Otherc | 25.8 | 14.l(-) |
a (-) and (+) symbolize use significantly less than or
greater than availability, respectively.
b nonuseable habitats include seed orchard, gravel or paved
c Other habitats include unclassified or non-commercial
forested lands.
High elevation summer ranges primarily consisted of Shasta red fir
and mountain hemlock/red fir forests (Table 2). A
variety of other less extensive forest types comprised the remainder of
the composite home range. During both summers, elk used red fir forests
less than expected on the basis of availability and mountain hemlock/red
fir forests significantly more than expected. Although used less than
availability, red fir forests still contained an average of 22% of all
the elk observations on summer range and should, together with mountain
hemlock/red fir, be considered important components of the park habitat.
Such forests contain locally dense patches of smooth woodrush, which
may be important elk forage on CRLA ranges (Hill 1974). A variety of
lodgepole pine communities were selected or were used in proportion to
availability and were important elk habitats in the southern part of the
Table 2. Availability (%) and use (%) of vegetation cover
classes by elk during summers 1985-86 in Crater Lake National Park and
Vegetation Cover Class | 1985 (n=160)
1986 (n=84)
Availability | Use | Availability | Use |
Brush | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.0(-) |
Douglas-fir | 0.9 | 0.0(-)a | 1.1 | 0.0(-) |
Grass/Sedge | 0.1 | 0.0 | 0.1 | 0.0 |
Lodgepole/Pumice | 7.2 | 5.0 | 7.6 | 7.1 |
Lodgepole/Ponderosa | 5.4 | 11.9(+)a | 6.5 | 6.0 |
Lodgepole/Red Fir/Mountain Hemlock | 4.0 | 8.1 | 4.7 | 8.3 |
Mountain Hemlock | 5.4 | 4.4 | 4.6 | 6.0 |
Mountain Hemlock/Red Fir | 28.5 | 51.9(+) | 29.3 | 41.7 |
Ponderosa | 4.4 | 0.0(-) | 5.2 | 1.2 |
Red Fir | 40.4 | 18.l(-) | 39.8 | 26.2(-) |
White Fir | 3.2 | 0.0(-) | 0.2 | 3.6 |
Nonuseable | 0.4 | 0.0(-) | 0.4 | 0.0 |
a (-) and (+) symbolize use significantly less than or
greater than availability, respectively.
Silviculturally managed forests in a variety of age- and
size-classes made up more than 95% of the composited home range of elk
in the Rogue Valley (Table 3). Clearcuts, less than
20 years old, primarily in the shrub-sapling developmental stage,
comprised nearly 17% of the winter range. The pole stage of forest
development, 21-60 years post-logging, made up 28% of the winter range.
Pole stages corresponded to stands that were classed as either elk
hiding cover or as hiding cover plus foraging area. A variety of sawlog
and silviculturally overmature timber classes comprised the majority of
the remaining winter range. Most of those forests were classed as elk
thermal cover.
Table 3. Availability (%) and use (%) of vegetation classes
by elk during Winter 1985-86 in the Rogue River Valley, OR. (n=164 elk
Vegetation Class | Availability | Use |
Elk Habitat Class |
Foraging Area | 24.2 | 31.1 |
Hiding Cover | 4.7 | 12.2(+)a |
Hiding Cover/Forage | 25.2 | 30.5 |
Thermal Cover | 37.6 | 19.5(-) |
Optimal Cover | 0.3 | 6.1(+) |
Otherb | 8.0 | 0.6(-) |
Tree Size Class |
Grass-Forb | 0.3 | 1.2 |
Shrub-seedling (<0.9" dbh) | 16.9 | 21.3 |
Pole (1.0 - 8.9" dbh) | 28.4 | 40.9(+) |
Small sawlog (9.0 - 20.9" dbh) | 18.8 | 13.4 |
Large sawlog (21.0" + dbh) | 2.3 | 1.2 |
Overmature (21.0" + dbh) | 29.3 | 22.0 |
Otherb | 4.1 | 0.0(-) |
a (-) and (+) symbolize use significantly less than or
greater than availability, respectively (p<0.l0)
b other habitats include unclassified or non-commercial
forested lands.
Elk demonstrated a clear preference for both hiding cover and
optimal cover on winter range. Optimal cover, so designated because it
provides both optimum cover and foraging values during severe winter
weather, made up a very small proportion of the winter range, but
received high use by elk. The winter of this study was mild, and snow
accumulations rarely exceeded more than 4" from December to spring.
Optimal cover may have even greater importance as elk habitat during
severe winters.
Foraging areas and stands of mixed hiding cover and foraging areas
were neither preferred nor avoided by elk, but together they received
high use (>60%). The close agreement between the availability (50%)
and use (60%) of foraging areas by elk suggests that they may exist
currently in a nearly optimum proportion of the winter range to satisfy
forage requirements of the population. High preference of cover
relative to forage, however, suggests that cover values may currently be
more limiting to elk than forage. Creation of new foraging areas will
be necessary to sustain wintering elk populations as the current
foraging areas succeed to hiding and thermal cover. We suspect that the
greatest challenge facing integrative forest and elk habitat management
on this winter range in the future will be in providing replacement
foraging areas without further diminishing important cover values.